The following was taken from
Extract from the 515th Official Contact Conversation of March 7th
2011 (Published in FIGU Special Bulletin N0. 61, May 2011)
Billy ... But that which interests me now relates to our sun, its eruptions, the
dark spots on the surface of the Sun, the magnetic field, the plasma vortex
and energy mass, and the size in proportion to all planets and moons, and
so forth, and everything of significance all around. I am especially interested
in regard to the next year in which the Sun’s 11 year cycle of activity again
occurs which, under certain circumstances, can lead to massive
electromagnetic disturbances on the Earth, and in its outer realm of
influence. If you can just say something general in a language
understandable for us lay persons, about, for example, what occurred in
recent years, what is happening presently and what can result in the coming
Ptaah To be said straight away is that the terrestrial scientists err to a large
degree in regard to the Sun’s lifespan, because it is a dying star and its real
remaining lifetime accordingly amounts to only 1,500,000,000 to
2,500,000,000 years. To say, further to that, is that the star has drifted for
years in a weak dynamic phase, and only becomes more active now and
again, for example, in March 2010. The dynamic of the Sun is based on
cycles of approximately eleven years which, in turn, are connected with the
magnetic fields which, however, also impede the emergence of the energy
which surges from the interior of the sun. But an even greater number of
other factors exists through which all processes are determined. Dark
matter, which for the terrestrial scientists is still very mysterious, also
thereby plays a certain role, and indeed in particular in regard to the
transport of the Sun’s hot energy, because without the influence of the dark
matter this would not be possible. The around 6,000 degree Celsius hot
surface of the Sun is heated up to 1,000,000 degrees Celsius by the
thermal energy from the interior of the star. This, while the dark sun spots
however only have a temperature of around 4,000 degrees Celsius and
extend up to 1,700 kilometres deep into the sun’s interior by means of their
tunnel-like, that is to say, funnel-like form. At these depths it is many
millions of degrees Celsius in the star. As a result of these temperatures the
inner material of the sun transforms into plasma - into electrically charged
gas - whereby these masses shoot out all around the maw as flaming
plasma at a speed of 100,000 kilometers an hour. If dark sun spots emerge
in groups, then enormous sun-storms emerge from them which release
energies which are only comparable with the energy of thousands of
millions of conventional atomic bombs. The Sun lives and hurls its
monstrous energies out into its area of the system, even if it is a dying star
which presently drifts in a phase of lesser activity. If the new, high phase of
activity comes, which is to be expected immediately and in the next year,
then it can be monstrously big and can cause very much damage in regard
to nature and the human electronic technological advances. Basically,
violent plasma eruptions should have already been occurring for a long
time, yet since the activity has, so to speak, dropped to a minimum, greater
outbreaks have not occurred up to this point, but, with the new activity which
is ahead, they can now be very enormous. The fact is that, currently, for that
reason, in the Sun’s interior, enormous changes are taking place, which
also show in the form of external effects. For example, on the surface of the
Sun, an extensive current of material has emerged which is driven by the
residue of the magnetic field (which has arisen from the weakened, dark
sunspots) in the direction of the poles of the Sun, to then sink again there
up to 250,000 kilometers deep into the Sun’s interior, to then move back
again in the direction of the equator. At the mentioned depth of the Sun’s
interior, the magnetic fields again lengthen and also become strong again,
which means that they are newly charged with energy, after which they
become newly active and break out yet again on the surface and form new,
dark sunspots. From that it also follows that these material currents,
together with the different, fast rotation of the surface of the sun, assures
that a reversal of the magnetic fields of the Sun results, which manifests
every eleven years. Normally the current of material moves very slowly
towards the poles, and indeed at a speed of 2.7 to 3.7 kilometers per hour,
yet for about seven years this speed has amounted to about 50 kilometers
per hour. The result of this fast current is that the magnetic fields are
prevented from emerging on the Sun’s equator. This is also the reason why
the last three years on Earth had enormously cold Winters. The dark
sunspots which are surrounded by giant, funnel-shaped magnetic field line
loops - which transport hot gas and plasma - show the actual magnetic
1wesen of the Sun. If particularly big energy outbreaks occur, then the
magnetic field lines and the plasma free themselves from the Sun and shoot
away from it. The plasma loops thereby reach, as magnetic energy, up to
100,000 kilometers in length and breadth if they break forth from the Sun,
whereby giant dark zones then also come about on the Sun’s surface. If more
dark sunspots come about, then that results from the fact that magnetic field lines are increasingly breaking through the Sun’s surface. Therefore the stronger
the magnetic field, the more dark sunspots manifest. If, on the other hand, it
is weaker, fewer dark spots occur. The Sun’s magnetic field, called the
heliospheric current sheet, has - in its rotating, spiral radiation form - an
effect on the entire SOL system, and, in fact, up to the outermost realms of
the Kuiper belt, and still some distance beyond. From these sunspots,
magnetic field lines escape from the Sun’s interior, whereby the Sun’s
ejected energy, which strikes the Earth, is monstrously high. On average,
the Earth is struck every single second by an energy mass such as could be
produced by approximately 155 – 160 million atomic power plants. The
energy mass is therefore so enormous that 0.01 percent of it would already
be sufficient to meet the energy requirements of the entire terrestrial
humanity of 8 billion Earth inhabitants. And what there is to say concerning
the size in proportion to the planets and moons, and so forth, in the SOL
system, is that they come to only exactly 0.2 percent of the central heavenly
body, which contains 99.8 percent of the entire material content in the SOL
system. As said, the Sun is a dying star, which will still exist for between
1,500,000,000 and 2,500,000,000 years, with a presently active age of
around 5,000,000,000 years. However its 2ur-ur origin lies very much further
back and is based on ur-energies, the age of which, on one hand, the
terrestrial scientists cannot calculate, and which appears fantastic to them,
because it leads back to previous forms of the whole universe about which
they lack knowledge and understanding regarding its existence. They do not
understand, and are also not able to fathom, that the visible material
universe is only the fourth belt of the universe, which consists of seven belts
altogether, whereby only the fourth belt has galaxies, nebulae, suns, planets
and moons, and so forth, while the inner three and outer three immaterial
energy belts cannot be seen and, therefore, the inner and external energy
belts, between which the material belt - that is to say, the material universe -
is located, and from which the so-called background radiation emerges,
cannot be seen. Also, the terrestrial scientists do not know that the material
belt renews itself every 49,000,000,000 years which, last time, was around
17,000,000,000 years ago, and that the current material universe is already
the third form of the constant renewal and that the entire seven belted
universe is already around 46,000,000,000,000 years old. But back to the
Sun: the Sun means life for all life-forms in the SOL system, and those lifeforms
deep in the interior of the Earth, which live in complete darkness and
never see a ray of sun, also profit from the Sun’s energy. And not only do
the planets themselves rotate but the same thing happens with the Sun,
which, with its own rhythm, rotates on its own axis once every four weeks.
However, it thereby has different rotation times and rotation speeds; at the
equator, near the poles and in the middle latitudes; whereby that alone
guarantees that it can sling the energies - which are generated in its
innermost region - as far as the outermost edge of its system. Only as a
result of the arising friction, between the different fast parts of the points of
rotation which have different speeds, do constantly whirling electromagnetic
field lines form. What thereby happens is that the more extensive the
whirling, the greater the activity of the Sun. Presently the Sun is passing into
a weak dynamic. Consequently there is only a little activity, which is also
expressed in few dark sunspots. They are not insignificant in their mass
because they in fact often have a size into which the Earth would fit five or
six times. Yet what there also is to say in regard to the size is that the Sun
collapses into itself and therefore shrinks, and has indeed done so already
for several hundred years. These are the first manifestations of decay to do
with the dieing of the star, which will only exist for approximately another
1,500,000,000 to 2,500,000,000 years as a giver or life for the SOL system.
But also to say is that, with very high activity, the heavenly body can again
expand some distance, or, swell somewhat, which however only occurs
within a cyclical range after which the reduction, or, the shrinking, drops
back again to the original starting-point form. Now, what occurs with the
upheaval of the cycle this time is still inconclusive, yet it can be said that it
can come to an inferno, if ur-worldly magnetic bows break through and all
the Earth human being’s electronic technological advances on Earth and in
the Earth’s orbit are thereby paralysed. The current electronic technology
and thereby also the entirety of the electronics on the Earth is extremely
sensitive in regard to storms on the Sun and other cosmic radiation;
consequently everything can collapse if strong sun-storm eruptions send
their energies to Earth and induce storms of electrons on Earth. These
induce electric currents as a result of which enormous numbers of electrical
- and therefore, also electromagnetic - apparatuses and devices of all kinds
can be made inoperable just as can atomic and electric power plants as well
as other plants, machines and vehicles, and so forth, which are in any way
associated with electrical energy. If something happens in this form then the
whole thing is absolutely not harmless, because if such harmful
consequences arise, then not only do large parts of the economy and
medical care, as well as drinking water supply, collapse, but also the
production and necessary transport of food stuffs, as well as general
security measures against plundering. Not to mention that, in regard to all
Earth human advances, a setback in development could result and damage
could generally come about in all areas, which would take decades to rectify
again. The Earth human beings and their governments would also come to
the brink of financial ruin, which means that they would become incapable
of payment concerning being able to generally address and rectify the
damage which had arisen. Criminality and wrongdoing would also climb,
along with many other evils, which would be incalculable. This would be the
case if a catastrophe in fact arose in the form in which it could with an over-activity of the Sun. But that happening is only a possibility and does not correspond to a prediction, because it still is not certain what will occur when the activity wakes the Sun from its slumber.
Billy Thank you. You have said and explained more than I actually expected.
But it is certainly good that it has all been said.
Translated by: Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, 26.5.2011, Tasmania, Australia
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