Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Twelve Recommendations

English Version:
  1. You shall have no other powers and no gods, idols and saints next to Creation.
  2. You shall keep holy the name of Creation and not abuse this name.
  3. You shall make every day into a day of celebration and hallow it (control it).
  4. You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery.
  5. Honour Creation just as you honour, respect and love your father and mother.
  6. You shall not kill in depravity.
  7. You shall not rob and expropriate.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against the truth, Creation and life.
  9. You shall never, never speak an untruth.
  10. You shall not greedily covet material wealth and your neighbour's possessions.
  11. Do not curse the truth.
  12. Never, never put Creation's recommendations and Creation's laws into unworthy cults.

Original German:
  1. Du sollst keine anderen Mächte und keine Götter, Götzen und Heilige neben der Schöpfung haben.
  2. Du sollst den Namen der Schöpfung heilig halten und ihn nicht missbrauchen.
  3. Du sollst jeden Tag zum Feiertag machen und ihn heiligen (kontrollieren).
  4. Du sollst nicht brechend warden im Bunde mit der Schöpfung, darin enthalten: Du sollst nicht Ehebrechen.
  5. Ehre die Schöpfung, gleich wie du Vater und Mutter ehrest, achtest und liebst.
  6. Du sollst nicht töten in Ausartung.
  7. Du sollst nicht raubend und enteignend sein.
  8. Du sollst nicht falsch zeugen wider die Wahreit, die Schöpfung und das Leben.
  9. Du sollst nie und nie sprechen die Unwahrheit.
  10. Du sollst nicht begehren in Habsucht nach materiellen Schätzen und dem Besitztum des Nächsten
  11. Fluche nicht der Wahrheit
  12. Lege die Schöpfungsgebote und Schöpfungsgesetze nie und nie in unwerte Kulte.

The Twelve Recommendations

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fluidal Energy

Actually, everything can be rationally explained and understood when the required knowledge and the necessary cognition relating to the "amazing things", and so forth, is present.
But it also must be said that, in regard to mental fluidal powers, neither in para-psychological research nor in the area of the knowledge of natural science, is the fact of the existence of mental fluidal powers known.
Also there has obviously still never been research in this direction, and, indeed, neither from the side of natural scientists nor from that of the para-psychologists.
And the fact is also, that, in regard to the human's mental powers, an enormous ignorance and misunderstanding of these things exists, out of which arises, on a large scale, prejudices, delusions, spiritualism, esotericism, differences of opinion, disagreements, confusions, contradictions, misinterpretations and falsifications, belief in ghosts/spirits, belief in possession and exorcism, stigmatisation, dowsing, and an inability to gain cognition.

Fluidal Energy

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Talmud of Jmmanuel - Laws and Proverbs

Proverbs of Wisdom

14. "Truly, I say to you, wisdom must be learned from the laws of Creation, which humans may recognize in nature.
15. "But if humans do not think and seek, they will not be able to attain wisdom and will remain fools.
16. "The wise do not moan about lost things, about the dead and about events of the past.
17. "Fools, however, cry over things that are not worth crying over, and thereby they increase their grief, privation and misery.
18. "Those who have acquired sufficient wisdom and live according to the laws, permit not even the slightest harming of creatures, when they are without fault.
19. "Half-wits and fools who are not masters over their senses mistake harm for benefit, benefit for harm, and great sorrow for joy.
20. "Because people are not dedicated to wisdom and do not seek knowledge or recognize the laws, they harbor foolishness and vice.
21. "The dishonest, the stupid, grumpy, greedy, unscrupulous, uncouth and the angry will suffer harm for being poor in consciousness.
22. "When people duly receive daily just a little wisdom in their consciousness, they will grow like the waxing moon during the first half of the lunar month.
23. "Wisdom is the greatest asset of humanity and so is the created will, which is lord over love and happiness; but all of this is meaningless without the power of the spirit.
24. "A fool who idly rests and waits for fate goes to ruin like an unfired pot in water.
25. "Those who take care of a cow always receive milk; likewise, those who nurture wisdom and apply it through the power of the spirit bring forth rich fruit.
26. "Recognize each law of Creation and once you have recognized it, adhere to it and live accordingly, because the laws are the greatest wisdom.
27. "There is no eye equal to wisdom, no darkness equal to ignorance, no power equal to the power of the spirit, and no terror equal to the poverty of consciousness.
28. "There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other savior than the power of the spirit.
29. "Those who have intelligence may grasp my speech so they will be wise and knowing."

The Talmud of Jmmanuel - Laws and Proverbs

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Contact Report 114

17. It is also of urgent necessity that the following points are finally noted and find fulfillment: 17. Es ist auch von dringender Notwendigkeit, dass folgende Punkte endlich beachtet werden und Erfüllung finden:
18. 1) Sincere and true love toward and for one another is the most imperative commandment. 18. 1) Ehrliche und wahrliche Liebe zu- und füreinander ist dringendstes Gebot.
19. 2) Understanding toward and for one another is an equally imperative commandment. 19. 2) Verständnis im Zu- und Füreinander ist ebenso dringendes Gebot.
20. 3) Love is neither a privilege nor a right of possession but rather an acquired understanding and sincere feeling of harmony in recognition of the solidarity and well-being of one's neighbor.
Contact Report 114