Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Adventures of Billy Meier!

"The Adventures of Billy Meier!" is a comic strip type presentation of certain information in the Meier case that is especially important for humanity to know about. It is hoped that many people who may not otherwise see, or read, this information will find it more accessible in this highly visual format, leading them to a deeper level of discovery.
Episode One concerns the Red Meteor, also known as the Apophis asteroid, and the extreme danger it poses to the planet and humanity in the coming decades. And, since it is the next generation that will have to certainly face the consequences of the impact of Apophis with the Earth, should an international effort not be successfully enacted, it's hoped that this will give them the needed impetus to help assure their future survival.
We are starting with the English language version of the specific portion of the text that pertains to the situation. Other language versions will follow. Click here for the full transcript of the translation and here for more information about the entire matter.
Also, in all the contacts from 1975 on, Meier was required to sequentially number each of the sentences spoken by each of the extraterrestrials. The main reason for this was to assure that all copies of the transcripts, in any and all languages into which they would ultimately be translated, would have the same exact information, thereby also assuring that Meier hadn't gone back and inserted accurate information after the fact, as he was certain to be accused of doing. Indeed, this mechanism has helped to show just how impeccably prophetically accurate the information is.
With that in mind, we are also hoping that by publishing some of these prophetic warnings in this illustrated form that enough people will become aware of, and motivated by, it and take action to prevent those negative events that can still be prevented, or at least somewhat changed for the better.

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