Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Opinion: Reverend Terry Jones and his intention to burn Qurans

At the onset, I must proclaim my support of the human right to religious freedom. I have no religious affiliation but respect the rights of those who do.  It is not my intent to degrade or belittle any religion.

The following was taken from AOL news on September 7, 2010 concerning  Reverend Terry Jones intention to burn Qurans: http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/preacher-terry-jones-prays-about-his-decision-to-burn-quran/...
"We realize that this action will indeed offend people, offend the Muslims," he told CNN   today. But, he said, "we cannot back off the truth of the dangers of radical Islam just because people are going to be offended." Speaking in front of a sign that read, "International Burn a Koran Day," the pastor told CNN, "We are definitely praying about it." But he stopped short of vowing to go through with the plan.
George Bush used the same genre of  logic to justify the war in Iraq.  This is the same kind of thinking that is practiced by Al-Queda. It is a self serving form of religious radicalism. Reverend Jones is using religion and a soft form of violence to incite hate and promote strife intead of peace and unity. Historically as a result of this kind of thinking, the whole of mankind has suffered at the hands of a few. How much longer will we ask of ourselves whether we have evolved beyond the barbarism our the past?  Religions have come and gone, but the basis of our evil has not changed for millennia. We are still ignorant of the facts of  Creation, Creation being all that is. It is not our technological prowess or religious understanding which determines our level of evolution.  Creation was here long before either.  It is our understanding and application of the laws of Creation which do so and without which we will continue on a spiralling path to destruction.

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