Monday, November 29, 2010

To the Real Scientists by Michael Horn

Professionals in any discipline must, of necessity, evaluate information produced, submitted and/or published in their field of study based solely on its merits. Any personal animosities, or prejudices either for or against the source of the information, must be set aside so that only clear thinking in determining the factual accuracy is the basis of consideration.
If this standard is applied to the scientific information published by Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier - and it rarely has been by those in the scientific field - a unique situation presents itself, which will indeed challenge the thinking of many scientists. It will also shed light on any unconsciously held beliefs about "such things as UFOS and extraterrestrials" - and their own actual level of knowledge and expertise.
In addition to having an abundance of the best, clearest and still irreproducible physical UFO evidence, Meier has published a voluminous amount of very specific, highly detailed scientific information in numerous fields of study, most of it still only available in German. Thankfully, due to recent efforts by interested parties, more is being translated into English all the time. The ongoing corroboration of Meier's information automatically occurs with each so-called "new, official discovery" of something Meier had already, verifiably, published. It's even more compelling because the "discoverers" and the reporting sources are consistently unaware that the information was first provided to a "Swiss farmer" by "extraterrestrials", often decades ago.

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