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The intent of this blog is to share information about the current state of humanity and the Earth, what we can do to help, and to inform as many people as possible about the origins of man and our extraterrestrial brothers. There is still much we can do to change our course and ensure a brighter future if we only accept the facts.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Who or what is God? From Billy Meier
No Creator-God exists in this sense. The Big Bang did not come about through the strength or might of one god, but did so, simply and exclusively, through spiritual- and material-physical as well as chemical processes, that were triggered and directed by a young Universal Consciousness, respectively Creation. The term "God" has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the world or the universe, stars, galaxies and the like, for the expression "God" has existed in the vastness of the universe for billions of years, from ancient times to the present, and it represents nothing more than the title of a person. Initially this title was "Ishwish" which means "God" when translated into our languages. But Ishwish, respectively god, is nothing more than another term for "King of Wisdom." It is a purely human title assigned to humans who were particularly knowledgeable, wise, and who possessed great mastery in everything. This term's significance, however, was distorted and falsified by humans on Earth, particularly by the early religions and those experienced in profiting from using the word. The result was that God, as a King of Wisdom, was removed and the people turned him into a Creator-God who, allegedly, had created the Earth, the sun and outer space. Numerous individuals, such as Jehovah and many others, even claimed of themselves to be Creator-Gods with the consequence that they were also revered and worshiped. One thing led to another and soon the original meaning of the word "God" was forgotten and, consequently, the purported Creator-Gods were able to victoriously march into the realm of the people's religions, sects and faiths.
How did our universe and our world come into existence?
The universe originated from an ancient, archetypal bang, produced by a minuscule but highly compressed, flea-sized ball of energy. Originally this energy consisted of purely spiritual energy which created itself from within, although even it can be traced back to an Ur-Universe's energy conception [Ur = is a German prefix which means archetypal, most ancient or original in English]. A universe is also called a "Creation" or a "Universal Consciousness" and so forth, of which exist 1049 variations. The least evolved Creational form is called a Creation-Universe and the next higher form is an Ur-Creation or Ur-Universe; the one following is called a Central Creation or Central Universe, etc. The ultimate of all Creational forms is the 1049, called the Absolute Absolutum. This Absolute Absolutum was the initial Creational form which created Itself from the Absolute Void by way of the Primary Big Bang, thereupon It embarked on Its path through 1049 different main Creational forms before becoming the Absolute Absolutum. Thereafter It wafts in non-space as the highest of the highest Creational forms and continues to endlessly expand and evolve through the wisdom of all Creations which unite with It once each individual Creation achieves a status of being an Absolute Absolutum as well.
Not one Creational form is absolutely perfect, not even the Absolute Absolutum. Creational forms, just as life itself, can only achieve a relative type of perfection over their evolutionary course through processes of constant waxing and waning and waxing again that characterize all life.
We live in a Creation-Universe, a material universe, unequivocally the lowest form of a Creation or universe. And our universe, our Creation, Universal Consciousness or whatever else people want to call It, must Itself strive to work Its way up the evolutionary ladder. It must evolve so as to become one with the Absolute Absolutum once It has passed through the 1049 Creational-form transformations. From a human perspective this process takes an unfathomably long time, for alone the period during which our Creation, our Universe, transforms into the next higher Creational form, that of an Ur-Creation or Ur-Universe, takes more than 85 quintillion years (85 x 1018 or 85,000,000,000,000,000,000 years). Once the Universal Consciousness, or Creation, reaches the stage of Ur-Universe, respectively Ur-Creation, this Ur-Universal-Consciousness self-generates an idea for a new, simple Creation, the type of material universe with which we are familiar. This "idea" or "concept" consists of the purest spirit energy and contains everything It needs to become self-creating for Itself from within Itself. From a tiny energy ball the mere size of a flea, It creates within Itself new, immense energies which become highly compressed until this process culminates in a monumental explosion - the Big Bang. The energies from this explosion initially shoot outward and then expanded for fractions of a second at 107000 times the speed of light, as they displace other universes in an effort to create Its own space among the uncounted other universes, or Creations, already in existence. The seven Creational belts, or Universe belts, form simultaneously, of which one is the coarse-matter belt, the visible-matter-universe. In this belt originate coarse matters and gases and dust particles from which derive meteors, suns, comets, planets, nebulae, galaxies and other things when coarse matter gathers and condenses. In this way our Earth was born. This means our universe's birth and that of our Earth, along with foreign worlds, stars and galaxies and so forth, is a Creational-physical energy process and has nothing to do with a Creator God. These happenings are the result of purely spiritual-physical and material-physical laws and processes based upon physics and chemistry in every way and are, indeed, explainable through them.
Not one Creational form is absolutely perfect, not even the Absolute Absolutum. Creational forms, just as life itself, can only achieve a relative type of perfection over their evolutionary course through processes of constant waxing and waning and waxing again that characterize all life.
We live in a Creation-Universe, a material universe, unequivocally the lowest form of a Creation or universe. And our universe, our Creation, Universal Consciousness or whatever else people want to call It, must Itself strive to work Its way up the evolutionary ladder. It must evolve so as to become one with the Absolute Absolutum once It has passed through the 1049 Creational-form transformations. From a human perspective this process takes an unfathomably long time, for alone the period during which our Creation, our Universe, transforms into the next higher Creational form, that of an Ur-Creation or Ur-Universe, takes more than 85 quintillion years (85 x 1018 or 85,000,000,000,000,000,000 years). Once the Universal Consciousness, or Creation, reaches the stage of Ur-Universe, respectively Ur-Creation, this Ur-Universal-Consciousness self-generates an idea for a new, simple Creation, the type of material universe with which we are familiar. This "idea" or "concept" consists of the purest spirit energy and contains everything It needs to become self-creating for Itself from within Itself. From a tiny energy ball the mere size of a flea, It creates within Itself new, immense energies which become highly compressed until this process culminates in a monumental explosion - the Big Bang. The energies from this explosion initially shoot outward and then expanded for fractions of a second at 107000 times the speed of light, as they displace other universes in an effort to create Its own space among the uncounted other universes, or Creations, already in existence. The seven Creational belts, or Universe belts, form simultaneously, of which one is the coarse-matter belt, the visible-matter-universe. In this belt originate coarse matters and gases and dust particles from which derive meteors, suns, comets, planets, nebulae, galaxies and other things when coarse matter gathers and condenses. In this way our Earth was born. This means our universe's birth and that of our Earth, along with foreign worlds, stars and galaxies and so forth, is a Creational-physical energy process and has nothing to do with a Creator God. These happenings are the result of purely spiritual-physical and material-physical laws and processes based upon physics and chemistry in every way and are, indeed, explainable through them.
Where do we come from?
According to the FIGU booklet Attacking questions from Japan... and Contact Reports 9, 236 and 251, the Earth has immigrants from several other star systems, including:
Lyra star system
Nisan star system
Plejares star system
Sirius star system
Vega star system
But also according to Contact Report 251 there are also immigrants from other planets within our own star system, namely Mars and Malona (which is now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter).
The human lifeform also developed indigenously on this planet and mixed with the immigrants or extraterrestrials.
However, Contact Report 251 also states that the Sirius star system was colonised by humans from the Lyra, Plejares and Vega star systems who were themselves colonised by humans from the Waron star system of the Lyren galaxy which was 3,816,000,000 light years distant from the Sol star system. Therefore we can really consider our civilisation as being a mixture of indigenous Earth human races and human races that developed in the Waron star system.
The information regarding the earliest forms of human life that developed in the Lyren galaxy is currently not available, but when considering the entire universe around 39,000,000,000,000 years ago was when the first hominid lifeforms formed from which developed the recognisable human form.
Of course this is only referring to our physical or material life-form and includes no information regarding the human spirit. For that you are advised to read The Spiritual Teachings.
Lyra star system
Nisan star system
Plejares star system
Sirius star system
Vega star system
But also according to Contact Report 251 there are also immigrants from other planets within our own star system, namely Mars and Malona (which is now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter).
The human lifeform also developed indigenously on this planet and mixed with the immigrants or extraterrestrials.
However, Contact Report 251 also states that the Sirius star system was colonised by humans from the Lyra, Plejares and Vega star systems who were themselves colonised by humans from the Waron star system of the Lyren galaxy which was 3,816,000,000 light years distant from the Sol star system. Therefore we can really consider our civilisation as being a mixture of indigenous Earth human races and human races that developed in the Waron star system.
The information regarding the earliest forms of human life that developed in the Lyren galaxy is currently not available, but when considering the entire universe around 39,000,000,000,000 years ago was when the first hominid lifeforms formed from which developed the recognisable human form.
Of course this is only referring to our physical or material life-form and includes no information regarding the human spirit. For that you are advised to read The Spiritual Teachings.
Quote of the day by Billy Meier
The consciousness is not quiet in the stream of inconceivable energy and power that springs from Creation and from BEING as well as from all beings and flows through everything; consequently, it develops, evolves and more and more is able to comprehend in knowledge and wisdom. From Creation itself, from BEING and from all beings, the human consciousness draws its functioning, even the energy and its power, which are absorbed and used every second. The human thereby learns, with also his reason, to rationally and consistently comprehend and grasp everything. The human's consciousness is thus not very poor in his actions and in his understanding, as it is erroneously assumed, because it is the consciousness that evolves in truth and works its way ever higher in reason and understanding.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The following article by Billy Meier gives a complete, detailed explaination of the issues surrounding human overpopulation on Earth and the destructive consequences. Some readers may find the facts presented to be controversal but the fact is that the contents of this article the unequivocal, indisputable truth. This article was taken from
Overpopulation bombDesctruction of the EarthDiscrimination against womenThe world's population will double and triple very rapidly unless the insanely uncontrolledprocreation of children is stopped very soon. Undeniably, all social, political, economic, natural,environmental, climatic and ecological problems on Earth can be traced back to the populationexplosion, respectively overpopulation. From the population explosion to the collapse of theecology, and the immediate future of our planet Earth.When the population growth for the year 1993 is observed, one discovers with alarm that duringthis single year nearly 100 million additional humans populated the Earth. More closelyscrutinized, the result shows that three newly born human beings arrived in this world every second:
1 second 3 humans
1 minute 180 humans
1 hour 10,800 humans
1 day 259,200 humans
1 week 1,814,400 humans
1 month 7,884,000 humans
1 year 94,608,000 humans
The year 1994, by comparison, was once again a year in which procreation of children farexceeded the norm, and twice as many humans were born, computing the following results:
1 second 6 human
1 minute 360 humans
1 hour 21,600 humans
1 day 518,400 humans
1 week 3,628,800 humans
1 month 15,768,00 humans
1 year 189,216,00 humans
This is a fact that was neither discovered nor realized by the "World Watchers", otherorganizations or statisticians concerned with these matters, for they stubbornly abide by apseudo-calculation scheme that establishes results only by rule of thumb. The fact is, however,that some years run contrary to the statisticians' rule on population growth, and it is possible thatfewer or more additional inhabitants of Earth are born during a particular year. And 1994 was sucha year when twice as many children were born than was anticipated. An additional element thatcomes into play is the fact that the world's population is considerably larger than the rule-of-thumb statistics lead others to believe, because many nations are capable of only providingpopulation approximations, whereby many people are overlooked and this amounts to between 200 and 500 million people at any given time who are not counted in the overall population totals. Hence, the "World Watchers Record" and their statistics are not correct when their figures showthat at the beginning of 1995 the Earth's population consisted of 5.75 or 5.85 billion humans. Thetruth is, instead, that on February 14, 1995, the total population amounte already to 6.27 billionhuman beings, a substantially larger figure than the statistics indicated. The "World Population Watchers" apparently do not take this discrepancy too seriously; evidently, several hundredmillion people are of no great significance to them. But this is where they err immensely. Thepopulation on Earth has reached the point where each and every human being is significant since each person contributes to the destruction and annihilation of all life on Earth, indeed the planetitself, in a constantly increasing proportion.
By the beginning of 1995, the world was populated by more than 6.27 billion humans; from this time onward, four more people per second are being added to this figure. The rate has since decreased marginally but, nevertheless, compare to the 1993 figure it has increased by oneperson per second, which was the inevitable result when in 1994 many more individuals becamesexually mature and are now bringing more children into the world. Nearly three quarters (75%)of th Earth's inhabitants live in the developing countries; 2 billion of these people are starving,and every day 40,000 children di of hunger and malnutrition for a total of 14 million a year!Hunger generates every type of human adversity such as socia tensions, revolutions and,ultimately, civil and international wars, whereby the battles for goods become increasingly morebrutal and inhumane. For the people involved, a human life no longer has any meaning. Entirenations are plunged int terrorism, anarchy and chaos. Hunger, misery, distress, war, persecutionand massacres force people to flee their homelands and immense human migrations occur inproportions never before experienced. In the Spring of 1995 alone approximately 200 millionrefugees existed. The exodus from the Third World is set into motion like a gigantic humansteamroller, whic begins initially within their home regions, but will soon increasingly expand in anorthern direction – toward the lure of the industrial, economic an welfare nations with their fullcooking pots, wealth, luxury and employment opportunities. However, through migration these opportunities become constantly rarer once the immigrants increasingly begin to occup the jobsand are willing to work for lower salaries than the local residents, who lose their own livelihoodand become welfare recipients as a result.
The wealthy 33% of the world's population reside in the northern industrial and economic nations,and on an average earn over ten times more per capita than the people in the poor Third World'snations to the South. This wealthy third produces 4/5 of the economic output in the world. In theirunrestrained consumption craze, however, the inhabitants of the northern economic nations use 2/3 of the planet's natural resources, raw materials and energy reserves. The total environmentaldestruction initiated by the northern industrial nations is by far more devastating, moredestructive and annihilative than tha produced by all Third World countries put together, eventhough the industrial nations have on hand more advance technology, and are more capable of protecting their environment and of preventing damage to their surroundings than the developingnations.
Approximately 70% of all motor vehicles in the world are in the northern hemisphere, and theygreatly accelerate the industrial nations' share of atmospheric and environmental pollution.Furthermore, people living in the northern industrial nations use nearly 100 times more water perperson than inhabitants of the Third World – therefore they generate the largest and mostmassive share of water pollution, e.g., creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans. The steady increase inagricultural industrialization and its constant, unrelenting utilization of chemicals completely leachthe soil and result in steadily decreasing harvests, increasing erosion and the rapidly escalatingdeath of various species. Likewise, animals of all types are shot and exterminated in the "spirit of the sport" and for other threadbare reasons which, of course, exclude their protection and careby gamekeepers and wardens. Additionally, the world's oceans, creeks, rivers and lakes areoverfished by small but highly mechanized fishing crews and fishing fleets with state-of-the-arttechnology. They negligently and irresponsibly decimate the supply of aquatic animals. Today, thefish yield by these expeditions is rapidly diminishing and many types of fish and other aquaticdwellers are threatened with extinction, while others have been exterminated altogether. However,the Third World nations to the South irresponsibly and criminally deplete nature as well. People,criminally and systematically, are cutting down the tropical rain forests; and as of the beginning of 1995, the forests have already been reduced, destroyed or annihilated to half of their original size.
The irresponsible degree and speed of environmental changes generated by humans can beclearly witnessed through satellite surveillance. Indeed, remote sensing photos prove that the AralSea in the lowlands of Turan in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan has shrunk by 50% in just 30 years,whereby 40% of that reduction occurred within a few years. This outlet-free salt lake is fed by theAmudarja and Syrdarja rivers, which can only reach into the lake during wet years, measured54,400 square kilometers (21,004 square miles) in area. By 1990 the lake had shrunk by 40%over a period of 15 years, due to water depletion for irrigation. This shrinkage has led to irrecoverable death of fish in this once fourth largest lake on Earth and has brought to an end thefishing industry and utilization of its fish. The blame rests upon agriculturists technicians,scientists and the government. One group drained water from the lake for intensive irrigation of gardens and agricultural grounds, the other groups provided the means and ways to do this, whilethe government in charge authorized everything and looked on without intervening. Such actionsoccur in nearly all nations on Earth, but are simply modified in one way or another depending onthe circumstances. In the Mediterranean Sea, enormous destruction results, therefore, whenvarious types of fertilizers and sewage drift into the sea from the Po river plains, and the Adriatic Sea becomes constantly polluted. The result from this pollution is a growing, horrendous annualalgae plague that suffocates all lower life in the sea. Likewise, the harbor towns of Naples, Genoa,Brindisi, Catania, Syracusa, Trapani, Palermo, Marseille and many others contribute their share tothis pollution as they simply route their poisonous sewage into the sea.
A further gigantic, global threat is occurring as the Earth's ozone layer is depleted as a result of Man's fault and irresponsibility. Not only is the opening in the ozone layer above the South polegrowing larger from year to year but elsewhere as well, for Man is destroying this indispensable protective layer against UV rays. These life-threatening UV rays from space now strike the Earth'ssurface more powerfully and endanger every terrestrial life form. Above the Northern hemispherea rapid thinning of the ozone layer is taking place as it, too, becomes dangerously depleted. Thehole in the ozone layer is measurably and noticeably expanding and now reaches the temperatezones, resulting in "black cancer", or skin cancer in humans.
Concurrently, an artificially created greenhouse effect, generated by Man, is developing on aglobal scale that threatens life on Earth with total climatic collapse. Every type of unnaturalcatastrophe in nature directly results also from the huma destruction mania. Meteorologists aretoday registering an increase in natural disasters, such as tropical hurricanes or cyclones, and abnormal droughts and floods. Even earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are a part of thisscenario, although scientists continue to maintain that these events are purely natural, which is not consistent with the truth. Indeed, every one of these events has not been a totally naturaloccurrence in the customary, natural extent for a long time.
The ice caps at the Arctic and Antarctic poles, the icy plains of Greenland and the mountainglaciers are melting down rapidly and may raise worldwide ocean water levels. Entire low-lyingisland nations, as well as coastal regions will b endangered and could eventually vanish beneaththe rising waters.
In his absurdity and selfishness, Man, who loves to call himself the crowning glory of Creation, hasproliferated to such a degree that he has now become a vicious threat to all life throughout the globe. Man is the greatest menace to the Earth. He has by now initiated dangerous changes tocountless lives worldwide, while humankind's population continues to grow incessantly at a furious, constantly increasing pace. For this reason alone Earth continues to turn into a wasteland.Man's insane desire to procreate is now leading him to the point where every social, ecologicaland economic woe is climbin immeasurably beyond the point of recovery.
Man is a part of Earth but he fails to understand the way of life. In his view not every humanbeing is identical to the other, and if one belongs to another color, another race or variety, or if that person is simply a stranger, he or she will not be accepted, but is disregarded or hated,debased and persecuted. Power hungry and powerful individuals grab land an possessions fromthe helpless – and Man is dealing likewise with his native land, the Earth. He treats the Earth as acomplete stranger, lives strictly for his own benefit and not for harmony between Earth and all lifeon it. He creeps in like a thief in the night, as a stranger, and robs the Earth of whatever herelishes; or, conversely, he destroys and annihilate everything on the planet as he pleases. He fails to live in harmony with the planet, his own Mother Earth and, instead, he ha become herenemy; immediately upon conquering and subduing one part of her, he moves on to effect thesame destruction elsewhere.
Man treats his native land, the Earth, its atmosphere, its bodies of water, its entire environmentand its diverse life forms and species as objects, which he may simply utilize, use, destroy, plunder and then discard and destroy when he is through with them. Man's voracious appetitefor everything the Earth has to offer, and his excessive urge to procreate will ultimately devourand destroy the planet and all life on it, where he will leave nothing behind except for a dead,barren wasteland. How did terrestrial Man fall into this current dreary and destructive situation?To answer the question, the development from Ma 's initial beginnings through to his currentdevelopment must be considered. Over the past several million years, the human species, knownas homo sapiens, continually multiplied to such an extent that it inhabited the entire world. In thefirst year (year 1 AD) of Christian time calculation, a mere 102.4 million human beings lived onEarth. By the year 1000 AD, Earth's entire population had grown to 300 million. Wars of all types,plagues and epidemics repeatedly killed million of people, particularly during the Middle Ages. InEurope, especially during the 14th century, the "black death" decimate the population,whereupon the plague raged and prevailed to such a degree that humans died in great numbers,which ultimately amounted to many millions of deaths. Then, with initial major successes inmedicine, Man's deathrate rapidly dropped of again, which resulted in more births than deaths.The population began growing at an accelerated pace, and by 1810 the population reached its firstbillion mark. Of course, not only did the number of new inhabitants increase on Earth, but thespeed at which they multiplied also escalated. A dramatic problem arose that laid the path for thefuture destruction of al available living space, all life forms and the planet itself. Inevitably, earlywarnings were expressed in regard to humanity's rapid growth increases and their destructiveconsequences. These warnings were disregarded, however, in the same way they are ignoredtoday, at a time when the entire world is speaking of the global destruction caused byoverpopulation. Meanwhile Man continues to suppress the overpopulation problem instead of doing something about it.
By 1926, in a world of 2 billion inhabitants, humankind observed a doubling of its population –after only 116 years. By 1960 the human population had already reached 3 billion, and by 1977 itwas 4 billion. Therefore, it took just 51 years for the next doubling of the population. Ten yearslater, in 1987, the Earth's population totalled 5.1 billion; and by February 1995, after only a mereeight years –believe it or not – the number climbed to 6 billion. This figure is approximately 300million higher than the incorrect worldwide statistics indicate. Clearly then, homo sapiens tookseveral million years, about 4.5 million years beginning with the first human being, to reach thepopulation mark of 1 billion, and then it took a mere 185 years to reach a number of humanbeings on Earth six times that large. These statistics should not come as a surprise, however,when overpopulation advocates such as the Catholic Supreme Shepherd, the Pope, vehementlyand cunningl entice people; indeed, through their religious faith they practically force theirfollowers to produce unlimited numbers of childre in order to establish for themselves unlimitedfollowers who, in turn, can be exploited by the Catholic Church. The Pope often quotes a biblicaledict, which is, mildly put, irrational and criminal. The edict promotes the insanity of cultivating anoverpopulation and is expressed in Genesis, Chapter 9, Verse 7 with the following words:
"And as for you, be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it."
This is precisely what happened – and it continues even to this day. The edict is still fostered as acriminal deed against humanity, life and the planet not only by the Pope, his cardinals, bishops,priests and others, but also by their faithful believers. Even some governments, communities andother authorities officially pay large procreation and child support funds to the duped followers of these religions. Furthermore, by blindly adhering to the Pope, followers stifle all commo sensefrom the very start. The Pope not only prohibits an often life-saving or otherwise vital abortion,but also all preventive measures and other birth control devices that would avert a pregnancy andprocreation. He and his follower look upon abortion or any type of birth control device asblasphemous and inhumane. Yet, the Pope says nothing about the fact that innumerable womenfall into need and misery when they become pregnant and give birth to children, or when thechildren are abused and mistreated by one or both parents – many women are also abused andmistreated – or when the children miserably starve to death because there is no longer any foodfor them. Is this demeanor not more abominable and inhumane? Apparently, the Pope's positionbother neither him nor any of his followers. When one of the faithful questions this approach, heor she pays a small offering as vindication to calm the guilty conscience. Certainly, neither particular approach nor the sectarian phrases and flowery language will advance terrestrialhumanity, nor will they resolve any of the many problems facing mankind – in particular, they willnot resolve the greatest problem of them all: the planet's overpopulation from which all otherexisting evils and problems throughout the world arise. Humanity's growth rate is outpacing foodproduction by leaps and bounds. Only a drastic reduction in terrestrial population, such as throughplagues epidemics, starvation and wars, etc., can the equilibrium reestablish itself, that is if Manfails to come to his senses and does not stop the further increase in overpopulation by logicalactions and countermeasures. He must initiate and effect strict, radical birth controls; he mustencourage deliberate cessation of births, and must enforce these measures without clemency.
A few words must be directed toward food production. A mere 12% of the entire Earth's land mass surface is entirely arable for agricultural and horticultural purposes. The remainder of the planet'ssurface consists of areas that cannot be cultivated, such as mountains, rocky terrains, tundras,arid regions, forests and deserts. However, the 12% arable land is not proportional to the mass of humanity, because one single human being requires by nature a living space of 83,333 squaremeters (99,665 sq. yds.), and 4000 square meters, or 63.245 x 63.245 meters (4784 sq. yds. or69.166 x 69.166 yards) of fertile ground or garden soil is required to feed him- or herself.Calculated for 6 billion people, this amounts to a total arable landmass requirement of approximately 24 million square kilometers (9.3 million square miles). Such an expanse is notavailable, however, because the entire planet's 12% arable land amounts to 18 million squarekilometers (7.0 million square miles) – 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million sq. mi.) less thanthe 6 billion-strong humanity requires for adequate food production.
This discrepancy widens with every newborn child because the 12% arable landmass neitherincreases nor remains constant. On the contrary, the surface is reduced daily and dwindlesthrough erosion, desertification and the construction of homes, streets, airports, villages, mega-cities and all types of large sport facilities, etc. etc.
Nine kilograms (19.8 lbs.) of grain are required to produce one kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of beef. One kilogram of meat is equivalent to 1 person's daily food requirement. By comparison, these same19.8 lbs. of grain would feed 16 people.
Today three million fishing boats operate on the world's oceans and are greatly depleting thesupply of fish and other aquatic life forms. Over the past 40 years fishing quotas have tripled. In 1950, 20 million tons of fish and water inhabitants ended up in Man's food chain. By 1990, this amount increased to 100 million tons per year. Fishermen not only unscrupulously plunder theoceans but also lakes, rivers and creeks for the sake of income and profit – as long as their cashregisters are ringing up returns. Business in this regard is conducted at a very professional level,albeit with total nearsightedness and irresponsibility in every aspect. The depletion of fish stocks has led to overfishing in all oceans and other bodies of water. Many ocean and lake creatures nolonger have the ability to reproduce, or are depleted to such an extent that they are dying out orhave already become extinct.
Man now faces the unfortunate situation where the fishermen, farmers, gardeners and otherscannot keep pace with the demands of population growth. This means that the many tens of millions of people who are born every year, and who add to the current population masses, willonly be fed if the people already alive now restrict their own food consumption. A totally newscenario now comes into play for Man, but he will not adjust to it. Consequently, millions of peoplewill continue to starve to death; indeed, they will starve in ever-increasing numbers.
The Earth's atmosphere and climate present problems as well. In comparison with the size of thisEarth, the atmosphere is actually only a very thin layer. Over the past 500 million years, a well-excogitated natural and complex cycle of patterns kept the ratio of various breathable gases forterrestrial life forms at constant levels. Likewise, the temperature range of the air was kept withinan extremely narrow range. A natural protective shield formed beneath which a moderate, equallynatural greenhouse climate developed and, step by step, a multitude of life forms began toflourish. However, over the last 100 years everything has changed because Man, his technology,production of poisons and other things, interfered with this sensitive equilibrium. He even the Earth's climate and is producing a new, dangerous, life-preventive and destructive greenhouseeffect that threatens to slowly destroy everything. This is Man's self-betrayal that will lead to hisown destruction and the annihilation of all life forms and of the planet itself. Every year 23 billiontons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere through fossil fuel burning and motor vehicle enginecombustion; 1 million tons of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are released into the atmosphere by thechemical industry and consumers; 380 million tons of methane gas are generated by cattlefarming, rice cultivation and garbage dumps in addition to 11 million tons of nitrogen-monoxidefrom nitrogen fertilizers and biologic mass burning.
Beyond a doubt, Man alone is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer, the greenhouseeffect and climatic changes on Earth – the larger the human population on Earth, the worse andmore irremediable the situation becomes. Unquestionably, the climatic changes now evident willlead to increases in hurricane activity and other destructive natural events with catastrophicconsequences.
The overpopulation blight prevails simply because women are suppressed, disregarded andabused; they are considered inferior to men and are, therefore, condemned. A great many womenhave no rights. As a consequence, the men, especially through their religious faiths, threaten andstrictly prohibit abortion and the utilization of birth control. These forms of discrimination occurnot only within Christianity and its sects, but also in other religions and their associated sects, asthe following brief excerpts prove:
Islam/Koran – Sure 4
"Men are above the women, because Allah has given the one part a superiority above the other."
"One hundred girls are not worth as much as one boy."
"A woman must never enjoy independence."
Christian Bible: Paul to the Ephesians in the New Testament
"The women shall be vassals to their men who are their masters."
The above quotes clearly demonstrate the value of women based upon a religious viewpoint andone upheld by many men. Still, these discriminatory words against women, though spoken in thepast, nevertheless prevail even today. Such attitudes also guarantee the abuse of women as beingmere birthing machines without being provided the necessary means with which to fight back.This, in turn, ensures that overpopulation is able to freely forge ahead, at an accelerated rate andin a more irretrievable manner.
The Catholic Church has erected an influential and powerful defense against the prevention of having children, respectively birth control. The Church holds a totally irrational attitude againstany form of birth regulation and birth control, hence, it is adamantly against all rights of womenand their own decision-making aspirations on children or pregnancy termination. Politicians as wellcurb women's rights in this manner. They sit in judgement and rob the women of their freedom byway of national laws. The result: unrestricted increases in birthrates are allowed to thrive inCatholic circles (along with those of other religions) and endanger all life on Earth, indeed, thevery existence of the planet. The unrestrained procreation of children without the capability introduce birthrate cessation and birth control is equivalent to fostering a culture of death. Thecriminal Holy Chair of Rome, respectively the Pope and all his lieges, have a horrendous power,whereby its occupant (as well as other religions and their representatives) leads all humanity andall life on the planet into misery, desolation, devastation and destruction.
The Pope and the College of Cardinals at the Vatican constitute the highest authority of theCatholic Church, which has a worldwide following of approximately 1 billion believers of all races.In 1968, Pope Paul VI's Encyclical Humanae Vitae came into force, whose title reads as follows:"On the correct order of passing on human life." Item # 14 describes the forbidden means of birthcontrol in great detail, in the exact manner by which the means were concocted by the Pope, hiscardinals and others in order to discriminate against women; to curtail their rights and to permitthe continuation of the world population's uncontrolled growth – to the detriment and destructionof mankind, all life and planet Earth.
Encyclical Humanae Vitae, Item # 14"The direct termination of a procreation that has already begun, particularly by direct abortion –even when undertaken for curative purposes, is not a legitimate method to curb the number of children and is, therefore, an absolute abomination."Likewise, the direct, permanent or temporary sterilization of the man or the woman must becondemned."Equally objectionable is any action that intentionally prevents propagation, or is employed as ameans to this prevention in anticipation of, during or after the consummation of the matrimonial act." One last item must be mentioned here: Anything the Pope says is hostile to humanity and life,and must simply be ignored, therefore, His prattle is irrelevant. What he says is without actualcorrelation to the issues now confronting the world and humanity.Billy Meier
Overpopulation bombDesctruction of the EarthDiscrimination against womenThe world's population will double and triple very rapidly unless the insanely uncontrolledprocreation of children is stopped very soon. Undeniably, all social, political, economic, natural,environmental, climatic and ecological problems on Earth can be traced back to the populationexplosion, respectively overpopulation. From the population explosion to the collapse of theecology, and the immediate future of our planet Earth.When the population growth for the year 1993 is observed, one discovers with alarm that duringthis single year nearly 100 million additional humans populated the Earth. More closelyscrutinized, the result shows that three newly born human beings arrived in this world every second:
1 second 3 humans
1 minute 180 humans
1 hour 10,800 humans
1 day 259,200 humans
1 week 1,814,400 humans
1 month 7,884,000 humans
1 year 94,608,000 humans
The year 1994, by comparison, was once again a year in which procreation of children farexceeded the norm, and twice as many humans were born, computing the following results:
1 second 6 human
1 minute 360 humans
1 hour 21,600 humans
1 day 518,400 humans
1 week 3,628,800 humans
1 month 15,768,00 humans
1 year 189,216,00 humans
This is a fact that was neither discovered nor realized by the "World Watchers", otherorganizations or statisticians concerned with these matters, for they stubbornly abide by apseudo-calculation scheme that establishes results only by rule of thumb. The fact is, however,that some years run contrary to the statisticians' rule on population growth, and it is possible thatfewer or more additional inhabitants of Earth are born during a particular year. And 1994 was sucha year when twice as many children were born than was anticipated. An additional element thatcomes into play is the fact that the world's population is considerably larger than the rule-of-thumb statistics lead others to believe, because many nations are capable of only providingpopulation approximations, whereby many people are overlooked and this amounts to between 200 and 500 million people at any given time who are not counted in the overall population totals. Hence, the "World Watchers Record" and their statistics are not correct when their figures showthat at the beginning of 1995 the Earth's population consisted of 5.75 or 5.85 billion humans. Thetruth is, instead, that on February 14, 1995, the total population amounte already to 6.27 billionhuman beings, a substantially larger figure than the statistics indicated. The "World Population Watchers" apparently do not take this discrepancy too seriously; evidently, several hundredmillion people are of no great significance to them. But this is where they err immensely. Thepopulation on Earth has reached the point where each and every human being is significant since each person contributes to the destruction and annihilation of all life on Earth, indeed the planetitself, in a constantly increasing proportion.
By the beginning of 1995, the world was populated by more than 6.27 billion humans; from this time onward, four more people per second are being added to this figure. The rate has since decreased marginally but, nevertheless, compare to the 1993 figure it has increased by oneperson per second, which was the inevitable result when in 1994 many more individuals becamesexually mature and are now bringing more children into the world. Nearly three quarters (75%)of th Earth's inhabitants live in the developing countries; 2 billion of these people are starving,and every day 40,000 children di of hunger and malnutrition for a total of 14 million a year!Hunger generates every type of human adversity such as socia tensions, revolutions and,ultimately, civil and international wars, whereby the battles for goods become increasingly morebrutal and inhumane. For the people involved, a human life no longer has any meaning. Entirenations are plunged int terrorism, anarchy and chaos. Hunger, misery, distress, war, persecutionand massacres force people to flee their homelands and immense human migrations occur inproportions never before experienced. In the Spring of 1995 alone approximately 200 millionrefugees existed. The exodus from the Third World is set into motion like a gigantic humansteamroller, whic begins initially within their home regions, but will soon increasingly expand in anorthern direction – toward the lure of the industrial, economic an welfare nations with their fullcooking pots, wealth, luxury and employment opportunities. However, through migration these opportunities become constantly rarer once the immigrants increasingly begin to occup the jobsand are willing to work for lower salaries than the local residents, who lose their own livelihoodand become welfare recipients as a result.
The wealthy 33% of the world's population reside in the northern industrial and economic nations,and on an average earn over ten times more per capita than the people in the poor Third World'snations to the South. This wealthy third produces 4/5 of the economic output in the world. In theirunrestrained consumption craze, however, the inhabitants of the northern economic nations use 2/3 of the planet's natural resources, raw materials and energy reserves. The total environmentaldestruction initiated by the northern industrial nations is by far more devastating, moredestructive and annihilative than tha produced by all Third World countries put together, eventhough the industrial nations have on hand more advance technology, and are more capable of protecting their environment and of preventing damage to their surroundings than the developingnations.
Approximately 70% of all motor vehicles in the world are in the northern hemisphere, and theygreatly accelerate the industrial nations' share of atmospheric and environmental pollution.Furthermore, people living in the northern industrial nations use nearly 100 times more water perperson than inhabitants of the Third World – therefore they generate the largest and mostmassive share of water pollution, e.g., creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans. The steady increase inagricultural industrialization and its constant, unrelenting utilization of chemicals completely leachthe soil and result in steadily decreasing harvests, increasing erosion and the rapidly escalatingdeath of various species. Likewise, animals of all types are shot and exterminated in the "spirit of the sport" and for other threadbare reasons which, of course, exclude their protection and careby gamekeepers and wardens. Additionally, the world's oceans, creeks, rivers and lakes areoverfished by small but highly mechanized fishing crews and fishing fleets with state-of-the-arttechnology. They negligently and irresponsibly decimate the supply of aquatic animals. Today, thefish yield by these expeditions is rapidly diminishing and many types of fish and other aquaticdwellers are threatened with extinction, while others have been exterminated altogether. However,the Third World nations to the South irresponsibly and criminally deplete nature as well. People,criminally and systematically, are cutting down the tropical rain forests; and as of the beginning of 1995, the forests have already been reduced, destroyed or annihilated to half of their original size.
The irresponsible degree and speed of environmental changes generated by humans can beclearly witnessed through satellite surveillance. Indeed, remote sensing photos prove that the AralSea in the lowlands of Turan in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan has shrunk by 50% in just 30 years,whereby 40% of that reduction occurred within a few years. This outlet-free salt lake is fed by theAmudarja and Syrdarja rivers, which can only reach into the lake during wet years, measured54,400 square kilometers (21,004 square miles) in area. By 1990 the lake had shrunk by 40%over a period of 15 years, due to water depletion for irrigation. This shrinkage has led to irrecoverable death of fish in this once fourth largest lake on Earth and has brought to an end thefishing industry and utilization of its fish. The blame rests upon agriculturists technicians,scientists and the government. One group drained water from the lake for intensive irrigation of gardens and agricultural grounds, the other groups provided the means and ways to do this, whilethe government in charge authorized everything and looked on without intervening. Such actionsoccur in nearly all nations on Earth, but are simply modified in one way or another depending onthe circumstances. In the Mediterranean Sea, enormous destruction results, therefore, whenvarious types of fertilizers and sewage drift into the sea from the Po river plains, and the Adriatic Sea becomes constantly polluted. The result from this pollution is a growing, horrendous annualalgae plague that suffocates all lower life in the sea. Likewise, the harbor towns of Naples, Genoa,Brindisi, Catania, Syracusa, Trapani, Palermo, Marseille and many others contribute their share tothis pollution as they simply route their poisonous sewage into the sea.
A further gigantic, global threat is occurring as the Earth's ozone layer is depleted as a result of Man's fault and irresponsibility. Not only is the opening in the ozone layer above the South polegrowing larger from year to year but elsewhere as well, for Man is destroying this indispensable protective layer against UV rays. These life-threatening UV rays from space now strike the Earth'ssurface more powerfully and endanger every terrestrial life form. Above the Northern hemispherea rapid thinning of the ozone layer is taking place as it, too, becomes dangerously depleted. Thehole in the ozone layer is measurably and noticeably expanding and now reaches the temperatezones, resulting in "black cancer", or skin cancer in humans.
Concurrently, an artificially created greenhouse effect, generated by Man, is developing on aglobal scale that threatens life on Earth with total climatic collapse. Every type of unnaturalcatastrophe in nature directly results also from the huma destruction mania. Meteorologists aretoday registering an increase in natural disasters, such as tropical hurricanes or cyclones, and abnormal droughts and floods. Even earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are a part of thisscenario, although scientists continue to maintain that these events are purely natural, which is not consistent with the truth. Indeed, every one of these events has not been a totally naturaloccurrence in the customary, natural extent for a long time.
The ice caps at the Arctic and Antarctic poles, the icy plains of Greenland and the mountainglaciers are melting down rapidly and may raise worldwide ocean water levels. Entire low-lyingisland nations, as well as coastal regions will b endangered and could eventually vanish beneaththe rising waters.
In his absurdity and selfishness, Man, who loves to call himself the crowning glory of Creation, hasproliferated to such a degree that he has now become a vicious threat to all life throughout the globe. Man is the greatest menace to the Earth. He has by now initiated dangerous changes tocountless lives worldwide, while humankind's population continues to grow incessantly at a furious, constantly increasing pace. For this reason alone Earth continues to turn into a wasteland.Man's insane desire to procreate is now leading him to the point where every social, ecologicaland economic woe is climbin immeasurably beyond the point of recovery.
Man is a part of Earth but he fails to understand the way of life. In his view not every humanbeing is identical to the other, and if one belongs to another color, another race or variety, or if that person is simply a stranger, he or she will not be accepted, but is disregarded or hated,debased and persecuted. Power hungry and powerful individuals grab land an possessions fromthe helpless – and Man is dealing likewise with his native land, the Earth. He treats the Earth as acomplete stranger, lives strictly for his own benefit and not for harmony between Earth and all lifeon it. He creeps in like a thief in the night, as a stranger, and robs the Earth of whatever herelishes; or, conversely, he destroys and annihilate everything on the planet as he pleases. He fails to live in harmony with the planet, his own Mother Earth and, instead, he ha become herenemy; immediately upon conquering and subduing one part of her, he moves on to effect thesame destruction elsewhere.
Man treats his native land, the Earth, its atmosphere, its bodies of water, its entire environmentand its diverse life forms and species as objects, which he may simply utilize, use, destroy, plunder and then discard and destroy when he is through with them. Man's voracious appetitefor everything the Earth has to offer, and his excessive urge to procreate will ultimately devourand destroy the planet and all life on it, where he will leave nothing behind except for a dead,barren wasteland. How did terrestrial Man fall into this current dreary and destructive situation?To answer the question, the development from Ma 's initial beginnings through to his currentdevelopment must be considered. Over the past several million years, the human species, knownas homo sapiens, continually multiplied to such an extent that it inhabited the entire world. In thefirst year (year 1 AD) of Christian time calculation, a mere 102.4 million human beings lived onEarth. By the year 1000 AD, Earth's entire population had grown to 300 million. Wars of all types,plagues and epidemics repeatedly killed million of people, particularly during the Middle Ages. InEurope, especially during the 14th century, the "black death" decimate the population,whereupon the plague raged and prevailed to such a degree that humans died in great numbers,which ultimately amounted to many millions of deaths. Then, with initial major successes inmedicine, Man's deathrate rapidly dropped of again, which resulted in more births than deaths.The population began growing at an accelerated pace, and by 1810 the population reached its firstbillion mark. Of course, not only did the number of new inhabitants increase on Earth, but thespeed at which they multiplied also escalated. A dramatic problem arose that laid the path for thefuture destruction of al available living space, all life forms and the planet itself. Inevitably, earlywarnings were expressed in regard to humanity's rapid growth increases and their destructiveconsequences. These warnings were disregarded, however, in the same way they are ignoredtoday, at a time when the entire world is speaking of the global destruction caused byoverpopulation. Meanwhile Man continues to suppress the overpopulation problem instead of doing something about it.
By 1926, in a world of 2 billion inhabitants, humankind observed a doubling of its population –after only 116 years. By 1960 the human population had already reached 3 billion, and by 1977 itwas 4 billion. Therefore, it took just 51 years for the next doubling of the population. Ten yearslater, in 1987, the Earth's population totalled 5.1 billion; and by February 1995, after only a mereeight years –believe it or not – the number climbed to 6 billion. This figure is approximately 300million higher than the incorrect worldwide statistics indicate. Clearly then, homo sapiens tookseveral million years, about 4.5 million years beginning with the first human being, to reach thepopulation mark of 1 billion, and then it took a mere 185 years to reach a number of humanbeings on Earth six times that large. These statistics should not come as a surprise, however,when overpopulation advocates such as the Catholic Supreme Shepherd, the Pope, vehementlyand cunningl entice people; indeed, through their religious faith they practically force theirfollowers to produce unlimited numbers of childre in order to establish for themselves unlimitedfollowers who, in turn, can be exploited by the Catholic Church. The Pope often quotes a biblicaledict, which is, mildly put, irrational and criminal. The edict promotes the insanity of cultivating anoverpopulation and is expressed in Genesis, Chapter 9, Verse 7 with the following words:
"And as for you, be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it."
This is precisely what happened – and it continues even to this day. The edict is still fostered as acriminal deed against humanity, life and the planet not only by the Pope, his cardinals, bishops,priests and others, but also by their faithful believers. Even some governments, communities andother authorities officially pay large procreation and child support funds to the duped followers of these religions. Furthermore, by blindly adhering to the Pope, followers stifle all commo sensefrom the very start. The Pope not only prohibits an often life-saving or otherwise vital abortion,but also all preventive measures and other birth control devices that would avert a pregnancy andprocreation. He and his follower look upon abortion or any type of birth control device asblasphemous and inhumane. Yet, the Pope says nothing about the fact that innumerable womenfall into need and misery when they become pregnant and give birth to children, or when thechildren are abused and mistreated by one or both parents – many women are also abused andmistreated – or when the children miserably starve to death because there is no longer any foodfor them. Is this demeanor not more abominable and inhumane? Apparently, the Pope's positionbother neither him nor any of his followers. When one of the faithful questions this approach, heor she pays a small offering as vindication to calm the guilty conscience. Certainly, neither particular approach nor the sectarian phrases and flowery language will advance terrestrialhumanity, nor will they resolve any of the many problems facing mankind – in particular, they willnot resolve the greatest problem of them all: the planet's overpopulation from which all otherexisting evils and problems throughout the world arise. Humanity's growth rate is outpacing foodproduction by leaps and bounds. Only a drastic reduction in terrestrial population, such as throughplagues epidemics, starvation and wars, etc., can the equilibrium reestablish itself, that is if Manfails to come to his senses and does not stop the further increase in overpopulation by logicalactions and countermeasures. He must initiate and effect strict, radical birth controls; he mustencourage deliberate cessation of births, and must enforce these measures without clemency.
A few words must be directed toward food production. A mere 12% of the entire Earth's land mass surface is entirely arable for agricultural and horticultural purposes. The remainder of the planet'ssurface consists of areas that cannot be cultivated, such as mountains, rocky terrains, tundras,arid regions, forests and deserts. However, the 12% arable land is not proportional to the mass of humanity, because one single human being requires by nature a living space of 83,333 squaremeters (99,665 sq. yds.), and 4000 square meters, or 63.245 x 63.245 meters (4784 sq. yds. or69.166 x 69.166 yards) of fertile ground or garden soil is required to feed him- or herself.Calculated for 6 billion people, this amounts to a total arable landmass requirement of approximately 24 million square kilometers (9.3 million square miles). Such an expanse is notavailable, however, because the entire planet's 12% arable land amounts to 18 million squarekilometers (7.0 million square miles) – 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million sq. mi.) less thanthe 6 billion-strong humanity requires for adequate food production.
This discrepancy widens with every newborn child because the 12% arable landmass neitherincreases nor remains constant. On the contrary, the surface is reduced daily and dwindlesthrough erosion, desertification and the construction of homes, streets, airports, villages, mega-cities and all types of large sport facilities, etc. etc.
Nine kilograms (19.8 lbs.) of grain are required to produce one kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of beef. One kilogram of meat is equivalent to 1 person's daily food requirement. By comparison, these same19.8 lbs. of grain would feed 16 people.
Today three million fishing boats operate on the world's oceans and are greatly depleting thesupply of fish and other aquatic life forms. Over the past 40 years fishing quotas have tripled. In 1950, 20 million tons of fish and water inhabitants ended up in Man's food chain. By 1990, this amount increased to 100 million tons per year. Fishermen not only unscrupulously plunder theoceans but also lakes, rivers and creeks for the sake of income and profit – as long as their cashregisters are ringing up returns. Business in this regard is conducted at a very professional level,albeit with total nearsightedness and irresponsibility in every aspect. The depletion of fish stocks has led to overfishing in all oceans and other bodies of water. Many ocean and lake creatures nolonger have the ability to reproduce, or are depleted to such an extent that they are dying out orhave already become extinct.
Man now faces the unfortunate situation where the fishermen, farmers, gardeners and otherscannot keep pace with the demands of population growth. This means that the many tens of millions of people who are born every year, and who add to the current population masses, willonly be fed if the people already alive now restrict their own food consumption. A totally newscenario now comes into play for Man, but he will not adjust to it. Consequently, millions of peoplewill continue to starve to death; indeed, they will starve in ever-increasing numbers.
The Earth's atmosphere and climate present problems as well. In comparison with the size of thisEarth, the atmosphere is actually only a very thin layer. Over the past 500 million years, a well-excogitated natural and complex cycle of patterns kept the ratio of various breathable gases forterrestrial life forms at constant levels. Likewise, the temperature range of the air was kept withinan extremely narrow range. A natural protective shield formed beneath which a moderate, equallynatural greenhouse climate developed and, step by step, a multitude of life forms began toflourish. However, over the last 100 years everything has changed because Man, his technology,production of poisons and other things, interfered with this sensitive equilibrium. He even the Earth's climate and is producing a new, dangerous, life-preventive and destructive greenhouseeffect that threatens to slowly destroy everything. This is Man's self-betrayal that will lead to hisown destruction and the annihilation of all life forms and of the planet itself. Every year 23 billiontons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere through fossil fuel burning and motor vehicle enginecombustion; 1 million tons of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are released into the atmosphere by thechemical industry and consumers; 380 million tons of methane gas are generated by cattlefarming, rice cultivation and garbage dumps in addition to 11 million tons of nitrogen-monoxidefrom nitrogen fertilizers and biologic mass burning.
Beyond a doubt, Man alone is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer, the greenhouseeffect and climatic changes on Earth – the larger the human population on Earth, the worse andmore irremediable the situation becomes. Unquestionably, the climatic changes now evident willlead to increases in hurricane activity and other destructive natural events with catastrophicconsequences.
The overpopulation blight prevails simply because women are suppressed, disregarded andabused; they are considered inferior to men and are, therefore, condemned. A great many womenhave no rights. As a consequence, the men, especially through their religious faiths, threaten andstrictly prohibit abortion and the utilization of birth control. These forms of discrimination occurnot only within Christianity and its sects, but also in other religions and their associated sects, asthe following brief excerpts prove:
Islam/Koran – Sure 4
"Men are above the women, because Allah has given the one part a superiority above the other."
"One hundred girls are not worth as much as one boy."
"A woman must never enjoy independence."
Christian Bible: Paul to the Ephesians in the New Testament
"The women shall be vassals to their men who are their masters."
The above quotes clearly demonstrate the value of women based upon a religious viewpoint andone upheld by many men. Still, these discriminatory words against women, though spoken in thepast, nevertheless prevail even today. Such attitudes also guarantee the abuse of women as beingmere birthing machines without being provided the necessary means with which to fight back.This, in turn, ensures that overpopulation is able to freely forge ahead, at an accelerated rate andin a more irretrievable manner.
The Catholic Church has erected an influential and powerful defense against the prevention of having children, respectively birth control. The Church holds a totally irrational attitude againstany form of birth regulation and birth control, hence, it is adamantly against all rights of womenand their own decision-making aspirations on children or pregnancy termination. Politicians as wellcurb women's rights in this manner. They sit in judgement and rob the women of their freedom byway of national laws. The result: unrestricted increases in birthrates are allowed to thrive inCatholic circles (along with those of other religions) and endanger all life on Earth, indeed, thevery existence of the planet. The unrestrained procreation of children without the capability introduce birthrate cessation and birth control is equivalent to fostering a culture of death. Thecriminal Holy Chair of Rome, respectively the Pope and all his lieges, have a horrendous power,whereby its occupant (as well as other religions and their representatives) leads all humanity andall life on the planet into misery, desolation, devastation and destruction.
The Pope and the College of Cardinals at the Vatican constitute the highest authority of theCatholic Church, which has a worldwide following of approximately 1 billion believers of all races.In 1968, Pope Paul VI's Encyclical Humanae Vitae came into force, whose title reads as follows:"On the correct order of passing on human life." Item # 14 describes the forbidden means of birthcontrol in great detail, in the exact manner by which the means were concocted by the Pope, hiscardinals and others in order to discriminate against women; to curtail their rights and to permitthe continuation of the world population's uncontrolled growth – to the detriment and destructionof mankind, all life and planet Earth.
Encyclical Humanae Vitae, Item # 14"The direct termination of a procreation that has already begun, particularly by direct abortion –even when undertaken for curative purposes, is not a legitimate method to curb the number of children and is, therefore, an absolute abomination."Likewise, the direct, permanent or temporary sterilization of the man or the woman must becondemned."Equally objectionable is any action that intentionally prevents propagation, or is employed as ameans to this prevention in anticipation of, during or after the consummation of the matrimonial act." One last item must be mentioned here: Anything the Pope says is hostile to humanity and life,and must simply be ignored, therefore, His prattle is irrelevant. What he says is without actualcorrelation to the issues now confronting the world and humanity.Billy Meier
Saturday, April 23, 2011
True Love – A Unifying Might
In the same degree to which the human being begins to grasp life, to understand it and really to live, he or she will encounter all its great things in greater proximity.
However, true love thereby represents a development to which the human being is not equal - without the deepest cognitions and a virtuous, worthy character and without a good personality.
True love, namely, surpasses all love which is thought-feeling generated, which, as a rule, only exhausts itself in degenerated emotions.
If, however, the human being holds out, and accepts all the efforts and burdens associated with the time of teaching and creating, which true love - determined by spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling[1] - takes, instead of losing himself or herself in all of that which is easy and insignificant, and in false and foolish being-in-love, behind which he or she hides from the truthful weight of true love and from the actual seriousness of life, then he or she will not only gain relief and progress, as well as significant self-knowledge and self-realisation, rather he or she will also gain deep, true love determined by spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling - which mocks all love generated by thoughts and feelings, and, thereby, love which is laden with emotions.
True love lasts for a lifetime and beyond, because true love withstands death and is also still perceptible for the most distant descendant, because it is a significant, positive-neutral and unifying might, the nature of which is eternal and all-great-timely.
Original Source:
However, true love thereby represents a development to which the human being is not equal - without the deepest cognitions and a virtuous, worthy character and without a good personality.
True love, namely, surpasses all love which is thought-feeling generated, which, as a rule, only exhausts itself in degenerated emotions.
If, however, the human being holds out, and accepts all the efforts and burdens associated with the time of teaching and creating, which true love - determined by spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling[1] - takes, instead of losing himself or herself in all of that which is easy and insignificant, and in false and foolish being-in-love, behind which he or she hides from the truthful weight of true love and from the actual seriousness of life, then he or she will not only gain relief and progress, as well as significant self-knowledge and self-realisation, rather he or she will also gain deep, true love determined by spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling - which mocks all love generated by thoughts and feelings, and, thereby, love which is laden with emotions.
True love lasts for a lifetime and beyond, because true love withstands death and is also still perceptible for the most distant descendant, because it is a significant, positive-neutral and unifying might, the nature of which is eternal and all-great-timely.
Original Source:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Coming Big California Earthquake
The following was taken from
UPDATE: April 18, 2011
NOTE: Also see the information at and at regarding the photogrpahs that Billy Meier took of the earthquake discussed 1978.
Also see the latest in concept cars at without external side view mirrors.
Adding to the controversy of course is this illustration from GEO Magazine:

...about which more information can be found at
Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 11
Pages 52 & 53, 437th contact, Saturday, November 18th, 2006, 9:57am
Billy: Then something else: I was discussing the big quake in California with Quetzal - that is to say, San Francisco - which is already overdue.
Have any new things come about there, or does everything remain as Quetzal told me; that the earthquake is to be expected in the foreseeable future and that it will be the biggest natural disaster in living memory?
The quake will not just have a negative impact upon San Francisco, but also Los Angeles, San Diego and various other places.
And as Quetzal said, possibly the seaward part of the San Andreas Fault will tear off, whereby an elongated island would result.
46. You have seen the enormous destruction in the future, however, only in relation to the “Erstzeit*”.
47. But the entirety will, however, be much worse when the great quake occurs. The point in time has remained the same as that which Quetzal named for you.
Billy: Therefore, everything remains as predicted and as it was, as I have seen then through the travel into the future.
48. It was, at that time, a journey into the real time of the future of the real event; consequently also nothing about it can change.
Billy: Naturally - how stupid of me.
· Please also see this information from 1958:
127.) And in the Third Millennium the time comes when big parts of the continents disappear and the people will have to flee to the mountains,
...and this from the Henoch Prophecies:
"Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings. Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies."
· Warning the People
The following is a recent email exchange between Christian Frehner and me pertaining to the question of how best to warn people of the coming devastation:
Hi Christian,
As I recall the ancient Egyptians had warnings about coming disasters engraved on the Great Pyramid from an earlier civilization that helped to prepare them for the Destroyer comet so they could survive.
With Billy's information about the coming big California quake so many millions of lives are at stake. The quake could happen sooner or later and I am wondering if there may be some other indicators that could help with the warning.
So far I only have the cars without outside mirrors to go on, which would possibly put the quake within perhaps 2-5 years at the earliest. However, I remember asking Billy last May about the big quake here and if it was imminent and he said, "No, you and I will have our 'angel wings' by the time that happens," which I interpreted to mean after we were dead, which hopefully is still some many more years in the future than 2-5 years.
...I would like to find a way to better warn people, if possible, so that they could take the warning seriously and prepare for it. Of course I know that Billy won't tell when it happens but I am thinking that there are many more people who could be reached with a warning if I had something a little more to go on, like the Egyptians I mentioned.
Perhaps we could get just a little more help without ruining the "big surprise" of exactly when this huge disaster will happen?
Hi Michael,
Well, the logical thing is:
There has been a prediction about the big California quake, especially the destruction of San Francisco.
Besides, the scientist know since decades that there will be some more severe quakes in that region, sooner or later.
Anyone who knows about this can NOW decide to move away from the region.
Why should people want to stay and wait? If they do not decide to start looking for a job away from the region now, they won't do so later and when it is too late.
The warning exists, and when people do not listen now, they will have to suffer of the consequences quite badly in the future.
And another note: How should people listen to an old Egyptian prediction rather than to Billy's actual one?! - Well, when the surprise happens, it's too late.
UPDATE: April 18, 2011
NOTE: Also see the information at and at regarding the photogrpahs that Billy Meier took of the earthquake discussed 1978.
Also see the latest in concept cars at without external side view mirrors.
Adding to the controversy of course is this illustration from GEO Magazine:

...about which more information can be found at
Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 11
Pages 52 & 53, 437th contact, Saturday, November 18th, 2006, 9:57am
Billy: Then something else: I was discussing the big quake in California with Quetzal - that is to say, San Francisco - which is already overdue.
Have any new things come about there, or does everything remain as Quetzal told me; that the earthquake is to be expected in the foreseeable future and that it will be the biggest natural disaster in living memory?
The quake will not just have a negative impact upon San Francisco, but also Los Angeles, San Diego and various other places.
And as Quetzal said, possibly the seaward part of the San Andreas Fault will tear off, whereby an elongated island would result.
46. You have seen the enormous destruction in the future, however, only in relation to the “Erstzeit*”.
47. But the entirety will, however, be much worse when the great quake occurs. The point in time has remained the same as that which Quetzal named for you.
Billy: Therefore, everything remains as predicted and as it was, as I have seen then through the travel into the future.
48. It was, at that time, a journey into the real time of the future of the real event; consequently also nothing about it can change.
Billy: Naturally - how stupid of me.
· Please also see this information from 1958:
127.) And in the Third Millennium the time comes when big parts of the continents disappear and the people will have to flee to the mountains,
...and this from the Henoch Prophecies:
"Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings. Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies."
· Warning the People
The following is a recent email exchange between Christian Frehner and me pertaining to the question of how best to warn people of the coming devastation:
Hi Christian,
As I recall the ancient Egyptians had warnings about coming disasters engraved on the Great Pyramid from an earlier civilization that helped to prepare them for the Destroyer comet so they could survive.
With Billy's information about the coming big California quake so many millions of lives are at stake. The quake could happen sooner or later and I am wondering if there may be some other indicators that could help with the warning.
So far I only have the cars without outside mirrors to go on, which would possibly put the quake within perhaps 2-5 years at the earliest. However, I remember asking Billy last May about the big quake here and if it was imminent and he said, "No, you and I will have our 'angel wings' by the time that happens," which I interpreted to mean after we were dead, which hopefully is still some many more years in the future than 2-5 years.
...I would like to find a way to better warn people, if possible, so that they could take the warning seriously and prepare for it. Of course I know that Billy won't tell when it happens but I am thinking that there are many more people who could be reached with a warning if I had something a little more to go on, like the Egyptians I mentioned.
Perhaps we could get just a little more help without ruining the "big surprise" of exactly when this huge disaster will happen?
Hi Michael,
Well, the logical thing is:
There has been a prediction about the big California quake, especially the destruction of San Francisco.
Besides, the scientist know since decades that there will be some more severe quakes in that region, sooner or later.
Anyone who knows about this can NOW decide to move away from the region.
Why should people want to stay and wait? If they do not decide to start looking for a job away from the region now, they won't do so later and when it is too late.
The warning exists, and when people do not listen now, they will have to suffer of the consequences quite badly in the future.
And another note: How should people listen to an old Egyptian prediction rather than to Billy's actual one?! - Well, when the surprise happens, it's too late.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Who is Billy Meier?
The following was taken from
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier was born in Bülach, Switzerland on February 3, 1937. For over 67 years, he has maintained a series of physical and telepathic contacts with extraterrestrial beings who claim they come from the Plejares star system. Acting as a mediator and spokesperson for the Pleiadians/Plejaren from planet Erra, Eduard Meier imparts their fascinating, esoteric teachings and wisdom to us and assists them in their monumental task of guiding Earth mankind back to the path we have left so long ago.
Billy's contacts with extraterrestrials began at age five when he was prepared for his life's work through the teachings of Sfath, an extraterrestrial man from the Plejares. Asket, Billy's second contact person, continued his education for another eleven years, guiding him through many lands on Earth to learn about terrestrial beliefs and cultures.
On January 28, 1975, he began a series of over 100 contacts with Semjase, a female Pleiadian/Plejaran. During several contacts Billy was allowed to photograph her "beamship" during flight maneuvers. He took over 1,000 of the clearest UFO pictures ever seen, a very small proportion of which you can see in the gallery. The actual contact conversations were written down word-for-word and contain many interesting facts on Earth history, humanities, sciences and spiritual topics. Since 1989, Billy has been having approximately four contacts a year with Ptaah, the father of Semjase, and has had well over 400 contacts to date.
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier was born in Bülach, Switzerland on February 3, 1937. For over 67 years, he has maintained a series of physical and telepathic contacts with extraterrestrial beings who claim they come from the Plejares star system. Acting as a mediator and spokesperson for the Pleiadians/Plejaren from planet Erra, Eduard Meier imparts their fascinating, esoteric teachings and wisdom to us and assists them in their monumental task of guiding Earth mankind back to the path we have left so long ago.
Billy's contacts with extraterrestrials began at age five when he was prepared for his life's work through the teachings of Sfath, an extraterrestrial man from the Plejares. Asket, Billy's second contact person, continued his education for another eleven years, guiding him through many lands on Earth to learn about terrestrial beliefs and cultures.
On January 28, 1975, he began a series of over 100 contacts with Semjase, a female Pleiadian/Plejaran. During several contacts Billy was allowed to photograph her "beamship" during flight maneuvers. He took over 1,000 of the clearest UFO pictures ever seen, a very small proportion of which you can see in the gallery. The actual contact conversations were written down word-for-word and contain many interesting facts on Earth history, humanities, sciences and spiritual topics. Since 1989, Billy has been having approximately four contacts a year with Ptaah, the father of Semjase, and has had well over 400 contacts to date.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
481st Contact - October 14th, 2009, Part VIII
The following was taken from published by Michael Horn. It is the 481st contact between Billy and the Plaeren and details what can happen with an atmospheric collapse and oxygen collapse brought on by human activity. This is the final part of this particular series of publications. There are many, many more prophecies and predictions at Michael's site and also at Billy Meier's site The work was originally published by Billie Meier as many as five decades prior. These sites provide an enormous amount of information which is intended to aid humanity in preparing for and preventing some of these events and also to teach humanity the truth about our existance.
Billy: ... But now a question regarding the oxygen collapse, respectively, the atmospheric collapse, on the planet Akart, of which you spoke on February 3rd of this year in the 476th official contact conversation. What must I understand “oxygen collapse” and “atmospheric collapse” to mean?
Ptaah: An oxygen collapse, respectively, an atmospheric collapse, arises as a result of a massive over-impregnation of the atmosphere by the molecule CO2, which enters the atmosphere, as well as the oceans and other bodies of water, as well as the soil of the Earth, and radically alters the climate. An oxygen and atmospheric collapse would be evoked by a massive excess of CO2, which means a bad fate for the entire Earth humanity. It would evoke a threatening catastrophe consisting of the destruction of life itself. This is caused by the incessantly growing overpopulation, through which constantly more monstrous amounts of CO2 are produced and, with that, not only the air is impregnated, but actually everything up to the highest heights of the mountains and the deepest depths of the oceans is impregnated. The molecule already exists in dangerous amounts everywhere on the entire Earth and unfolds its dangerousness which does not only express itself in the destructive manner, being climate change, with all the natural catastrophes which more and more take the upper hand, which always demand more and more human lives and cause destruction which cannot again be repaired in a practical amount of time. And actually, all of that is founded singly and alone in the overpopulation of the Earth humans, who senselessly multiply like noxious vermin and thereby also produce more damaging material of all kinds, and CO2, and thereby impregnate the atmosphere and reduce the oxygen content - this, along with all other destructive machinations like the logging and clearing of the rainforests - the green lungs of the Earth - and, bound to that, the creation of infertile desert areas. Naturally the Earth has always contained the molecule CO2, but the CO2 content has drastically risen through the irrational pushing ahead of the overpopulation which constantly burns more fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and gas, principally through the internal combustion engines of road and marine vehicles, work machinery, and aircraft engines, as well as through nonsensical kinds of motor sports. In addition to that is still the enormous overproduction of animals, which are bred as means of nourishment for the humans and which exhale, and release from the colon, horrendous amounts of methane and other gasses. But also, due to the thawing of the permafrost, enormous amounts of all kinds of dangerous gasses are released which enter the air. Further, it is also the Earth human himself who puts CO2 in the air through his exhalation, and indeed already in dangerous amounts, as a result of the monstrous overpopulation. Every year, in this way, the Earth human is to blame that millions of tonnes of dangerous materials are produced, along with other poisons, and are blown into the air, and that increases as the incessantly growing overpopulation increases. And actually today Earth humanity stands on the brink of the serious threat that everything is leading to a collapse, as was the case with Akart. And if a stop, in a rational way, is not finally ordered to the overpopulation then it all increases more and more, and faster, whereby, finally, nothing more can be saved. If, therefore, the CO2 content continues rising unabated, then the catastrophe is no longer avoidable. And a rapid reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of CO2 also rapidly decrease. But if that is given no heed then the oxygen content and the atmosphere of the Earth would be so overburdened by CO2 that a collapse would unavoidably result. And if the concentration of the molecules climbs in this manner then the respiration of all relevant life forms on the Earth would be so impaired that it would no longer be possible for them to take up sufficient oxygen. When inhaled, the CO2 concentration already becomes deadly for Earth humans, and for the other actual oxygen-breathers, when it only amounts to eight percent.
Billy: That will naturally not be made public by the scientists and by the governments; quite the contrary. They will hold useless climate conferences and make decisions which are even more senseless, as, for example, that within a certain period of years the CO2 output is to be reduced by such and such a percent. Truly, this is completely nonsensical fussing and posturing because, even if that which is decided were to be achieved, the entire thing is not even a drop on a hot stone. This is because, already in the time between the resolution and its realisation, hundreds of millions more human beings will populate the Earth and produce still more filth and CO2 than the quantity that was decided upon. Therefore, the entire climate conference is counter-productive and idiotic because the only correct solution would be one from conferences concerned with the reduction of the overpopulation, at which resolutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regulated control of births. This would thereby have to be such that many more completely natural cases of death come about than the number of births.
That would be the real and humane solution, which could be carried out in a simple manner and would also guarantee that all evils and catastrophes evoked by the human beings of the Earth can be reduced and that the worst could still be prevented.
Ptaah: You have already taught that to the Earth human beings since your youth, in that you sent your explanatory writings to those in positions of responsibility on the Earth and to all the media. Unfortunately, however, up to today none of your efforts have borne valuable fruit. On the contrary; you have now been attacked and reviled up to the current time, while, since time immemorial, others with rank and name are built up as stars although they simply only reveal that which you have taught for decades, about which you have warned and which now is being frighteningly borne out, as a result of climate change. This corresponds to an incomparable disgrace, because it would only have been fair if your predictions had thereby been mentioned.
Billy: You should not agitate yourself on account of that, because I do not belong to the world of rank and name. But it must be said that when these people with rank and name are built up as stars, as you say, it is actually good that they do something, even if their wisdom has not grown from their own knowledge. But unfortunately these rank and name people are too late with their deeds, because climate change can no longer be halted. There would probably still be something to save, respectively, the worst could still be prevented, if humanity finally became more sensible and stopped the overpopulation, which is indeed firstly and lastly the true reason why everything is going off course in regards to the climate and also in other ways.
Ptaah: When I consider all the warnings and predictions which you have written and spread worldwide, which, however, brought no success at all and did not bring the Earth human beings to a change towards what is reasonable, there is not much hope, or none at all, that the correct thing will be done, and a worldwide regulated birth stoppage will be arranged
Billy: ... But now a question regarding the oxygen collapse, respectively, the atmospheric collapse, on the planet Akart, of which you spoke on February 3rd of this year in the 476th official contact conversation. What must I understand “oxygen collapse” and “atmospheric collapse” to mean?
Ptaah: An oxygen collapse, respectively, an atmospheric collapse, arises as a result of a massive over-impregnation of the atmosphere by the molecule CO2, which enters the atmosphere, as well as the oceans and other bodies of water, as well as the soil of the Earth, and radically alters the climate. An oxygen and atmospheric collapse would be evoked by a massive excess of CO2, which means a bad fate for the entire Earth humanity. It would evoke a threatening catastrophe consisting of the destruction of life itself. This is caused by the incessantly growing overpopulation, through which constantly more monstrous amounts of CO2 are produced and, with that, not only the air is impregnated, but actually everything up to the highest heights of the mountains and the deepest depths of the oceans is impregnated. The molecule already exists in dangerous amounts everywhere on the entire Earth and unfolds its dangerousness which does not only express itself in the destructive manner, being climate change, with all the natural catastrophes which more and more take the upper hand, which always demand more and more human lives and cause destruction which cannot again be repaired in a practical amount of time. And actually, all of that is founded singly and alone in the overpopulation of the Earth humans, who senselessly multiply like noxious vermin and thereby also produce more damaging material of all kinds, and CO2, and thereby impregnate the atmosphere and reduce the oxygen content - this, along with all other destructive machinations like the logging and clearing of the rainforests - the green lungs of the Earth - and, bound to that, the creation of infertile desert areas. Naturally the Earth has always contained the molecule CO2, but the CO2 content has drastically risen through the irrational pushing ahead of the overpopulation which constantly burns more fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and gas, principally through the internal combustion engines of road and marine vehicles, work machinery, and aircraft engines, as well as through nonsensical kinds of motor sports. In addition to that is still the enormous overproduction of animals, which are bred as means of nourishment for the humans and which exhale, and release from the colon, horrendous amounts of methane and other gasses. But also, due to the thawing of the permafrost, enormous amounts of all kinds of dangerous gasses are released which enter the air. Further, it is also the Earth human himself who puts CO2 in the air through his exhalation, and indeed already in dangerous amounts, as a result of the monstrous overpopulation. Every year, in this way, the Earth human is to blame that millions of tonnes of dangerous materials are produced, along with other poisons, and are blown into the air, and that increases as the incessantly growing overpopulation increases. And actually today Earth humanity stands on the brink of the serious threat that everything is leading to a collapse, as was the case with Akart. And if a stop, in a rational way, is not finally ordered to the overpopulation then it all increases more and more, and faster, whereby, finally, nothing more can be saved. If, therefore, the CO2 content continues rising unabated, then the catastrophe is no longer avoidable. And a rapid reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of CO2 also rapidly decrease. But if that is given no heed then the oxygen content and the atmosphere of the Earth would be so overburdened by CO2 that a collapse would unavoidably result. And if the concentration of the molecules climbs in this manner then the respiration of all relevant life forms on the Earth would be so impaired that it would no longer be possible for them to take up sufficient oxygen. When inhaled, the CO2 concentration already becomes deadly for Earth humans, and for the other actual oxygen-breathers, when it only amounts to eight percent.
Billy: That will naturally not be made public by the scientists and by the governments; quite the contrary. They will hold useless climate conferences and make decisions which are even more senseless, as, for example, that within a certain period of years the CO2 output is to be reduced by such and such a percent. Truly, this is completely nonsensical fussing and posturing because, even if that which is decided were to be achieved, the entire thing is not even a drop on a hot stone. This is because, already in the time between the resolution and its realisation, hundreds of millions more human beings will populate the Earth and produce still more filth and CO2 than the quantity that was decided upon. Therefore, the entire climate conference is counter-productive and idiotic because the only correct solution would be one from conferences concerned with the reduction of the overpopulation, at which resolutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regulated control of births. This would thereby have to be such that many more completely natural cases of death come about than the number of births.
That would be the real and humane solution, which could be carried out in a simple manner and would also guarantee that all evils and catastrophes evoked by the human beings of the Earth can be reduced and that the worst could still be prevented.
Ptaah: You have already taught that to the Earth human beings since your youth, in that you sent your explanatory writings to those in positions of responsibility on the Earth and to all the media. Unfortunately, however, up to today none of your efforts have borne valuable fruit. On the contrary; you have now been attacked and reviled up to the current time, while, since time immemorial, others with rank and name are built up as stars although they simply only reveal that which you have taught for decades, about which you have warned and which now is being frighteningly borne out, as a result of climate change. This corresponds to an incomparable disgrace, because it would only have been fair if your predictions had thereby been mentioned.
Billy: You should not agitate yourself on account of that, because I do not belong to the world of rank and name. But it must be said that when these people with rank and name are built up as stars, as you say, it is actually good that they do something, even if their wisdom has not grown from their own knowledge. But unfortunately these rank and name people are too late with their deeds, because climate change can no longer be halted. There would probably still be something to save, respectively, the worst could still be prevented, if humanity finally became more sensible and stopped the overpopulation, which is indeed firstly and lastly the true reason why everything is going off course in regards to the climate and also in other ways.
Ptaah: When I consider all the warnings and predictions which you have written and spread worldwide, which, however, brought no success at all and did not bring the Earth human beings to a change towards what is reasonable, there is not much hope, or none at all, that the correct thing will be done, and a worldwide regulated birth stoppage will be arranged
Sunday, April 10, 2011
450th Contact - Wednesday, May 30th 2007, Part VII
The following excerpts were taken from and were published by Michael Horn.
Billy: Still a question in regard to the letter, "To All Governments and Other Responsible Ones of the World": there are entire groups of renowned scientists, among which are also Nobel Prize carriers, who stubbornly assert that the whole matter of climate change is nothing more and nothing less than just panic-mongering and a mendacious story in which not a single word corresponds to the truth.
Truly, climate change deals with a purely natural process, which practically periodically always repeats itself again which is demonstrated, for example, through analyses of layers of earth and layers of ice which are brought into the light of day from great depths.
All that contradicts the statements of those scientists who say the exact opposite and offer different investigation results, as it also, however, contradicts your statements and explanations.
Ptaah: That is known to me.
The deniers of the actual truth push an irresponsible know-it-all-ism which is based on blatant stupidity, ignorance of the truth and on irresponsibility.
That is also the case when the know-it-alls call themselves scientists and puff themselves up with titles such as Doctor and Professor.
Naturally, what corresponds to the indisputable truth is that, periodically, incisive changes in the climate come about on the Earth and evoke enormous upheavals, which corresponds to nature as well as to the activity of the planet and its rotation around the Sun as well as the activity of the Sun and cosmic influences.
And the effects of these periodic climatic changes are stored as provable traces in the realm of the earth, just as on, and in, the ice of the glaciers and the Arctic and Antarctic.
But now, what has already been happening in the whole of nature for a very long time, as well as in the current time and will in the future time, in regard to climate change, and all the changes resulting from it - like the monstrous storms, earthquakes and volcanic activities out of which much havoc and death comes about for the humans, all the creatures and the animal world, as well as the most serious devastations and destructions - no longer has anything to do with the natural, periodic climatic changes, and so forth.
Truly, the climate change, which already began to develop decades ago, which presently exists and which is degenerating very much further, is singly and alone evoked and still further driven on as a result of the fault of terrestrial humanity.
Therefore, the true blame for the already existing climate catastrophe is borne, singly and alone, by the Earth human, who, as a result of his lack of reason, has produced a blatant overpopulation which can no longer be coped with by terrestrial nature and the planet.
That is, therefore, because, through this overpopulation, unending problems were created which were created due to the demand for many and diverse goods as well as due to the discharge of poisonous and climate-destroying emissions.
The more numerous the terrestrial human population became, the greater became all the problems resulting from it, through which the climate and nature are destroyed.
And the greater the increase in overpopulation, the greater become all the problems which emerge from it, which can no longer be brought under control.
But that means that, in the future, all problems, in regard to the destruction of nature, atmosphere, waters, land and climate, increase further and become much worse yet.
However, that thereby irresponsible know-it-alls - in particular those in any relationship to scientists with doctoral and professorial titles who are devoid of responsibility - publicly still offer their nonsense and lead terrestrial humanity into error with their stupidity; that should be punishable, because their acts are criminal.
That is because, as a result of the false information, the Earth humans are strengthened in their resolve to further behave and work irresponsibly, whereby the terrestrial population increases still further instead of it being reduced through definitive and regulated procedures for a cessation of births, so that all problems are reduced and nature as well as the climate can again regenerate, which at any rate, will demand a very long time should the Earth human finally become reasonable.
But as long as the majority of terrestrial humanity holds firmly to its dubious freedom, does, and is allowed to do, what it wants - therefore also producing descendents in abundance according to its own judgment, as well as destroying nature, the climate and the planet as it pleases - nothing will change for the better, rather it will only bring still bigger problems.
Effective freedom does not mean doing and being allowed to do what corresponds to one's own will, rather, freedom means that responsibility is comprehensively taken on and borne, for life, the planet, the climate, nature and for all forms of life.
Billy: Well roared, lion.
Your words are again powerful and good.
It is a requirement for me to publish your statements in one of the next bulletins.
Ptaah: Still to say is that, as a rule, all the irresponsible gentlemen doctors and professors, and so forth, who name themselves scientists, and dispute the climate debacle, earn much money with their nonsense, because they often work, profit-greedily, for multinational industries, and so forth, and construct for them, through false climate models, analyses which are foreign to the truth, and which have nothing to do with reality and truth.
Through the trivialising and twisting of the real truth, the powerful ones of industry, and many others, as even also the disputers of the truth, earn - as you always say - golden noses.
The multinational industries can further sell their excessively overly expensive products to governments, firms, companies and to private clientele.
In the same context, however, that also applies to all those who make horrendous profits through panic-mongering in regard to climate change, because an extreme exaggeration in this regard - as well as in regard to plagues and illnesses as well as racial hatred, and so forth - leads to conspicuous profiteering.
The fact is that the climate change, which is currently occurring, initially began quite naturally in the context of the emerging periodic cycle. That cannot be disputed.
What has however resulted since then due to the Earth humans' irresponsible, destructive influence in regard to climate change, amounts today to around 75 percent, whereby in this regard not only CO2 and CFC are to blame, rather also methane and many kinds of other poisonous substances.
And the fact is that the present climatic upheaval has developed to the current position in only a few decades which constitutes an abnormality without compare because every natural climate change proceeds and results over hundreds and not seldom even over thousands of years.
Through the humans' irresponsible and destructive interference with nature and with the atmosphere, however, an abnormal climate change has resulted in a few decades and brought havoc over Earth humanity and the planet, as is not the case as a result of a natural transformation of the climate.
If the havoc, which was conjured up by the Earth human, is analysed, then there are many kinds of factors to name, which have called forth the climate change.
It is not only the excessively generated CO2, methane gas, CFC and all other poisonous substances, rather also the building over of the countryside, the breaking through of mountains, the hollowing out of the Earth for gas, coal, ore and crude oil, the damming of rivers for enormous lakes as well as monstrous explosions through which the structure of the planet is shaken.
Also the pollution of the waters, the felling and destruction of the rainforests, the contamination of the atmosphere and the destruction of the forests and fields for construction purposes, as well as the monstrous extent of poisonous emissions, and so forth, are factors which decisively contribute to the destruction of the climate.
That is also the case even when the scientists and responsible ones do not recognised this likewise fundamental fact as wicked evil.
Collectively really everything together contributes to the entire evil.
But in addition, all the many other problems still come, which likewise, singly and alone, as all of the aforementioned, come about as a result of the spreading overpopulation and always become more numerous and bigger.
Enormous problems, which, however in regard to the entire matter, are not taken into regard and are not recognised by the world's scientists and responsible ones, nor generally by the Earth humans.
In addition, to count along with many other things are also the energy problems, climbing criminality, serious felony, religious hate, plagues, epidemics, pandemics and illnesses, xenophobia and the hatred of ones neighbour, and racial hatred.
Also to name are the wars and insurrections, the greed for profit, the lack of drinking water, hunger, destruction of the family as well as the loss of interpersonal relationships and the greed for wealth, sexual degeneration, pedophilia, degenerate spare-time pleasures, and life-endangering kinds of sport as well as fanatical enthusiasm and so on, and so forth.
Billy: How right you are, but all the know-it-alls, tyrants, inexpert ones, irresponsible and irrational ones will not listen to that.
What I, however, still want to ask: have you new predictions?
Ptaah: That is unfortunately so, because irrationality and irresponsibility govern the Earth humans.
For the next weeks there are no extraordinary events to report.
Indeed, in the entire world, enormous storms result which evoke serious floods and destruction whereby also Switzerland, the USA, Australia, China and Europe, and so forth, will be struck and also will have dead to lament, as also will be the case with great droughts and heat in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and so forth, yet everything is no longer extraordinary, as I already said.
Billy: Still a question in regard to the letter, "To All Governments and Other Responsible Ones of the World": there are entire groups of renowned scientists, among which are also Nobel Prize carriers, who stubbornly assert that the whole matter of climate change is nothing more and nothing less than just panic-mongering and a mendacious story in which not a single word corresponds to the truth.
Truly, climate change deals with a purely natural process, which practically periodically always repeats itself again which is demonstrated, for example, through analyses of layers of earth and layers of ice which are brought into the light of day from great depths.
All that contradicts the statements of those scientists who say the exact opposite and offer different investigation results, as it also, however, contradicts your statements and explanations.
Ptaah: That is known to me.
The deniers of the actual truth push an irresponsible know-it-all-ism which is based on blatant stupidity, ignorance of the truth and on irresponsibility.
That is also the case when the know-it-alls call themselves scientists and puff themselves up with titles such as Doctor and Professor.
Naturally, what corresponds to the indisputable truth is that, periodically, incisive changes in the climate come about on the Earth and evoke enormous upheavals, which corresponds to nature as well as to the activity of the planet and its rotation around the Sun as well as the activity of the Sun and cosmic influences.
And the effects of these periodic climatic changes are stored as provable traces in the realm of the earth, just as on, and in, the ice of the glaciers and the Arctic and Antarctic.
But now, what has already been happening in the whole of nature for a very long time, as well as in the current time and will in the future time, in regard to climate change, and all the changes resulting from it - like the monstrous storms, earthquakes and volcanic activities out of which much havoc and death comes about for the humans, all the creatures and the animal world, as well as the most serious devastations and destructions - no longer has anything to do with the natural, periodic climatic changes, and so forth.
Truly, the climate change, which already began to develop decades ago, which presently exists and which is degenerating very much further, is singly and alone evoked and still further driven on as a result of the fault of terrestrial humanity.
Therefore, the true blame for the already existing climate catastrophe is borne, singly and alone, by the Earth human, who, as a result of his lack of reason, has produced a blatant overpopulation which can no longer be coped with by terrestrial nature and the planet.
That is, therefore, because, through this overpopulation, unending problems were created which were created due to the demand for many and diverse goods as well as due to the discharge of poisonous and climate-destroying emissions.
The more numerous the terrestrial human population became, the greater became all the problems resulting from it, through which the climate and nature are destroyed.
And the greater the increase in overpopulation, the greater become all the problems which emerge from it, which can no longer be brought under control.
But that means that, in the future, all problems, in regard to the destruction of nature, atmosphere, waters, land and climate, increase further and become much worse yet.
However, that thereby irresponsible know-it-alls - in particular those in any relationship to scientists with doctoral and professorial titles who are devoid of responsibility - publicly still offer their nonsense and lead terrestrial humanity into error with their stupidity; that should be punishable, because their acts are criminal.
That is because, as a result of the false information, the Earth humans are strengthened in their resolve to further behave and work irresponsibly, whereby the terrestrial population increases still further instead of it being reduced through definitive and regulated procedures for a cessation of births, so that all problems are reduced and nature as well as the climate can again regenerate, which at any rate, will demand a very long time should the Earth human finally become reasonable.
But as long as the majority of terrestrial humanity holds firmly to its dubious freedom, does, and is allowed to do, what it wants - therefore also producing descendents in abundance according to its own judgment, as well as destroying nature, the climate and the planet as it pleases - nothing will change for the better, rather it will only bring still bigger problems.
Effective freedom does not mean doing and being allowed to do what corresponds to one's own will, rather, freedom means that responsibility is comprehensively taken on and borne, for life, the planet, the climate, nature and for all forms of life.
Billy: Well roared, lion.
Your words are again powerful and good.
It is a requirement for me to publish your statements in one of the next bulletins.
Ptaah: Still to say is that, as a rule, all the irresponsible gentlemen doctors and professors, and so forth, who name themselves scientists, and dispute the climate debacle, earn much money with their nonsense, because they often work, profit-greedily, for multinational industries, and so forth, and construct for them, through false climate models, analyses which are foreign to the truth, and which have nothing to do with reality and truth.
Through the trivialising and twisting of the real truth, the powerful ones of industry, and many others, as even also the disputers of the truth, earn - as you always say - golden noses.
The multinational industries can further sell their excessively overly expensive products to governments, firms, companies and to private clientele.
In the same context, however, that also applies to all those who make horrendous profits through panic-mongering in regard to climate change, because an extreme exaggeration in this regard - as well as in regard to plagues and illnesses as well as racial hatred, and so forth - leads to conspicuous profiteering.
The fact is that the climate change, which is currently occurring, initially began quite naturally in the context of the emerging periodic cycle. That cannot be disputed.
What has however resulted since then due to the Earth humans' irresponsible, destructive influence in regard to climate change, amounts today to around 75 percent, whereby in this regard not only CO2 and CFC are to blame, rather also methane and many kinds of other poisonous substances.
And the fact is that the present climatic upheaval has developed to the current position in only a few decades which constitutes an abnormality without compare because every natural climate change proceeds and results over hundreds and not seldom even over thousands of years.
Through the humans' irresponsible and destructive interference with nature and with the atmosphere, however, an abnormal climate change has resulted in a few decades and brought havoc over Earth humanity and the planet, as is not the case as a result of a natural transformation of the climate.
If the havoc, which was conjured up by the Earth human, is analysed, then there are many kinds of factors to name, which have called forth the climate change.
It is not only the excessively generated CO2, methane gas, CFC and all other poisonous substances, rather also the building over of the countryside, the breaking through of mountains, the hollowing out of the Earth for gas, coal, ore and crude oil, the damming of rivers for enormous lakes as well as monstrous explosions through which the structure of the planet is shaken.
Also the pollution of the waters, the felling and destruction of the rainforests, the contamination of the atmosphere and the destruction of the forests and fields for construction purposes, as well as the monstrous extent of poisonous emissions, and so forth, are factors which decisively contribute to the destruction of the climate.
That is also the case even when the scientists and responsible ones do not recognised this likewise fundamental fact as wicked evil.
Collectively really everything together contributes to the entire evil.
But in addition, all the many other problems still come, which likewise, singly and alone, as all of the aforementioned, come about as a result of the spreading overpopulation and always become more numerous and bigger.
Enormous problems, which, however in regard to the entire matter, are not taken into regard and are not recognised by the world's scientists and responsible ones, nor generally by the Earth humans.
In addition, to count along with many other things are also the energy problems, climbing criminality, serious felony, religious hate, plagues, epidemics, pandemics and illnesses, xenophobia and the hatred of ones neighbour, and racial hatred.
Also to name are the wars and insurrections, the greed for profit, the lack of drinking water, hunger, destruction of the family as well as the loss of interpersonal relationships and the greed for wealth, sexual degeneration, pedophilia, degenerate spare-time pleasures, and life-endangering kinds of sport as well as fanatical enthusiasm and so on, and so forth.
Billy: How right you are, but all the know-it-alls, tyrants, inexpert ones, irresponsible and irrational ones will not listen to that.
What I, however, still want to ask: have you new predictions?
Ptaah: That is unfortunately so, because irrationality and irresponsibility govern the Earth humans.
For the next weeks there are no extraordinary events to report.
Indeed, in the entire world, enormous storms result which evoke serious floods and destruction whereby also Switzerland, the USA, Australia, China and Europe, and so forth, will be struck and also will have dead to lament, as also will be the case with great droughts and heat in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and so forth, yet everything is no longer extraordinary, as I already said.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Quote of the day by Billy Meier
The following is an excerpt obtained from
True peace as well as true love and freedom should finally prevail on Earth and among all human beings regardless of skin colour, race and faith, without hate, revenge, jealousy, craving for retaliation, privation, misery, murder, homicide, terror and wars.
True peace as well as true love and freedom should finally prevail on Earth and among all human beings regardless of skin colour, race and faith, without hate, revenge, jealousy, craving for retaliation, privation, misery, murder, homicide, terror and wars.
A prophecy being fulfilled, or are Earth humans avoiding it?
The following was taken from
At the time of writing this, the Earth year of 2011 C.E. is less than 3 months old. Already this year the Earth human has witnessed violent earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. The latter has also had to endure a powerful tsunami that has wiped entire towns off the map, destroyed thousands of homes, and taken thousands of lives. The Earth human has now been placed into a war in Libya. This war is, on the one hand, a request from many Libyans and on the other hand, a result of human actions to stop a warmonger, a barbaric tyrant and outright irresponsible dictator that murders all those in Libya who want and rightfully demand the removal of Muammar Gaddafi.
From “Billy” Eduard Meier and FIGU there have been prophetic warnings about the year 2011. It must be said that a prophecy does not have to fulfill itself. Indeed, the outcome of any prophecy depends on the thoughts and actions of human beings. To better explain this is the following excerpt:
Excerpt from FIGU Bulletin 046 “A Word to Third World War” dated February 2004
Prophecies are always changeable, for they do not rest upon something that forces prophecies to be fulfilled, contrary to predictions that fulfil themselves with absolute certainty.
Prophecies rest upon logical and consistent thought processes, that out of certain causes again will develop certain effects, in fact according to actions developed out of causes, the effect will be the result. Therefore, a prophecy represents nothing else than effects that could develop out of certain causes. Each cause can be created in such a way, that from it develops either positive or negative.
When a prophecy is made, the significance of its representation is that the effect will be shown which will arise out of a negative cause, if not at once will be acted in different or positive way because as a rule, the negative will be laid out to the human being that he/she develops out of causes. This therefore, that the human being will think about the evil he/she is just about to create. Therefore, the consequences i.e., the negative effects of his/ her actions will be pointed out in a prophetic manner, so that the human being can begin to act reasonably and avoid evil consequences, i.e. negative effects and make something good and positive out of his thoughts, feelings and actions. Therefore, it depends on human beings themselves if a prophecy does fulfil itself or not. That is true in respect to a Third World War, for the prophecies do not say that a Third World War will be unavoidable, but refer to the possibility of such a war if human beings will not change and stop their political and war-like and religious insane behaviour and do not make a beginning to change toward the positive in all areas. So it is solely up to human beings themselves if the prophecy fulfils itself or not. And that is correct in the case of the Third World War which in fact does not have to happen if human beings finally will be reasonable and bring the powerful and mighty to their senses, who are in fact all those stupid, power-hungry, greedy for profit, self-complacent, greedy, hateful, idiotic, and are crazy enough to launch wars and incite those of the people who are stupid and idiotic and will scream pro and hurray and take up arms to kill innocent human beings.
Prophecies therefore are changeable or avoidable by means of human beings' thoughts, out of which the respective feelings and actions come about. Thus to change or avoid a prophecy, which are mainly future outcomes of the negative aspects and results of human beings thoughts, feeling and actions, human beings must change their thoughts to the positive and thereby create the respective positive, responsible feelings and actions.
From FIGU Bulletin 046 there is mentioned, as a prophecy, of a Third World War. Quote, “That is true in respect to a Third World War, for the prophecies do not say that a Third World War will be unavoidable, but refer to the possibility of such a war if human beings will not change and stop their political and war-like and religious insane behaviour and do not make a beginning to change toward the positive in all areas. So it is solely up to human beings themselves if the prophecy fulfils itself or not.” Here we can understand that a Third World War does not have to happen and is indeed not unavoidable but human beings must create the positive thoughts, feelings and actions to avert any Third World War.
Unfortunately, the Earth year of 2011 C.E. is a year of a prophesised Third World War.
Excerpt from FIGU Bulletin 046 “A Word to Third World War” dated February 2004
There is in fact not a Third World War predicted, the prophecies speak solely of a possibility that such a war could become reality in the years 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2011 and in later years too, if the human being continues to pursue war on a military, political and religious basis and does not apply reason and lets the mighty of religion and states muddle on, and lets the stupid and idiotic be incited by irresponsible and criminal elements.
Excerpt from “To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:" dated January 30th 2003, 11:54 am
Should in fact a clash of weapons occur in Iraq, prodded by the howling for war by Bush, then this can become a reality and the fulfillment of the Henok Prophecies, although the old prophecy says that due to this consequence, the Third World War could in fact break out in the year 2006, whereby it should be said that it depends if this date is taken from the modern calendar of today or according to the time since the birth of Jmmanuel, which then would correspond to the year 2003. Another prophecy speaks of an all-encompassing war in the year 2011. But at the present, the year 2006 has to be considered, because the last decades that have gone by with all the happenings in military and political machinations point towards this time.
From the two excerpts from Billy’s texts a Third World War is prophesised for the Earth Year 2011 A.D. However this does not have to be fulfilled. In the Earth year 2006 A.D. a Third World War was also prophesised to begin. Thankfully, this prophecy did not become fulfilled logically due to the thoughts, feelings and actions of the Earth human.
At the time of writing this, 10 members of the United Nations Security Council are at war in Libya since they approved U.N. Resolution 1973; 5 abstained from the resolution vote. Could this be the start of the fulfilment of the prophecy of a Third World War? This will depend solely on the thoughts, feelings and actions of those in positions of power and their respective populations. One could argue that this is a Third World War or the beginning stages due to the fact that most of the countries on Earth are now either actively involved through military strikes within Libya or actively supporting the military strikes in Libya.
From the excerpt above, in FIGU Bulletin 046, Billy writes the following “So it is solely up to human beings themselves if the prophecy fulfils itself or not. And that is correct in the case of the Third World War which in fact does not have to happen if human beings finally will be reasonable and bring the powerful and mighty to their senses, who are in fact all those stupid, power-hungry, greedy for profit, self-complacent, greedy, hateful, idiotic, and are crazy enough to launch wars and incite those of the people who are stupid and idiotic and will scream pro and hurray and take up arms to kill innocent human beings.” This statement truly fits the persons in power in Libya and also those who support Gaddafi and celebrate the senseless murdering of innocent human beings. Human beings who are being attacked through aggression, greed, hunger for power and inhumanness rightfully must defend themselves. The use of weapons in defence must truly only be used as a last resort and if there is no other alternative to end the conflict. This statement from Billy can also fit in with other political, military and populations of other countries on Earth. Truly the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as past wars of the 20th century led by persons in positions of power has been based on hunger for power, greed, profit, hatefulness and so on and spurred on by senseless, stupid and idiotic populations who glorify, support and mindlessly follow the war machinations of those in power.
By Stephen Moore - 21/03/2011
At the time of writing this, the Earth year of 2011 C.E. is less than 3 months old. Already this year the Earth human has witnessed violent earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. The latter has also had to endure a powerful tsunami that has wiped entire towns off the map, destroyed thousands of homes, and taken thousands of lives. The Earth human has now been placed into a war in Libya. This war is, on the one hand, a request from many Libyans and on the other hand, a result of human actions to stop a warmonger, a barbaric tyrant and outright irresponsible dictator that murders all those in Libya who want and rightfully demand the removal of Muammar Gaddafi.
From “Billy” Eduard Meier and FIGU there have been prophetic warnings about the year 2011. It must be said that a prophecy does not have to fulfill itself. Indeed, the outcome of any prophecy depends on the thoughts and actions of human beings. To better explain this is the following excerpt:
Excerpt from FIGU Bulletin 046 “A Word to Third World War” dated February 2004
Prophecies are always changeable, for they do not rest upon something that forces prophecies to be fulfilled, contrary to predictions that fulfil themselves with absolute certainty.
Prophecies rest upon logical and consistent thought processes, that out of certain causes again will develop certain effects, in fact according to actions developed out of causes, the effect will be the result. Therefore, a prophecy represents nothing else than effects that could develop out of certain causes. Each cause can be created in such a way, that from it develops either positive or negative.
When a prophecy is made, the significance of its representation is that the effect will be shown which will arise out of a negative cause, if not at once will be acted in different or positive way because as a rule, the negative will be laid out to the human being that he/she develops out of causes. This therefore, that the human being will think about the evil he/she is just about to create. Therefore, the consequences i.e., the negative effects of his/ her actions will be pointed out in a prophetic manner, so that the human being can begin to act reasonably and avoid evil consequences, i.e. negative effects and make something good and positive out of his thoughts, feelings and actions. Therefore, it depends on human beings themselves if a prophecy does fulfil itself or not. That is true in respect to a Third World War, for the prophecies do not say that a Third World War will be unavoidable, but refer to the possibility of such a war if human beings will not change and stop their political and war-like and religious insane behaviour and do not make a beginning to change toward the positive in all areas. So it is solely up to human beings themselves if the prophecy fulfils itself or not. And that is correct in the case of the Third World War which in fact does not have to happen if human beings finally will be reasonable and bring the powerful and mighty to their senses, who are in fact all those stupid, power-hungry, greedy for profit, self-complacent, greedy, hateful, idiotic, and are crazy enough to launch wars and incite those of the people who are stupid and idiotic and will scream pro and hurray and take up arms to kill innocent human beings.
Prophecies therefore are changeable or avoidable by means of human beings' thoughts, out of which the respective feelings and actions come about. Thus to change or avoid a prophecy, which are mainly future outcomes of the negative aspects and results of human beings thoughts, feeling and actions, human beings must change their thoughts to the positive and thereby create the respective positive, responsible feelings and actions.
From FIGU Bulletin 046 there is mentioned, as a prophecy, of a Third World War. Quote, “That is true in respect to a Third World War, for the prophecies do not say that a Third World War will be unavoidable, but refer to the possibility of such a war if human beings will not change and stop their political and war-like and religious insane behaviour and do not make a beginning to change toward the positive in all areas. So it is solely up to human beings themselves if the prophecy fulfils itself or not.” Here we can understand that a Third World War does not have to happen and is indeed not unavoidable but human beings must create the positive thoughts, feelings and actions to avert any Third World War.
Unfortunately, the Earth year of 2011 C.E. is a year of a prophesised Third World War.
Excerpt from FIGU Bulletin 046 “A Word to Third World War” dated February 2004
There is in fact not a Third World War predicted, the prophecies speak solely of a possibility that such a war could become reality in the years 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2011 and in later years too, if the human being continues to pursue war on a military, political and religious basis and does not apply reason and lets the mighty of religion and states muddle on, and lets the stupid and idiotic be incited by irresponsible and criminal elements.
Excerpt from “To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:" dated January 30th 2003, 11:54 am
Should in fact a clash of weapons occur in Iraq, prodded by the howling for war by Bush, then this can become a reality and the fulfillment of the Henok Prophecies, although the old prophecy says that due to this consequence, the Third World War could in fact break out in the year 2006, whereby it should be said that it depends if this date is taken from the modern calendar of today or according to the time since the birth of Jmmanuel, which then would correspond to the year 2003. Another prophecy speaks of an all-encompassing war in the year 2011. But at the present, the year 2006 has to be considered, because the last decades that have gone by with all the happenings in military and political machinations point towards this time.
From the two excerpts from Billy’s texts a Third World War is prophesised for the Earth Year 2011 A.D. However this does not have to be fulfilled. In the Earth year 2006 A.D. a Third World War was also prophesised to begin. Thankfully, this prophecy did not become fulfilled logically due to the thoughts, feelings and actions of the Earth human.
At the time of writing this, 10 members of the United Nations Security Council are at war in Libya since they approved U.N. Resolution 1973; 5 abstained from the resolution vote. Could this be the start of the fulfilment of the prophecy of a Third World War? This will depend solely on the thoughts, feelings and actions of those in positions of power and their respective populations. One could argue that this is a Third World War or the beginning stages due to the fact that most of the countries on Earth are now either actively involved through military strikes within Libya or actively supporting the military strikes in Libya.
From the excerpt above, in FIGU Bulletin 046, Billy writes the following “So it is solely up to human beings themselves if the prophecy fulfils itself or not. And that is correct in the case of the Third World War which in fact does not have to happen if human beings finally will be reasonable and bring the powerful and mighty to their senses, who are in fact all those stupid, power-hungry, greedy for profit, self-complacent, greedy, hateful, idiotic, and are crazy enough to launch wars and incite those of the people who are stupid and idiotic and will scream pro and hurray and take up arms to kill innocent human beings.” This statement truly fits the persons in power in Libya and also those who support Gaddafi and celebrate the senseless murdering of innocent human beings. Human beings who are being attacked through aggression, greed, hunger for power and inhumanness rightfully must defend themselves. The use of weapons in defence must truly only be used as a last resort and if there is no other alternative to end the conflict. This statement from Billy can also fit in with other political, military and populations of other countries on Earth. Truly the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as past wars of the 20th century led by persons in positions of power has been based on hunger for power, greed, profit, hatefulness and so on and spurred on by senseless, stupid and idiotic populations who glorify, support and mindlessly follow the war machinations of those in power.
By Stephen Moore - 21/03/2011
216th Contact - Monday, March 16, 1987, Part VI
The following information was taken from which is published by Michael Horn. It details a conversation between Billy Meier and extraterrestrial Quetzal on March 16, 1987 and Ptaah on January 7, 2005.
What does the future hold in regards to rain, snow, climate warming, etc.?
22. I explained before that the coming time will bring all sorts of disasters in terms of the weather and the climate, i.e. their change.
23. In the next few decades and well into the third millennium, the Earth and its humanity will be afflicted by many natural disasters.
24. Great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and devastating thunderstorms, snowstorms, hurricanes, and violent cyclones will be rife, whereby tremendous amounts of water and snow will fall down from the clouds upon the Earth, causing enormous floods and snow catastrophes in the form of enormous avalanches, etc.
25. The origin for this will be in global warming, which will partially be attributed to natural causes but mostly to the environmental pollution, environmental degradation, and climate influence of the Earth people, as this has already been the case for many years.
26. The Earth’s climate is changing, and as a result, everything leads to greater evaporation of the seas, streams, rivers, and lakes, for which the greenhouse gas, CO2, is also to blame, which the people release into the atmosphere.
27. Through this, many other things also change in the nature of the Earth as well as in the planet itself, such as the circulation and the number and intensity of the winds, which are becoming increasingly stronger and more powerful and which grow to severe hurricanes, etc.
28. The two main factors, evaporation and stronger storm-related winds, make it that during the periods from spring to autumn, massive rain storms break out over the Earth, and enormous masses of water rain down and flood everything, while in the cold winter season, also vast amounts of moisture are driven over the areas of the mainland, forming into snow crystals in the cold air and leading to very unusually heavy and extreme snowfalls, which often continue for days.
29. This means, however, that the danger of avalanches will also very greatly increase in the mountains – especially in Europe – whereby the greatest destructions will be caused, and many human lives will have to be lamented through terrible deaths, when increasingly more, larger, more dangerous, and more destructive avalanches appear.
And what causes avalanches, or what is the reason for an avalanche formation?
30. Basically, through winds, sunshine, and cold fronts, various snow layers form, which are only loosely stacked on top of each other, so for example, underneath is a crusted, frozen layer, and above that is a loose and quite airy layer or simply loose, powdery snow.
31. Such structures suffice, then, so that an avalanche occurs when – through a gust of wind, through a snowdrift breaking off, through a slight shock of earthly origin – a small movement between the different covers of snow arises.
32. In addition, avalanches are released by all kinds of animals as well as by irresponsible people who go on such dangerous snow cliffs – on foot or on skis or sleds, etc. – whereby the slightest shocks are enough to trigger a catastrophe.
33. Depending on the critical structure of the various, resulting snow layers, a thrown snowball or object may already be enough for the releasing of an avalanche.
34. In fact, often just the slightest shocks are sufficient.
And what are the most dangerous avalanches?
35. Undoubtedly the snow powder avalanches.
36. This is a fact that, unfortunately, isn’t recognized by many people and leads to fatal accidents.
Do all climate changes actually have no consequences for the planet itself? Do you know something about this?
37. Of course, the planet itself is also affected in various forms, but to enumerate all of these in detail would take too long.
38. However, it should be said that all resulting changes in the climate as well as the greenhouse gas and the inner-earth resource exploitation by the Earth person will lead, in the course of time, to a change in the Earth’s rotation.
39. At first, this will only be imperceptible, and in 100 years, it will only constitute about a sixth of a second, but this will steadily increase in subsequent periods and centuries as well as millennia.
And will this be through the fault of the Earth person, or will there also be natural, planetary, and cosmic factors in play?
40. Your acceptance is right; on the one hand, the Earth people will be very much to blame for these coming changes, but on the other hand, completely natural, planetary, and cosmic process will also play a role that isn’t to be underestimated.
With that, you probably mean the way of all ephemeral, into which everything, including the Earth, is arranged?
41. That is the sense of my words, yes.
Ptaah on January 7, 2005, Special Bulletin 16
Ptaah - The weight of the people, buildings, machines and transport concentrated on such places, as well as all other materials, presses, to an extent, on the underground, which thereby burdens the tectonic plates very severly and damages them, whereby devastating earthquakes are released that destroy everything and demand many human lives.
What does the future hold in regards to rain, snow, climate warming, etc.?
22. I explained before that the coming time will bring all sorts of disasters in terms of the weather and the climate, i.e. their change.
23. In the next few decades and well into the third millennium, the Earth and its humanity will be afflicted by many natural disasters.
24. Great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and devastating thunderstorms, snowstorms, hurricanes, and violent cyclones will be rife, whereby tremendous amounts of water and snow will fall down from the clouds upon the Earth, causing enormous floods and snow catastrophes in the form of enormous avalanches, etc.
25. The origin for this will be in global warming, which will partially be attributed to natural causes but mostly to the environmental pollution, environmental degradation, and climate influence of the Earth people, as this has already been the case for many years.
26. The Earth’s climate is changing, and as a result, everything leads to greater evaporation of the seas, streams, rivers, and lakes, for which the greenhouse gas, CO2, is also to blame, which the people release into the atmosphere.
27. Through this, many other things also change in the nature of the Earth as well as in the planet itself, such as the circulation and the number and intensity of the winds, which are becoming increasingly stronger and more powerful and which grow to severe hurricanes, etc.
28. The two main factors, evaporation and stronger storm-related winds, make it that during the periods from spring to autumn, massive rain storms break out over the Earth, and enormous masses of water rain down and flood everything, while in the cold winter season, also vast amounts of moisture are driven over the areas of the mainland, forming into snow crystals in the cold air and leading to very unusually heavy and extreme snowfalls, which often continue for days.
29. This means, however, that the danger of avalanches will also very greatly increase in the mountains – especially in Europe – whereby the greatest destructions will be caused, and many human lives will have to be lamented through terrible deaths, when increasingly more, larger, more dangerous, and more destructive avalanches appear.
And what causes avalanches, or what is the reason for an avalanche formation?
30. Basically, through winds, sunshine, and cold fronts, various snow layers form, which are only loosely stacked on top of each other, so for example, underneath is a crusted, frozen layer, and above that is a loose and quite airy layer or simply loose, powdery snow.
31. Such structures suffice, then, so that an avalanche occurs when – through a gust of wind, through a snowdrift breaking off, through a slight shock of earthly origin – a small movement between the different covers of snow arises.
32. In addition, avalanches are released by all kinds of animals as well as by irresponsible people who go on such dangerous snow cliffs – on foot or on skis or sleds, etc. – whereby the slightest shocks are enough to trigger a catastrophe.
33. Depending on the critical structure of the various, resulting snow layers, a thrown snowball or object may already be enough for the releasing of an avalanche.
34. In fact, often just the slightest shocks are sufficient.
And what are the most dangerous avalanches?
35. Undoubtedly the snow powder avalanches.
36. This is a fact that, unfortunately, isn’t recognized by many people and leads to fatal accidents.
Do all climate changes actually have no consequences for the planet itself? Do you know something about this?
37. Of course, the planet itself is also affected in various forms, but to enumerate all of these in detail would take too long.
38. However, it should be said that all resulting changes in the climate as well as the greenhouse gas and the inner-earth resource exploitation by the Earth person will lead, in the course of time, to a change in the Earth’s rotation.
39. At first, this will only be imperceptible, and in 100 years, it will only constitute about a sixth of a second, but this will steadily increase in subsequent periods and centuries as well as millennia.
And will this be through the fault of the Earth person, or will there also be natural, planetary, and cosmic factors in play?
40. Your acceptance is right; on the one hand, the Earth people will be very much to blame for these coming changes, but on the other hand, completely natural, planetary, and cosmic process will also play a role that isn’t to be underestimated.
With that, you probably mean the way of all ephemeral, into which everything, including the Earth, is arranged?
41. That is the sense of my words, yes.
Ptaah on January 7, 2005, Special Bulletin 16
Ptaah - The weight of the people, buildings, machines and transport concentrated on such places, as well as all other materials, presses, to an extent, on the underground, which thereby burdens the tectonic plates very severly and damages them, whereby devastating earthquakes are released that destroy everything and demand many human lives.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The following informatin was taken from which is published by Michael Horn.
(215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987)
Worldwide natural catastrophes
As already mentioned, enormous natural catastrophes and rolling walls of fire and violent hurricanes will rage all across America, while, in addition, all the terrible effects of war will bring thousand-fold deaths, destruction and annihilation. America's largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause great disaster and misery.
Severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also belong to that time, and these will cause much suffering and misery and deaths besides enormous destruction and devastation, as all of nature and the planet itself will rise up against the insanity of human beings on Earth. However, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will not only rage in America, but also in Europe and in the rest of the world.
These activities have already begun at the present time, also during the past decades—with the exception that they will become increasingly more devastating in the future. And man of Earth is guilty for the most part today, as also in the future it is man who will destroy the entire environment—all of nature, the atmosphere, water and all the resources of the planet.
And through this, a shifting of weight inside the Earth takes place, caused for example by the creation of gigantic lakes by damming and by creating hollow caverns due to the exploitation of petroleum and gas, etc. And thereby unnatural inner-Earth movements are created, which also lead to unnatural tectonic effects and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which also in turn cause enormous climatic changes, resulting in horrendous tornadoes of devastating proportions which in the end will set their destructive energies free on the entire world. All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods and unusually massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries and finally even to the equatorial regions, because through the insanity of human beings the Earth has begun unnoticeably to spin [strangely] as a consequence of atomic explosions inside and on the surface of the Earth. And this will be the reason that the planet will slowly but surely enter an extraordinary spinning orbit around the Sun, while the first phase is already occurring, which causes a change in climate, leading to a new ice age.
(215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987)
Worldwide natural catastrophes
As already mentioned, enormous natural catastrophes and rolling walls of fire and violent hurricanes will rage all across America, while, in addition, all the terrible effects of war will bring thousand-fold deaths, destruction and annihilation. America's largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause great disaster and misery.
Severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also belong to that time, and these will cause much suffering and misery and deaths besides enormous destruction and devastation, as all of nature and the planet itself will rise up against the insanity of human beings on Earth. However, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will not only rage in America, but also in Europe and in the rest of the world.
These activities have already begun at the present time, also during the past decades—with the exception that they will become increasingly more devastating in the future. And man of Earth is guilty for the most part today, as also in the future it is man who will destroy the entire environment—all of nature, the atmosphere, water and all the resources of the planet.
And through this, a shifting of weight inside the Earth takes place, caused for example by the creation of gigantic lakes by damming and by creating hollow caverns due to the exploitation of petroleum and gas, etc. And thereby unnatural inner-Earth movements are created, which also lead to unnatural tectonic effects and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which also in turn cause enormous climatic changes, resulting in horrendous tornadoes of devastating proportions which in the end will set their destructive energies free on the entire world. All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods and unusually massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries and finally even to the equatorial regions, because through the insanity of human beings the Earth has begun unnoticeably to spin [strangely] as a consequence of atomic explosions inside and on the surface of the Earth. And this will be the reason that the planet will slowly but surely enter an extraordinary spinning orbit around the Sun, while the first phase is already occurring, which causes a change in climate, leading to a new ice age.
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