Sunday, April 10, 2011

450th Contact - Wednesday, May 30th 2007, Part VII

The following excerpts were taken from and were published by Michael Horn.

Billy: Still a question in regard to the letter, "To All Governments and Other Responsible Ones of the World": there are entire groups of renowned scientists, among which are also Nobel Prize carriers, who stubbornly assert that the whole matter of climate change is nothing more and nothing less than just panic-mongering and a mendacious story in which not a single word corresponds to the truth.

Truly, climate change deals with a purely natural process, which practically periodically always repeats itself again which is demonstrated, for example, through analyses of layers of earth and layers of ice which are brought into the light of day from great depths.

All that contradicts the statements of those scientists who say the exact opposite and offer different investigation results, as it also, however, contradicts your statements and explanations.

Ptaah: That is known to me.

The deniers of the actual truth push an irresponsible know-it-all-ism which is based on blatant stupidity, ignorance of the truth and on irresponsibility.

That is also the case when the know-it-alls call themselves scientists and puff themselves up with titles such as Doctor and Professor.

Naturally, what corresponds to the indisputable truth is that, periodically, incisive changes in the climate come about on the Earth and evoke enormous upheavals, which corresponds to nature as well as to the activity of the planet and its rotation around the Sun as well as the activity of the Sun and cosmic influences.

And the effects of these periodic climatic changes are stored as provable traces in the realm of the earth, just as on, and in, the ice of the glaciers and the Arctic and Antarctic.

But now, what has already been happening in the whole of nature for a very long time, as well as in the current time and will in the future time, in regard to climate change, and all the changes resulting from it - like the monstrous storms, earthquakes and volcanic activities out of which much havoc and death comes about for the humans, all the creatures and the animal world, as well as the most serious devastations and destructions - no longer has anything to do with the natural, periodic climatic changes, and so forth.

Truly, the climate change, which already began to develop decades ago, which presently exists and which is degenerating very much further, is singly and alone evoked and still further driven on as a result of the fault of terrestrial humanity.

Therefore, the true blame for the already existing climate catastrophe is borne, singly and alone, by the Earth human, who, as a result of his lack of reason, has produced a blatant overpopulation which can no longer be coped with by terrestrial nature and the planet.

That is, therefore, because, through this overpopulation, unending problems were created which were created due to the demand for many and diverse goods as well as due to the discharge of poisonous and climate-destroying emissions.

The more numerous the terrestrial human population became, the greater became all the problems resulting from it, through which the climate and nature are destroyed.

And the greater the increase in overpopulation, the greater become all the problems which emerge from it, which can no longer be brought under control.

But that means that, in the future, all problems, in regard to the destruction of nature, atmosphere, waters, land and climate, increase further and become much worse yet.

However, that thereby irresponsible know-it-alls - in particular those in any relationship to scientists with doctoral and professorial titles who are devoid of responsibility - publicly still offer their nonsense and lead terrestrial humanity into error with their stupidity; that should be punishable, because their acts are criminal.

That is because, as a result of the false information, the Earth humans are strengthened in their resolve to further behave and work irresponsibly, whereby the terrestrial population increases still further instead of it being reduced through definitive and regulated procedures for a cessation of births, so that all problems are reduced and nature as well as the climate can again regenerate, which at any rate, will demand a very long time should the Earth human finally become reasonable.

But as long as the majority of terrestrial humanity holds firmly to its dubious freedom, does, and is allowed to do, what it wants - therefore also producing descendents in abundance according to its own judgment, as well as destroying nature, the climate and the planet as it pleases - nothing will change for the better, rather it will only bring still bigger problems.

Effective freedom does not mean doing and being allowed to do what corresponds to one's own will, rather, freedom means that responsibility is comprehensively taken on and borne, for life, the planet, the climate, nature and for all forms of life.

Billy: Well roared, lion.

Your words are again powerful and good.

It is a requirement for me to publish your statements in one of the next bulletins.

Ptaah: Still to say is that, as a rule, all the irresponsible gentlemen doctors and professors, and so forth, who name themselves scientists, and dispute the climate debacle, earn much money with their nonsense, because they often work, profit-greedily, for multinational industries, and so forth, and construct for them, through false climate models, analyses which are foreign to the truth, and which have nothing to do with reality and truth.

Through the trivialising and twisting of the real truth, the powerful ones of industry, and many others, as even also the disputers of the truth, earn - as you always say - golden noses.

The multinational industries can further sell their excessively overly expensive products to governments, firms, companies and to private clientele.

In the same context, however, that also applies to all those who make horrendous profits through panic-mongering in regard to climate change, because an extreme exaggeration in this regard - as well as in regard to plagues and illnesses as well as racial hatred, and so forth - leads to conspicuous profiteering.

The fact is that the climate change, which is currently occurring, initially began quite naturally in the context of the emerging periodic cycle. That cannot be disputed.

What has however resulted since then due to the Earth humans' irresponsible, destructive influence in regard to climate change, amounts today to around 75 percent, whereby in this regard not only CO2 and CFC are to blame, rather also methane and many kinds of other poisonous substances.

And the fact is that the present climatic upheaval has developed to the current position in only a few decades which constitutes an abnormality without compare because every natural climate change proceeds and results over hundreds and not seldom even over thousands of years.

Through the humans' irresponsible and destructive interference with nature and with the atmosphere, however, an abnormal climate change has resulted in a few decades and brought havoc over Earth humanity and the planet, as is not the case as a result of a natural transformation of the climate.

If the havoc, which was conjured up by the Earth human, is analysed, then there are many kinds of factors to name, which have called forth the climate change.

It is not only the excessively generated CO2, methane gas, CFC and all other poisonous substances, rather also the building over of the countryside, the breaking through of mountains, the hollowing out of the Earth for gas, coal, ore and crude oil, the damming of rivers for enormous lakes as well as monstrous explosions through which the structure of the planet is shaken.

Also the pollution of the waters, the felling and destruction of the rainforests, the contamination of the atmosphere and the destruction of the forests and fields for construction purposes, as well as the monstrous extent of poisonous emissions, and so forth, are factors which decisively contribute to the destruction of the climate.

That is also the case even when the scientists and responsible ones do not recognised this likewise fundamental fact as wicked evil.

Collectively really everything together contributes to the entire evil.

But in addition, all the many other problems still come, which likewise, singly and alone, as all of the aforementioned, come about as a result of the spreading overpopulation and always become more numerous and bigger.

Enormous problems, which, however in regard to the entire matter, are not taken into regard and are not recognised by the world's scientists and responsible ones, nor generally by the Earth humans.

In addition, to count along with many other things are also the energy problems, climbing criminality, serious felony, religious hate, plagues, epidemics, pandemics and illnesses, xenophobia and the hatred of ones neighbour, and racial hatred.

Also to name are the wars and insurrections, the greed for profit, the lack of drinking water, hunger, destruction of the family as well as the loss of interpersonal relationships and the greed for wealth, sexual degeneration, pedophilia, degenerate spare-time pleasures, and life-endangering kinds of sport as well as fanatical enthusiasm and so on, and so forth.

Billy: How right you are, but all the know-it-alls, tyrants, inexpert ones, irresponsible and irrational ones will not listen to that.

What I, however, still want to ask: have you new predictions?

Ptaah: That is unfortunately so, because irrationality and irresponsibility govern the Earth humans.

For the next weeks there are no extraordinary events to report.

Indeed, in the entire world, enormous storms result which evoke serious floods and destruction whereby also Switzerland, the USA, Australia, China and Europe, and so forth, will be struck and also will have dead to lament, as also will be the case with great droughts and heat in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and so forth, yet everything is no longer extraordinary, as I already said.

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