UPDATE: April 18, 2011
NOTE: Also see the information at http://theyflyblog.com/the-future-san-francisco-earthquake/03/19/2011 and at http://www.theyfly.com/San_Francisco_Earthquake.html regarding the photogrpahs that Billy Meier took of the earthquake discussed below...in 1978.
Also see the latest in concept cars at http://autoholics.com/2011/04/19/Subaru-XV-Concept-Crossover-524997 without external side view mirrors.
Adding to the controversy of course is this illustration from GEO Magazine:

...about which more information can be found at www.futureofmankind.co.uk
Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 11
Pages 52 & 53, 437th contact, Saturday, November 18th, 2006, 9:57am
Billy: Then something else: I was discussing the big quake in California with Quetzal - that is to say, San Francisco - which is already overdue.
Have any new things come about there, or does everything remain as Quetzal told me; that the earthquake is to be expected in the foreseeable future and that it will be the biggest natural disaster in living memory?
The quake will not just have a negative impact upon San Francisco, but also Los Angeles, San Diego and various other places.
And as Quetzal said, possibly the seaward part of the San Andreas Fault will tear off, whereby an elongated island would result.
46. You have seen the enormous destruction in the future, however, only in relation to the “Erstzeit*”.
47. But the entirety will, however, be much worse when the great quake occurs. The point in time has remained the same as that which Quetzal named for you.
Billy: Therefore, everything remains as predicted and as it was, as I have seen then through the travel into the future.
48. It was, at that time, a journey into the real time of the future of the real event; consequently also nothing about it can change.
Billy: Naturally - how stupid of me.
· Please also see this information from 1958:
127.) And in the Third Millennium the time comes when big parts of the continents disappear and the people will have to flee to the mountains,
...and this from the Henoch Prophecies:
"Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings. Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies."
· Warning the People
The following is a recent email exchange between Christian Frehner and me pertaining to the question of how best to warn people of the coming devastation:
Hi Christian,
As I recall the ancient Egyptians had warnings about coming disasters engraved on the Great Pyramid from an earlier civilization that helped to prepare them for the Destroyer comet so they could survive.
With Billy's information about the coming big California quake so many millions of lives are at stake. The quake could happen sooner or later and I am wondering if there may be some other indicators that could help with the warning.
So far I only have the cars without outside mirrors to go on, which would possibly put the quake within perhaps 2-5 years at the earliest. However, I remember asking Billy last May about the big quake here and if it was imminent and he said, "No, you and I will have our 'angel wings' by the time that happens," which I interpreted to mean after we were dead, which hopefully is still some many more years in the future than 2-5 years.
...I would like to find a way to better warn people, if possible, so that they could take the warning seriously and prepare for it. Of course I know that Billy won't tell when it happens but I am thinking that there are many more people who could be reached with a warning if I had something a little more to go on, like the Egyptians I mentioned.
Perhaps we could get just a little more help without ruining the "big surprise" of exactly when this huge disaster will happen?
Hi Michael,
Well, the logical thing is:
There has been a prediction about the big California quake, especially the destruction of San Francisco.
Besides, the scientist know since decades that there will be some more severe quakes in that region, sooner or later.
Anyone who knows about this can NOW decide to move away from the region.
Why should people want to stay and wait? If they do not decide to start looking for a job away from the region now, they won't do so later and when it is too late.
The warning exists, and when people do not listen now, they will have to suffer of the consequences quite badly in the future.
And another note: How should people listen to an old Egyptian prediction rather than to Billy's actual one?! - Well, when the surprise happens, it's too late.
again, Fallacy or untruths
48. It was, at that time, a journey into the real time of the future of the real event; consequently also nothing about it can change." ALL THINGS are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. including earthquakes, which to a large extent, depends on the consciousness and emotional state of humanity.