Taken from thecircleforhumanity.net
Saturday, 13 March 2010 18:59 Adam Izak-Sunna
By Dr. Reimert T. Ravenholt
World signs grow alarmingly clear of a coming era of increasing starvation in those lands that have not yet curbed their fertility and are greatly dependent upon food grants to feed their outsize families.
Even if determined to try to meet rapidly increasing demands for concessional foods, the U.N. World Food Programme and grantor nations will soon be unable to do so because of the growing scarcities of requisite foods and rapidly escalating prices. It has been but a stop-gap program, which has unfortunately delayed the realization of many poor countries that they must actually from their own resources feed their populations. Many African countries are now worse off with respect to food and self-sufficiency than they would have been had there never been a World Food Programme. Unrealistically, they have failed to curb their excess fertility while leaning on the food-grants-crutch of the WFP.
But, finally, there is no escape from the fundamental Human Condition Equation:
The amount of food
Read more at: www.populationmedia.org
The intent of this blog is to share information about the current state of humanity and the Earth, what we can do to help, and to inform as many people as possible about the origins of man and our extraterrestrial brothers. There is still much we can do to change our course and ensure a brighter future if we only accept the facts.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean
This discussion is compelling. The underlying cause of this problem can undeniably be linked to human overpopulation.
Population explosion scrutinised as scientists urge politicians to act
Friday, 16 July 2010 17:23 Adam Izak-Sunna
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Monday, 12 July 2010
Britain's premier scientific organisation has launched a two-year study into global population levels. A growing body of scientists believe the time has come for politicians to confront the problems posed by the future increase in human numbers.
The Royal Society has established a working group of leading experts to draw up a comprehensive set of recommendations on human population that could set the agenda for tackling the environmental stress caused by billions of extra people on the planet.
Sir John Sulston, the Nobel laureate who took a leading role in decoding the human genome, will lead the study. A failure to be open about the problems caused by the global population explosion would set back human development, he warned.
Read more and source - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/population-explosion-scrutinised-as-scientists-urge-politicians-to-act-2024377.html
Monday, 12 July 2010
Britain's premier scientific organisation has launched a two-year study into global population levels. A growing body of scientists believe the time has come for politicians to confront the problems posed by the future increase in human numbers.
The Royal Society has established a working group of leading experts to draw up a comprehensive set of recommendations on human population that could set the agenda for tackling the environmental stress caused by billions of extra people on the planet.
Sir John Sulston, the Nobel laureate who took a leading role in decoding the human genome, will lead the study. A failure to be open about the problems caused by the global population explosion would set back human development, he warned.
Read more and source - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/population-explosion-scrutinised-as-scientists-urge-politicians-to-act-2024377.html
Monday, February 21, 2011
Biodiversity loss seen as greater financial risk than terrorism, says UN
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 11:40 Adam Izak-Sunna
Loss of ecosystems perceived by banks and insurance companies to be a greater economic risk than terrorism, finds UN report Source
The financial risks posed by the loss of species and ecosystems have risen sharply and are becoming a greater concern for businesses than international terrorism, according to a United Nations report released today.
From over-depletion of fish stocks and soil degradation caused by agricultural chemicals to water shortages and mining pollution, the paper – commissioned by the UN Environment Programme and partners – said the likelihood has climbed sharply that declines in biodiversity would have a "severe" $10bn (£6bn) to $50bn impact on business.
With the European Union and other regions increasingly holding companies liable for impacts on ecosystem services, it suggests banks, investors and insurance companies are starting to calculate the losses that could arise from diminishing supplies, tightened conservation controls and the reputational damage caused by involvement in an unsound project.
Achim Steiner, UN under-secretary general and Unep executive director, said: "The kinds of emerging concerns and rising perception of risks underlines a fundamental sea change in the way some financial institutions, alongside natural resource-dependent companies, are now starting to glimpse and to factor in the economic importance of biodiversity and ecosystems".
The briefing paper cites the 55% crash of BP's share price and the decline of its credit rating in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as an extreme example of the potential impact of inadequate environmental controls.
Richard Burrett, who co-chairs the Unep Finance Initiative and authored the report, said such cases highlighted the need for a new form of risk assessment that takes the value of ecological services into account. Water systems and forests are currently considered Read more here
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
Human of Earth, wake up and look about yourself and recognize that only you alone can open your path to yourself and make life joyful and successful for yourself. Pay no attention to the belief, but rather be uplifted by the truth; avoid the religions and sects, the false philosophies and ideologies, that preach untruths, because the fundamental truth of all things is alone contained in the Creational and natural laws, and you do not find these in false teachings but alone within yourself. You are yourself the great truth-bringer for you, which is why you must let reason and understanding prevail in order to find the truth within yourself. You yourself are the embodiment of love, freedom, harmony und peace - only you must yourself create it in yourself through your own power. Therefore, it is not the religions, sects and philosophies that bring you all the high values of life but solely and alone you yourself. Source
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
World's Rivers in 'Crisis State', Report Finds
Monday, 25 October 2010 22:10 Adam Izak-Sunna
A new study, led by UW-Madison limnologist and professor of zoology Peter McIntyre and CCNY modeler Charles Vörösmarty, combines, for the first time, indices of water security and biodiversity for all of the world's rivers, many of which are severely degraded due to issues of pollution, water diversion and introduced species.
ScienceDaily (Oct. 1, 2010) - The world's rivers, the single largest renewable water resource for humans and a crucible of aquatic biodiversity, are in a crisis of ominous proportions, according to a new global analysis.
The report, published Sept. 30 in the journal Nature, is the first to simultaneously account for the effects of such things as pollution, dam building, agricultural runoff, the conversion of wetlands and the introduction of exotic species on the health of the world's rivers.
The resulting portrait of the global riverine environment, according to the scientists who conducted the analysis, is grim. It reveals that nearly 80 percent of the world's human population lives in areas where river waters are highly threatened posing a major threat to human water security and resulting in aquatic environments where thousands of species of plants and animals are at risk of extinction.
"Rivers around the world really are in a crisis state," says Peter B. McIntyre, a senior author of the new study and a professor of zoology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Center for Limnology.
The Nature report was authored by an international team co-led by Charles J. Vörösmarty of the City University of New York, an expert on global water resources, and McIntyre, an expert on freshwater biodiversity.
Examining the influence of numerous types of threats to water quality and aquatic life across all of the world's river systems, the study is the first to explicitly assess both human water security and biodiversity in parallel. Fresh water is widely regarded as the world's most essential natural resource, underpinning human life and economic development as well as the existence of countless organisms ranging from microscopic life to fish, amphibians, birds and terrestrial animals of all kinds.
Over many millennia, humans have exerted an Source and full article here
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The frequently heard question is, "If this is really true, why haven't I heard about it before?"
The simple answer is that those whose duty it is to research, investigate and report the truth abdicated their responsibility to do so.
And those whose egos felt threatened because their knowledge and importance was revealed to be infinitesimally small in comparison tried to ridicule - or avoid - the matter entirely.
Thank you very much for your interest in this enormously important - and very suppressed - story. Since Billy Meier's contacts have been ongoing for almost 70 years, the fact that it's still unknown to most of the world shows that this is the story that the UFO cover-up is really all about.
Meet “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, a real-life combination of Indiana Jones, Lawrence of Arabia and Luke Skywalker, as he reveals his fascinating adventures in over 40 countries, including his discovery of what may be the most important and heretical document of all times – and his life long contacts with extraterrestrial (alien) human beings.
See many of the UFO photographs, a movie clip and startling video, for which Meier has become famous worldwide, listen to the UFO sounds themselves and even see and hear Meier speak about it.
But extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not beliefs, so you’ll find scientific analysis of both the UFO photographs and sound recordings, never before seen seven-fingered hand prints from extraterrestrials (aliens), plus the opinions of scientific experts who examined much of the evidence.
In addition to the stunning, still irreproducible physical evidence, Meier has single-handedly transcribed more than 24,000 pages of information, most of it still in German, which includes a true history of human beings in the universe going back tens of millions of years.
But it’s the startlingly accurate prophetic information that has caught the attention of millions of people worldwide, even high-ranking government officials, especially now with the fulfillment of Meier’s prescient foretelling of the disastrous U.S. war with Iraq, global warming and other events – that he published in 1958!
You’ll learn how the laws of cause and effect (upon which prophecies and predictions, and all life tiself, are based) unfailingly operate and how we bring upon ourselves many of our own worst problems through ignorance and violation of them.
And – since no one is coming to save us from ourselves – you’ll learn why the only lasting solution is for us to take back our self-responsibility on every level from all outside sources, including false leaders, politicians, religions, cults, sects, imaginary gods, angels, saints, gurus, etc.
In addition to extremely controversial information about the true extent of CIA power, the origin of the UFO cover-up, what's coming in 2012 and many more things you’re not supposed to know there are also international discussion forums, a Q & A section and a topical listing of Meier’s incredibly extensive information.
Please also note that former UN diplomat, Phobol Cheng, is a personal eyewitness to the UFOs and to the extraterrestrials, one of dozens of credible witnesses, who have corroborated Mr. Meier's story. In addition to 17 witnesses taking and completely passing lie detector tests, including Mr. Meier, both he and Ms. Cheng were evaluated by an expert consultant to the U.S. Army Special Forces as being honest and truthful. And there are numerous other experts, including Dr.Michael Malin, who have commented on Meier's evidence.
The Billy Meier contacts are really more about helping us to assure our own future survival than about UFOs. You may also want to read the additionalinformation about the case and new information from the Plejaren about the real scope of the BP Gulf disaster.
So, while this is really only the tip of the iceberg, it should be enough to help you to decide if the Billy Meier UFO contacts are the biggest, most impenetrable hoax or – the most important story in all of human history.
Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts
The Silent Revolution of Truth
The Silent Revolution of Truth
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
Human of Earth, wake up and look about yourself and recognize that only you alone can open your path to yourself and make life joyful and successful for yourself. Pay no attention to the belief, but rather be uplifted by the truth; avoid the religions and sects, the false philosophies and ideologies, that preach untruths, because the fundamental truth of all things is alone contained in the Creational and natural laws, and you do not find these in false teachings but alone within yourself. You are yourself the great truth-bringer for you, which is why you must let reason and understanding prevail in order to find the truth within yourself. You yourself are the embodiment of love, freedom, harmony und peace - only you must yourself create it in yourself through your own power. Therefore, it is not the religions, sects and philosophies that bring you all the high values of life but solely and alone you yourself. Source
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Population explosion scrutinised as scientists urge politicians to act
The following excerpt was taken from http://www.thecircleforhumanity.net/
"We really do have to look at where we are going in relation to population. If we don't do it, we may survive but we won't flourish," Sir John said. "We will be examining the extent to which population is a significant factor in the momentous international challenge of securing global sustainable development, considering not just the scientific elements but encompassing the wider issues including culture, gender, economics and law." Read the full article here.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Cover-Up Ends as Secret UFO Evidence Released!
Researcher who issued challenge demanding UFO proof shocks audience, lecturer, when he presents personal evidence Billy Meier UFO case authentic; hid information for year to avoid publicity for person trying to sabotage and attack Meier case.
So there’s nothing to be gained by...pestering our government for anything about UFOs. We already have the most important answers and know more about it than they do anyway...The UFO cover-up is now effectively over.
Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) February 7, 2011
Media representative, Michael Horn, who had set the stage for a momentous announcement by publicly demanding proof of UFO related claims made by researcher, Stephen Bassett, unexpectedly turned the tables when he himself presented what may be the best new evidence of extraterrestrial contact - and then offered it to his former opponent. The event took place, Friday night, at the Flying Saucers Cafe in the Santa Monica area of Los Angeles.Bassett, who had expected Horn to press him to debate the UFO issue, was clearly shocked by the announcement and Horn’s offer to contribute the evidence to a joint effort to stop the truth embargo about actual extraterrestrials and their UFOs.
“I think that Stephen now understands that the Billy Meier contact case is what the UFO cover-up is really all about. Things like Roswell, etc., are completely dead-end issues, with no remaining evidence and plenty of disinformation that keeps people chasing their tails in circles. Meier’s contacts are still ongoing – he had one during the early morning hours of February 3, his 74th birthday, as he always does. So there’s nothing to be gained by chasing lights in the sky, or pestering our government for anything about UFOs. We already have the most important answers and know more about it than they do anyway,” said Horn.
In 2009, the Plejaren extraterrestrial human beings forwarded to Horn, via Billy Meier, a specific warning of an impending, intrigue filled attempt, by Kal Korff, a notorious Meier detractor, to use Horn's participation in a joint pro and con DVD project to conceal and launch a new, worldwide attack on Meier.
Horn admitted that neither he nor Meier suspected such sinister intentions by Korff, and suggested doing the project with, him. They had taken taken him at his word, perhaps quite naively, since he had been one of Meier's most virulent opponents for many years.
But, according to Horn, the accuracy of the Plejaren information was born out almost immediately after he acted on it and withdrew from the project. “The stark contrast between Korff's warm, friendly and enthusiastic emails, and the reality of what he was actually planning, was quickly in evidence on his website. The historic cooperation with me that he had been promoting was suddenly replaced with such outrageous, defamatory – and life threatening – attacks that three successive web hosting companies agreed to remove it from their servers.
“I kept all of this secret for a year, mainly to avoid more publicity for him. Thanks to the Plejaren, we had avoided the real damage and I didn't want to direct attention to even the watered down version, for which he finally found a home online. Now this whole matter may represent the best new evidence of Meier's extraterrestrial contacts.”
Horn said, “Hopefully – and despite continued mainstream media suppression – there will now be a cooperative effort on the part of Stephen Bassett and his group, and all other interested parties, to openly discuss and examine the tens of thousands of pages of important information in the Meier material.
“The UFO cover-up is now effectively over. And I welcome using the opportunity to prioritize studying and disseminating the spiritual teaching from the Plejaren and Meier, which, along with their impeccably accurate prophecies and predictions, is really the very core of the case… and the key to our future survival.”
Michael Horn will make his second interactive appearance at the Flying Saucers Café in Santa Monica, on Friday, February 25 at 7:00 PM. Source
They Fly Blog!
Publication posted on this blog February 4th, 2011 posted without consent.
The writer of this blog inadvertantly repulished an article from the theyfly.com blog titiled "Egypt, Tunisia and the Henoch Prophecies" without the express, written consent of the author. That posting has since been removed. Please accept my apology for this error.
Kevin Pigford
Kevin Pigford
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Global Birth Control not Racial Birth Control
Fellow Humans,In the light of the misinterpretations, confusion, misunderstandings and, sometimes, sheer bad will and intentional disinformation surrounding the delicate question of population, overpopulation and birth control, we judged it necessary to state the following:
We are all living on a planet that is overpopulated by persons of many races, religious beliefs and cultures. One race is not to blame more than another; countries that have a majority of white skinned humans are just as extremely overpopulated as countries with a majority of brown, yellow, red – or even blue, violet or pink! - skinned humans. Indeed all races are overpopulating their respective countries and hence the whole planet.
Furthermore, it should be clear, that we speak of a democratic birth control in a purely humane framework, where there is no place for any forms of killings, infanticide or ethnic “cleansing” to any race or culture. There is no significance whatsoever as to what skin colour, nor culture, a country predominantly consists of.
The problem is global: overpopulation by all races and cultures. To single out one race or culture in a democratic birth control would not make a democratic birth control ‘democratic’.
A democratic birth control is not religious or culturally biased in any form. Birth control is simply taking personal responsibility for controlling births nationally in one’s respective country and, from a larger perspective, globally. These measures include education, contraception and family planning with the desired goal of naturally, ethically reducing human numbers by reducing the number of humans beings conceived and birthed yearly, until a desired total number of humans per country exist in a balanced relation to the amount of arable/fertile land that is available. Let us not forget that we are not the only species on the planet, we also need to leave land for all our fellow, non-human, creatures that we share this beautiful planet with as well! They too need their habitats to sustain themselves.
A global democratic birth control does not therefore make one race more or less important than the other. No race or culture will become ‘extinct’ in a democratic birth control, because a logically desired number of humans can be calculated and naturally achieved for each country.
Please see http://futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Population_Table_2009 Source
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
The human seeks; but for what does he seek? He seeks for the truth, for the true life and the meaning of life. However, he does it in an impetuous rush as well as in carelessness and is always eager, in each and every thing that he comes across, to indulge in a belief, be this political, religious, sectarian, philosophical or ideological in other ways. At the same time, the human does not concern himself with reality, the truth and true love, humaneness and all what pertains to the true life. The human's seeking is also like an enormous boom throughout the world even though the human does not know what he actually seeks as the true life and as the meaning of life and also can imagine nothing by that. And it is exactly this that leads to the appearance of countless false prophets, gurus, masters, enlightened ones and lofty ones as well as book authors and those who offer seminars, and with their horrendous nonsense, with their false teachings and deceitfulness, they have an easy job of binding their believers to themselves in order to financially exploit them, to abuse them and to make them dependent. Source
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Michael Horn Show # 33
There’s No Breaking Point When You Can Bend and Flex with the Times!
Posted by admin on January 13th, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
Attacks of others, be it through thoughts and feelings, through words, hate, slander or actions, may never be made one's concern because they essentially are the concern of the creators, who must cope with them themselves. Through their aggression against fellow human beings, they inflict damage on themselves, because their machinations affect their own thoughts and feelings, whereby they are peaceless and joyless in themselves and decline to vicious frustration.
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