Friday, January 20, 2012

Open Letter To All Fellow Men

"Dear Mesdames, dear Sirs,

This letter is addressed to all fellow men on all continents and to all nations and its races. It is based on the observation that all life is just as much valuable and no life is that more or less valuable. I direct my words from a face to face and at the same eye level to you.
There is so much disaster on this beautiful planet, environmental degradation, terrorism, violence in the families, predatory attacks, slaughter and war. There is a source to all these evils. The source lies in ourselves alone, not outside, not somewhere else in the hands of a god or a saint.
Out of this source proceeds everything we humans achieve in actions and doings, because it ncludes the self-determination. So it is as a very own part, an instrument of the human life-form, trough which we can do whatever we want"....

Open Letter To All Fellow Men

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