Sunday, February 6, 2011

Global Birth Control not Racial Birth Control

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Fellow Humans,
In the light of the misinterpretations, confusion, misunderstandings and, sometimes, sheer bad will and intentional disinformation surrounding the delicate question of population, overpopulation and birth control, we judged it necessary to state the following:
We are all living on a planet that is overpopulated by persons of many races, religious beliefs and cultures. One race is not to blame more than another; countries that have a majority of white skinned humans are just as extremely overpopulated as countries with a majority of brown, yellow, red – or even blue, violet or pink! - skinned humans. Indeed all races are overpopulating their respective countries and hence the whole planet.
Furthermore, it should be clear, that we speak of a democratic birth control in a purely humane framework, where there is no place for any forms of killings, infanticide or ethnic “cleansing” to any race or culture. There is no significance whatsoever as to what skin colour, nor culture, a country predominantly consists of.
The problem is global: overpopulation by all races and cultures. To single out one race or culture in a democratic birth control would not make a democratic birth control ‘democratic’.

A democratic birth control is not religious or culturally biased in any form. Birth control is simply taking personal responsibility for controlling births nationally in one’s respective country and, from a larger perspective, globally. These measures include education, contraception and family planning with the desired goal of naturally, ethically reducing human numbers by reducing the number of humans beings conceived and birthed yearly, until a desired total number of humans per country exist in a balanced relation to the amount of arable/fertile land that is available. Let us not forget that we are not the only species on the planet, we also need to leave land for all our fellow, non-human, creatures that we share this beautiful planet with as well! They too need their habitats to sustain themselves.
A global democratic birth control does not therefore make one race more or less important than the other. No race or culture will become ‘extinct’ in a democratic birth control, because a logically desired number of humans can be calculated and naturally achieved for each country.
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