Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Opinion: Reasons for climate change skepticism

Though it is obvious to many of us that global warming is upon us and that it is being escalated by human activity, there still remain those among us who continue to deny this fact. Despite the millions of recent weather refugees, ecological devastation, and weather anomalies which are now becoming the norm, these detractors continue to spew their rhetoric insisting that everything is just fine. Some of these individuals are highly respected and very influential. It must be assumed that they are reasonably intelligent. They claim to represent the views of a majority of Americans. Given the undeniable facts and assuming reasonable intelligence among these individuals, how is it that they can come to a completely different conclusion than those of us who acknowledge that yes, indeed, global warming is occurring? For someone to categorically deny what is obvious to others in this case there must be something at stake of very high value for them. And in fact there is. They risk losing much both idealistically and monetarily. To acknowledge that there is climate change and that human activity is contributing significantly to it, the way we live on this planet would have to change dramatically, Excessive production and use of our natural resources and the over consumption of such would have to cease. This would undermine the entire current economic system. Those in power and of influence could potentially lose their way of life. Furthermore, the ideals of the past concerning the definition of success, status and who should be in control would be significantly altered. Values would have to shift. We could no longer practice the selfish, predatory sort of capitalism we practice today. We would have to live more consciously. We would have to consider the effects of our actions on a global scale. We would have to take responsibility for living and consuming recklessly in the past. Our lifestyles would become more modest and introspective instead of extravagant and outwardly motivated. There is a great deal to be lost by the selfish few who exploit and control our planet, by wielding their influence. And those who possess the greatest amount of power and influence may very well fight until the bitter end to maintain the status quo. The problem is that they are fighting a losing battle. There is no choice in this matter.

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