Monday, August 30, 2010


Attached is a link to an article just published. I think it's exciting news about the progress being made in revealing what I believe to be the most important information man has been privy to in many centuries. With all that we know today, one would be hard pressed not to believe that there is life beyond our planet.  The universe is vast beyond comprehension. It is even difficult to imagine the true size of the sun for many of us. I have believed in UFO's since my early adulthood. Unfortunately, the majority of information available on this subject turns out not to be true.

About five years ago, I was informed about Though there is much information about UFO's, what kept me intrigued was the accuracy of the prophetic information I found at this site.  Some of the predictions were made as far back as the early fifties and came to fruition decades later. Later, the Spiritual teachings became significant to me. I noticed that the teachings mirrored my own.  Some of the teachings were difficult to accept as I had been ingrained with different information for so many years. But as I continued to study and research I came to a more clear understanding.

At any rate I think the information in the following link should spark some interest:

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