Monday, January 30, 2012

OM – The Book of Books – The Book of Truth

OM – The Book of Books – The Book of Truth

"The word of truth is given, and this is wholly sufficient to reveal the teaching of the truth for any who are willing to make and to bear the effort of learning through their own power."

Friday, January 27, 2012

Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

If, as some people might think, Meier somehow guessed or fabricated all of this specific, prophetically accurate information, it would be logical to assume that there would have to be an even more enormous body of randomly generated erroneous information such as would be produced by the proverbial 10,000 monkeys banging away on typewriters on their way to, presumably, eventually type out a play of Shakespeare's. Unfortunately for the skeptics, there simply is no such voluminous body of inaccurate work. And it's easy to prove this since most of the information validated so far has been culled from a couple of thousand pages of the earliest English translations of the Contact Reports published by Meier primarily between 1975 and 1979, with additional information excerpted from contacts in the 1980s and 1990s. In all cases, nothing has been added or subtracted from the original texts as those who already have possessed them for many years can affirm. And, for those who don't own the texts themselves, there are sufficient copies in circulation that it can be easily proven. Let me also add that there are still thousands of pages of un-translated German texts and some unofficial English translations that contain additional, already published, prophetic information awaiting scrutiny.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chapter 7 - EARTH

Chapter 7 - EARTH

Humans on Earth should understand that the way in which they exploit the planet, robs its fundamental life force by depriving it of its oil, gas, and different ores. The effects of this cause the Earth to suffer shifts inside that lead to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. This is because the Earth is slowly breaking down into itself.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

"Those who have acquired sufficient wisdom and live according to the laws, permit not even the slightest harming of creatures, when they are without fault." Source

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chapter 8 - HUMANITY

Chapter 8 - HUMANITY

Truth is absolute and not simply suggestions. For the common-thinking humans that have been led astray by religion, their lives are fully susceptible to bad suggestions, fancied imaginations, heresies, and acceptances of delusion. The only chance and the only way to remove these hurts is to recognize all human fancies, observe truth, and let it govern over the highest creational-spiritual forces. All invalid suggestions and human fantasies become corrected when human beings notice, “I am a part of Creation, which enlivens my spirit”. When humans realize their fantasies and illusions through recognition of the creational-spiritual force, truth, and reality, their eagerness for life is not lowered. Instead, their lives unfold and drive to unexpected heights. Only truth is valid and always remains truth. Truth can be relied upon for all of eternity and is never, under any circumstances, in need of correction. Truth never needs to be corrected for another time. It will always remain the same and sounds the same, even if it is told with other words. It is a rock, which can be built upon for all times and in all spaces. Truth existed before life and it will exist afterwards. That which only exists for a short time is a danger, delusion, and a heresy. Creation and truth are always the same. They are always equally ever-lasting and of eternal equal worth. They never change, either in name or form because Creation and truth are without name and form. Thus, humanity should cling to Creation because only Creation is the truth. Truth, as with Creation itself, is eternal and cannot perish. It is perfect and worth all of human energies because in this, they will not be led astray. When humans cling to the truth, they remain balanced in calmness, joy, knowledge, love, strength, and wisdom in all matters. Only the Creation is infinite wisdom and truth without any error.

Understanding The Term “Creation”

Understanding The Term “Creation”

Of decisive significance thereby are patience and endurance and the development of higher understanding, recognition and application of cosmic and universal love, deepening of spiritual knowledge and ability and deepening of knowledge and ability pertaining to the consciousness, as well as the switching off of material-intellectual thought-powers such as egoism, materialism, pride, envy, greed and jealousy, and so forth, because only this guarantees the recognition and following of the creational laws.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Man has made everything subservient to him through his intellect and reasoning, and by arranging and manipulating everything around him. His ambitions thrive only on this subordination. Appearance has become far more important to him than the truth of Being. He lost the eternal truth of the spirit and Creation in its basic elements, and has clung since earliest times to unrealistic doctrines of cults. Due to his self-delusion, he valued enslaving and false doctrines far more than all the laws and commandments in their truth and wisdom. Because of his extremely poor, confused, cult-religious philosophy of life, man believed that by rejecting the true Creative laws and commandments, and by creating orders based on human laws, he could reform mankind in accordance with these unrealistic cults or lead it to a better future of improved living potential. Having lost the knowledge of Creation's essence in man, he wanted to force other human beings into living, using materialistic means and false religious doctrines. That is why he has enchanted the masses of terrestrial mankind with false promises, false ideals, and idols associated with false doctrines of cults. Within a short time this path led to enslavement, consciousness' constraint, exploitation, hatred, greed, and vice of the gravest extent. Wherever a remnant of trust has remained, man soon transformed it rapidly and incessantly into vicious distrust and deadly hatred. The Earthling has gradually removed himself ever more from a true life, from the spiritual intent that originated in Creation. Man has lost his knowledge of the most ancient truth and wisdom, namely, that he is the criterion for all Creative things, in creation of Creation's own perfection within itself. Source

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The twelve "Commandments"

Moses falsified the "Commandments" – Recommendations 11 and 12 are absent from the "10 Commandments of Christianity".

In the Decalogue/Dodecalogue the following is explained about this:
Verse 615. The person also omitted the two remaining recommendations, which were passed to the person, as once they were to Moses on Mt. Sinai who, in exactly the same way, however, in selfishness and thirst for ...power, never ever revealed them.


1. You shall have no mights and gods, tin gods and saints next to Creation.

2. You shall honour the name of Creation and not misuse it.

3. You shall make every day a day of festivity and honour (control) it.

4. You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery.

5. You shall honour Creation just as you honour, esteem and love your father and mother.

6. You shall not kill in degeneracy.

7. You shall not rob and expropriate.

8. You shall not bear false witness against the truth, Creation and life.

9. You shall never and never speak an untruth.

10. You shall not greedily covet material riches and your next one’s possessions.

11. Do not curse the truth.

12. Never and never put Creation's recommendations and Creation's laws into unworthy cults.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

A means of food production should be strived for on Earth among all people and these goods should be distributed in such a manner that the misery of hunger no longer develops and, therefore, all people have enough food.  Source


Open Letter To All Fellow Men

"Dear Mesdames, dear Sirs,

This letter is addressed to all fellow men on all continents and to all nations and its races. It is based on the observation that all life is just as much valuable and no life is that more or less valuable. I direct my words from a face to face and at the same eye level to you.
There is so much disaster on this beautiful planet, environmental degradation, terrorism, violence in the families, predatory attacks, slaughter and war. There is a source to all these evils. The source lies in ourselves alone, not outside, not somewhere else in the hands of a god or a saint.
Out of this source proceeds everything we humans achieve in actions and doings, because it ncludes the self-determination. So it is as a very own part, an instrument of the human life-form, trough which we can do whatever we want"....

Open Letter To All Fellow Men

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

"Those who have acquired sufficient wisdom and live according to the laws, permit not even the slightest harming of creatures, when they are without fault. Source

Sunday, January 15, 2012

System and Order

This is an excellent explaination of the need for system and order in our lives to promote peace, joy and contentedness.

System and Order

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Gods of the Earth were Human

(Minor translation improvements made in February 2007)

OM  52:8

January 12th, 2005 - Vivienne Legg

Around the world there continues to be interest, as well as heated dialogue concerning the mass of physical evidence of extraterrestrials provided by the Plejaren, the human extraterrestrial people who have maintained intense contact for several decades with Swiss man, Eduard Meier. But there’s far more to this story, which goes a long way to explaining why the facts surrounding this case have been so successfully and relentlessly obscured.

The Plejaren have facilitated the re-delivery of the uncorrupted, universal spiritual teachings for Earth humanity, and thus they have exposed the spirit-enslaving, evolution-stunting nature of religion.

Claims and controversy continue to swirl around the ongoing case of Billy Meier and the extraterrestrials who have been visiting and guiding him since the 1940s. This fantastic sounding story received world wide media attention in the 1970s but then fell out of the media focus. Meier was savagely branded a hoaxer. Stupid and malicious arguments still rage against the authenticity of his “too-good-to-be-true” hundreds of daytime photos, film segments and other hard evidence which was provided by these advanced people. Smaller arguments also continue around the prophetic material and the exquisitely detailed astronomical information given to Meier before it was discovered by Earth scientists. But these ET people didn’t come just to demonstrate the reality of advanced ET technology, certain astronomical facts and the obstinate and idiotic nature of Earth people, or even just to dissuade us from becoming a menace in the cosmic neighborhood. They came, in an act of love, to show us that our world is gripped by spirit-enslaving, evolution-robbing, false religious teachings, which had been set in train on Earth millennia ago by some of their own distant ancestors, who were intent on subjugating the primitive people by misrepresenting themselves as creator gods. The resulting madness and delusion has brought us to the brink of global catastrophe, despite necessarily strident warnings given over the millennia.

 This matter – the exposure of the deception of Earth religions - is largely what has kept the Meier case obscured, including, even especially, within the ufology community, which is among the first to pour on ill-informed or ill-motivated scorn and bile. It is the main reason Billy Meier is the subject of such constant and vicious attacks, which have even included many attempts on his life. And this is the reason that the true nature of the teachings, promoted by the Plejaren, Meier and the highly advanced spirit forms, is still so poorly understood. This is why it is avoided, or distorted and ridiculed, by people working at all levels at keeping this message from taking hold. The message of the Plejaren and Meier threatens the highest political and religious powers on this planet; manifestly insane powers who, exploiting our weakened understanding of our true spiritual capabilities, and also exploiting our weakened level of critical thinking, are apparently intent on leading us to our doom, and the planet with it.

The prophet Jmmanuel, as quoted in the Talmud Jmmanuel said the following, in Jmmanuel’s Farewell, verse 17:

  “Humans should develop within themselves the power to judge over good and evil and to correctly perceive all things, so that they may be wise and fair and follow the laws.”

Ironically, (or rather, predictably) one of the common lies promoted about Billy Meier and the FIGU*  group is that it is a cult, or the start of a new religion. This is complete nonsense (though brilliantly distracting) which is readily taken in by countless people who don’t make their own enquiries. As you will see, Meier, while teaching tolerance of people’s beliefs, unambiguously opposes the idea of bowing down to any other being, or seeking outwardly for salvation. He teaches self-responsibility. Each person is responsible for his own spiritual evolution and for his own life, although, of course, he may have teachers and helpers. And importantly, along with teaching love and peace, Eduard Meier teaches that we should seek to evolve through knowledge, wisdom and logic

*Free Community of Interests for Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies

In Dekalog (resp. Dodekalog), the book in which Eduard Meier has written down the original, un-falsified 12 Commandments, with explanations, it says the following.

p.15, 75. Die neue Zeit fordert nur noch allein Verstand und Vernunft von dir, u m die Wahrheit zu finden und sie zu erkennen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The new time demands alone only understanding and rationality from you, in order to find the truth and to recognize it.

It might be surprising when the new reader sees in Billy Meier’s writing familiar sounding phrases and presentations, reminiscent of religious doctrines, and to hear that these teachings are not in the slightest bit based on belief, and are actually very different in meaning to the familiar distortions of which we have often become enamored. It is hard to think this way at first since, or course, it is the original material which would now be strange to us. But we are NOT meant to accept this information unthinkingly, through belief. Meier’s teaching says that wise people hear, see, listen, think and feel but don’t speak about something, or take it on as their own, without first considering, and getting to the bottom of, everything. In the introduction to Dekalog he writes:

Alles immer prüfe sehr genau,
Und dan nur dem Guten trau.  
Always examine everything in great detail, and in the end only trust in what is good.
It is confronting and confusing to discover that these spiritual teachings of love are sometimes delivered in very harsh language. But diplomacy is dishonesty and results in misunderstandings, and we are seen to be sorely in need of the plain truth. What better to make us really, honestly think, than to have our cherished, erroneous opinions stridently challenged?

OM, Meier’s most important work, includes the following verse.

OM 23:14. Suchet daher nicht euer Wohl bei denen, die da sind falsche Propheten und Sektenführer und dergleichen und die euch gestohlenen Honig um das Maul schmieren, sondern suchet euer Wohl bei den wahrheitlichen Führern und beim wahrlichen Propheten, die da euch mit harten Worten treffend die Wahrheit sagen, und die da von euch Mühe fordern und harte Befolgung der Gesetze und Gebote der Schöpfung.  
Therefore do not seek your well being from those who are false prophets and sect leaders and the like, and *who smear stolen honey around your muzzles but rather, seek your well being among the truthful leaders and from the truthful prophet who tell you the truth by using hard and striking words, and who demand diligence from you, and obedience to the laws and directives of Creation.

 *(who tempt you with sweetened deceptions,  false promises.)

My primary aim here is to make this information known to those who want to know, regardless of to what extent we agree with it. Here we have manifestly advanced people of some kind, with extraordinary resources and capabilities, delivering all kinds of intelligent and wise information, and strange insights to Earth humanity (and pointed criticism). Regardless of how I personally view it, we, supporters and opponents alike, have an urgent need and obligation to our fellow Earthlings to find out what it’s all about. Naturally my writing will convey how I stand. So I should clarify that, for me, along with the mass of evidence of the reality of these ET people, which can be assessed with reasonable logic, the over-all integrity of the teaching and wisdom speaks for itself. But the nature and quantity of the material is such that, to really be familiar with it all and truly understand it could take lifetimes. And as far as the spiritual teachings are concerned in particular, if someone does not recognize them as representing true Creational, universal wisdom and love, then arguments from me will not be persuasive.

Following is an explanation from Billy Meier regarding how he and FIGU regard themselves and their role with the dissemination of the teachings. (From the booklet, An Interview With a UFO Contactee.)

…We are not a religious nor a sectarian group, nor are we a political, military nor civil community group based upon any totalitarian and autocratic truth. Neither are we perfect in any way or all-knowing, and for this reason we cannot disseminate perfect teachings – many questions remain for which we have no answers. But we can disseminate the truth about the Creational-natural laws and directives with which we are familiar and for whose accuracy we can vouch. We state that it is the sole, pure truth for which everyone can search within and by themselves, in nature and one’s surroundings everywhere, and that everyone can experience and see it, provided the person is willing to look for and retrieve it. To this end there exists no other truth than the one that actually exists. And this is the precise truth we advocate…

By reading the contact notes, (of conversations between Billy Meier and the Plejaren) we know that there have been errors and misunderstandings throughout the decades of the intense Plejaren involvement with Meier. But we also know that the Plejaren and Meier do not pretend to be perfect, or to be anything other than humans (albeit very advanced humans) still subject to limitations, who admit to, even advertise, their mistakes. We must learn through our own thinking and reasoning, and it is in this spirit that we present the following. (Below is the recommended reading order.)

We lovingly dedicate this work to Billy Eduard Albert Meier, The Prophet of the New Age.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Overpopulation Crusade

Overpopulation Crusade

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Truly, life is struggle, a repetitive dispute within one's own self. There are always the current events in life that try to divert our attention and thoughts by pushing themselves into the foreground. However, without fail, true reason will always break forth. It does not matter whether it is drowned out by noise, covered up, distracted, overburdened, stuffed to the brim, true reason is always present, ready to break through the mound of confusion, even though it may be only a hint of a smile. A smile that stands above all else, invincible, sublime, observing man as he degrades himself, reducing himself to dust. The self of man is the most precious pearl, the greatest treasure, which he carries within himself, hidden in his innermost part, in his self - the philosopher's stone. It is silver and gold, but is not made of these metals; it speaks directly to man - but man rarely hears it. It is the eternal light, the light of all-great-time in all the obscurity and gloom surrounding man. It wants to make man the king - but man violates it. All of man's yearning for it causes him to search frantically outside himself. Yet, it is so near - within every single human being. Source

Monday, January 2, 2012

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Earth humans should consciously unfold in the forms of love and knowledge, as well as in true humanity, and recognize Creation-given evolution as the highest goal and meaning of life. Source