Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Faith (Belief) and God

Faith (Belief) and God

Asket's Explanations - Part 1


  • Contact Reports volume: 1 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 1)
  • Page Number(s): 308 to 312
  • Date/time of contact: 3rd February 1953
  • Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
  • Date of original translation: 2005
  • Corrections and improvements made: April 2007
  • Contact person: Asket


The speaker is Asket, the extraterrestrial human woman from our sister DAL universe, in a Jordanian desert, on February 3rd, 1953. She speaks of many topics some of which are:
  • her home system and universe
  • our ancestors and their original homeworld
  • Billy's difficult mission on Earth
  • the future of mankind
  • the materialism of man
  • the near-destruction of another extraterrestrial race due to religion
  • the truth behind the Tunguska explosion
Asket's Explanations - Part 1

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Qoute of the day by Billy Meier

Truly, life is struggle, a repetitive dispute within one's own self. There are always the current events in life that try to divert our attention and thoughts by pushing themselves into the foreground. However, without fail, true reason will always break forth. It does not matter whether it is drowned out by noise, covered up, distracted, overburdened, stuffed to the brim, true reason is always present, ready to break through the mound of confusion, even though it may be only a hint of a smile. A smile that stands above all else, invincible, sublime, observing man as he degrades himself, reducing himself to dust. The self of man is the most precious pearl, the greatest treasure, which he carries within himself, hidden in his innermost part, in his self - the philosopher's stone. It is silver and gold, but is not made of these metals; it speaks directly to man - but man rarely hears it. It is the eternal light, the light of all-great-time in all the obscurity and gloom surrounding man. It wants to make man the king - but man violates it. All of man's yearning for it causes him to search frantically outside himself. Yet, it is so near - within every single human being.  Source

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

FIGU Bulletin 002

The Extent of Our Mission

Frequently questions are asked regarding the extent of FIGU's mission, or rather, to what degree is FIGU responsible for the dissemination of the spiritual teachings and the entire Mission, and where are its boundaries. Here then is an explanation:
  1. Basically FIGU Switzerland oversees the Mission material only in the German-speaking regions of Europe, i.e., Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the remaining small territories where the German language is spoken, among them, of course, is also the Principality of Liechtenstein.
  2. With regard to the languages appearing in the production of FIGU books and other written material, as well as the dissemination of pamphlets and books, FIGU remains exclusively in charge over the German language and the German-speaking countries.
  3. Regarding foreign languages, that is for non-German speaking countries, the plan is that individuals who feel obligated to serve in the Mission within these countries may translate the texts and books into their own languages and then disseminate the material with FIGU's guidance and authorization.
  4. Individuals who are linked to the Mission by way of their close association with FIGU remain responsible for the dissemination and preservation of the Mission in foreign, non-German speaking countries.
All of this has been laid down and regulated in this way because it is simply impossible for FIGU to perform these many diverse and monumental duties which are tied to the Mission's global dissemination and preservation. This also includes the required finances and all the necessary storage space, etc. etc., essential for a worldwide dissemination and preservation of the Mission from the Swiss headquarter. It is the responsibility therefore of those foreign individuals linked to the Mission, by way of their close association with FIGU, that they provide extremely accurate translations and care in the dissemination of the books and other texts, as well as the dissemination and conservation of the Mission itself.
The Mission center site, in what today is called Switzerland, was chosen thousands of years ago for safety reasons, and the German language was chosen for the teachings and the Mission, among other things. This does not mean, however, that other countries or regions must be excluded from the teachings and the Mission. On the contrary: It is an urgent necessity that the teachings and the Mission are disseminated and established throughout the world. This applies also to America, even though it presents the greatest difficulties and is marked by sectarianism, intrigues and deceitful machinations, which have led the Pleiadian/Plejarans to sever their links with that region to a point where the establishment of closer ties has become impossible. Individuals such as Lee Elders, Randy Winters, Roberta Brooks, the contact liar Fred Bell and many other people of the same category contributed to this plight because of the lies they spread regarding the contacts they were supposedly having with the Pleiadians in one way or another. Indeed, some of them even claim they receive messages and other things from the extraterrestrials. All of these claims are simply heinous lies and vicious fraud, for not one Pleiadian/Plejaran maintains contacts with human beings on Earth --- except for me --- a fact the Pleiadians/Plejarans have repeatedly and extensively emphasized throughout my many contact years with them.
Well then, at least America will not go hungry regarding the teachings and the Mission. But the American people must learn to redirect their thinking in many ways, just as the inhabitants of other countries had to do, and they must preoccupy themselves with the truth and the facts. They too must strive to translate, learn and disseminate the texts and books of the teachings and the Mission, because FIGU in Switzerland is simply not capable of doing so. FIGU has attempted to produce and disseminate various texts and books in foreign languages, such as in English, Spanish and Russian, but this is a mere drop in the bucket, for despite the thousands of pamphlets we produce and mail out at our own expense, we are able to only reach a fraction of the entire human population. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that many trustworthy people throughout the world collaborate with us, translate the texts and books into their respective languages with our approval and disseminate the material after doing so with FIGU's authorization. Only in this manner can the citizens of every country learn about the teachings and the Mission, along with the worldwide, indeed, universal importance of this entire matter.
FIGU Bulletin 002

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Warning to all the governments of Europe!


The contents of this brochure were already written by 1958, constructed out of revelations from the extraterrestrials Sfath and Asket, whereby the letter of August 25th, 1958 was sent as a "Warning to all the governments of Europe!". No answer to it was ever received, as all these governments cloaked themselves in deep silence, besides which, they did not heed the warning or take any of the necessary precautions at all in order to avoid the prophesied catastrophes, evil and destruction, and so on, which, as the time in between has shown, have struck as announced catastrophes without exception. Result: the irresponsible governments neither listen to the voices of the prophets, nor do they bother to protect the people from catastrophes, and indeed not even when it has been prophesized for them, clipped and clearly, what the future will bring. As it has been since time immemorial, announcers will not be heeded and their warnings of future events will simply be cast to the wind, and indeed at the cost and to the disadvantage of the people, who, as a result of the lacking and authoritative measures, would suffer damage and destruction to their worldly possessions, and whose bodies and lives are even endangered because the irresponsible governments who were warned, and are aware, are autocratically only protecting their own lives as well as worldly possessions, and the entire security and protection of the people quite manifestly is deemed trivial and unnecessary.
Warning to all the governments of Europe!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching

1. The terrestrial human race is entering and witnessing a phase of very powerful cosmic change. It is a new era, a new age, which continually and distinctly becomes clearer to the eyes of observant, consciously more advanced human beings. 1. Das irdische Menschengeschlecht ist in ein Stadium einer Zeugenschaft eines gewaltigen kosmischen Umbruches getreten; in ein neues Zeitalter, das sich vor den sehenden Augen denkender Menschen immer klarer und deutlicher abzeichnet.
2. While most of mankind here on Earth lies in a deep abyss of ignorance and of consciousness' enslavement, it has become an urgent necessity, through thorough investigations, to find the causes of mankind's decline, and to demonstrate this to human beings in a correct, clear, and revealing message and lesson. 2. Nichtsdestoweniger aber liegt das Gros dieser Menschheit im Abgrund der Unwissenheit und Bewusstseinversklavung, so es notwendig geworden ist, den Ursachen ihres Abstieges auf den Grund zu gehen und ihr dies in einer Botschaft darzutun.
3. Simultaneously, it necessitates showing new ways, which would guide mankind toward a future of conscious comprehension and harmony. 3. Gleichbedingt ist es aber auch erforderlich, neue Wege zu weisen, die in eine geistverstehende und bewusstsein- sowie geistharmonierende Zukunft führen.
4. It is now time, therefore, for the Earthling to open his eyes and ears and detach his enslaved thoughts from false teachings, to free himself from traditional falsehoods and all evil, and to finally comprehend everything according to the truth."
An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching


The following is a list of topics that are presented in the first 76 Contact Reports of Eduard Meier. The heading at the beginning of the list of topics for each contact includes the sequential contact number, date and time of the contact and the persons that Meier contacted. The numbers after each listed topic represent the contact number, a period, and the associated sentence reference numbers. The beginning and ending numbers are seperated by a hyphen. Unfortunately, sentence reference numbers were not included at the beginning of the first contact report. In some cases, the reference numbers are preceded by a letter that identifies the person speaking such as: A=Asket, P=Ptaah, Q=Quetzal, N=Nera, and S=Semjase. When no letter is specified, then the person speaking is Semjase. Except for the first contact, there are additional numbers after the reference numbers. These numbers consist of the chapter, section, and sub sections, separated by periods, where the information is presented in the book, “The Essence of the Notes”. If no numbers exist, then the topic was not included in the book.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


  1. Religion is only a primitive machination by Man to command, suppress and exploit others, to which only life forms that are weak in their consciousness succumb.
  2. When Man indulges in his religions, i.e. malevolent, erroneous doctrines, his consciousness wastes away more and more and ultimately leads to a bottomless abyss.[1]
  3. Earth is the only planet within the Milky Way galaxy that has religions of our form. Our religions control people’s lives and the welfare of the whole planet retarding our world by thousands of years in spiritual development. [2]
  4. Every aspect of spiritual evolution is blocked by these religions, making any genuine progress impossible.[3]
  5. Our religions still contain some real worth, but this becomes so overshadowed that only a few people are able to see any effective truth in them.[4]


Monday, March 12, 2012

Human being of the Earth

Turn around and take the path of the true life, as determined by the creative-natural laws and recommendations, for time is getting short, until great disaster will befall the world and you and demand accountability from you for all the destructions that you have caused among humankind and to the whole nature, to the fauna and flora, to the climate, to the atmosphere as well as to the bodies of water and elsewhere around due to the overpopulation. Wende dich um, und gehe den Weg des wahren Lebens, so wie es die schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote bestimmen, denn nur noch kurz ist die Zeit, da grosses Unheil über die Welt und über dich kommen wird und Rechenschaft von dir fordert für all die Zerstörungen, die du durch die Überbevölkerung unter der Menschheit selbst und an der gesamten Natur, an Fauna und Flora, am Klima, an der Atmosphäre sowie an den Gewässern und sonst rundum angerichtet hast.
In the scriptures of the millenniums is written: <Love your next one as yourself, because he is your own brother or your own sister – into whom life has been breathed.> In den Schriften der Jahrtausende steht geschrieben: «Liebe deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst, denn er ist dein leiblicher Bruder oder deine leibliche Schwester – der oder die den Lebensodem eingehaucht bekam.»
Therefore, human being, put an end to all your hatred, to your greed, to the daily strife, to the murderous wars and acts of terrorism, to all your egotism, self-aggrandisement, to your cravings for revenge, to your jealousy, greed for might and urge for retaliation.

Human being of the Earth


A summary of the prophets from the Nokodemion lineage, responsible for Earth humankind are listed. The same human spirit-form was incarnated into each human material-form below. In this context, prophetic ages are divided into different time periods those are the so-called "old times" (12 billion till 13,500 years ago), "Middle/later times" (from 13,500 years ago to the 5th of February, 891 B.C.) and the "other time" (5th of February, 891 B.C. up to the present "modern times" i.e. since the 3rd of February, 1844 A.D.).


FIGU Special Bulletin 18

The poem ‹No Eye Equal to Wisdom› is a well-meaning message to humanity at this epoch of worldwide turbulence. It is critical at this time of spiritual awakening by a growing section of society that the irrationality and destruction of war be recognized as a failure of human culture. The core values of wisdom and human consciousness need to be acknowledged, so that spirituality can replace ritual religious doctrine, and so that all-inclusiveness and cooperation can replace divisive competition and national arrogance. A transcendence in the level of human consciousness must take place for the natural viability of life on this planet to be saved, and for civilization to be spared a deadly cultural regression into a new dark age. Ignorance must be banished and human consciousness enriched for human minds and spirits to be healed, so that peace, joy and freedom can reign and so that Friedrich Schiller's vision in his ‹Ode to Joy,› of ‹all humans becoming brothers/sisters,› can become a reality.

FIGU Special Bulletin 18

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Contact Report 010

The human bears a spirit that does not die nor sleep during the deepest sleep; it records all thoughts and motions; it informs the human whether his thoughts are correct or false-if he has learned to pay attention.

Contact Report 010

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Creation Itself is Your Spirit

In the OM we are also taught how prayer is a good way of connecting with the spirit of Creation within us. Creation doesn’t demand or require our prayers, but we can come to know it this way. OM says millions of people believe in prayer but see no success from their prayers. Either they request the fulfillment of wishes that cannot be fulfilled or they believe with the appearance of prayer that they have already performed their entire obligation in regard to Creation. They are believers, however they are not knowing, therefore they believe and do not know, and execute their prayers accordingly.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What is really going to happen in the year 2012?

In the following transcript of Billy Meier’s conversation with Ptaah, on February 3, 2009, information regarding the much publicized, and feared, catastrophic events now being associated with 2012 are discussed and clarified. Perhaps even more importantly, the truth about the actual depth of our climatic/environmental problems – and the direct link to the role of the endlessly greedy corporations and multinational corporations in denying it – is plainly stated. Also covered is how human thinking, especially the apocalyptic, fearful thinking prevalent among members of various fundamentalist groups, creates self-fulfilling prophecies, actually helping to bring about the negative events that they fearfully focus on.

What is really going to happen in the year 2012?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Talmud of Jmmanuel - The Human Being and Creation

Jmmanuel is the true name of the person erroneosly called Jesus Christ.

The Human Being and Creation
It came to pass that Jmmanuel preached of the human being and of Creation as he went eastward with a caravan.
He said, "Human beings should look upward to the stars, for majestic peace and grandeur rule there.
As though by immutable law and order, the infinite and everlasting changes take place there over days, months, years and beyond for centuries, millennia and millions of years.
Human beings, however, should also look downward upon the Earth for there, as well, is Creational activity and endless becoming and passing away of life and existence, toward ever newly developing forms.
Greatness, excellence and beauty rule harmoniously where nature is left to itself.
But where traces of human order are at work, there pettiness, disgrace and ugliness testify to alarming disharmony.
With inflated chest, the human being calls himself the crown of creation, and yet he in not cognizant of Creation and sets persons on a level with it.
But this human being, who has tamed fire and rules the Earth, will not go far.
Without a doubt, human beings will learn to harness water and air, but in the process they will forget to recognize Creation above them and its laws.
Thus they will also forget to seek truth, knowledge, love, respect, life, logic, true freedom and wisdom,
And they will forget to live peacefully with each other.
Their battle cry will be warfare, for they want to attain power through violence.
But when they believe they have power in their hands, they will use it for enslavement and bloodshed, exploitation, brutality, crime and degeneration.
They will speak of honour, freedom and knowledge, but in truth these will be only hypocrisy, coercion and erroneous teachings.
Thus, in the future, the human being will lose his face and display an evil and false mask.
Many will degenerate into beasts and spend their earthly days without knowledge or conscience.
Human ambitions and desires will be directed only toward acquisition, power, lust, addiction and greed.
With their intellect, human beings will arrange things of this world to make them subservient, regardless of the fact that in so doing they break the laws of nature and destroy nature itself in many ways.
They will no longer trust in the eternal truths, which are anchored in the laws of nature.
Through self-deception, they will find more meaning in the human sciences than in all the values of the laws of nature and Creation.
In their confusion, human beings will believe in this erroneous self-created, pathetic philosophy of life, which will be produced through the cults' erroneous teachings and through arrangements of human laws and vagaries of the principles that govern nations.
Human beings will want to control their lives by external means, because they will have forgotten to be aware of their own essence from the Creational point of view.
Through deceitful means they will delude, cheat and exploit their fellow human beings and the entire world.
And wherever trust and truth still exist, they will change it into distrust and untruth, and in so doing they will get farther and farther away from the true life.
Thus, they will also loose sight of the principle of the oldest wisdom, which states that human beings are the measure of all things in life because they are, after all, part of Creation.
But the time will come when the human being must turn around and become reacquainted with the eternal values of life.
Initially only a few will know that human beings live not only on Earth but also in the endless expanse of the universe, and that they live not only in the material world but their spirits reach into another world that cannot be grasped by the ordinary physical senses.
This other one, the ethereal world, is the true home of the spirit. Therefore Human Beings should try without ceasing to broaden and deepen their knowledge, love, truth, logic, true freedom, genuine peace, harmony and wisdom, so that the spirit may be perfected and lifted up into its true home, becoming one with Creation.
Truly, I say to you, those who understand the truth of this message and attain cognition through wisdom, will awaken to the obligation of aligning their lives with their destiny of eternal change toward Creation.
When people are honest and seek, they will not hold any preconceived opinions of prejudices.
But the wise do know and are aware of the law of everlasting flow of eternal change. Therefore, they endeavor to adjust to the grand scheme of events and of progress, because they appreciate the laws of Creation, namely, that the cycles of existence must be completed as prescribed by these laws.
Wherever life reveals itself, it is based upon the law of the invisible mystery that brings about the eternal change.
But persons who disregard and fail to recognize the timeless and everlasting laws and truths must take upon themselves the dire consequences.
Lies and hatred will blind such persons and even entire peoples; and they will rush into the abyss of their own destruction.
A blind, destructive mania will overcome them, and the heroes among them will be those who are the greatest destroyers.
Conflict will permeate people's entire lives, and where there is discord there is no longer wholeness and perfection.
But as long as imperfection exists in life, human beings must bear the consequences: sickness and misery and injustice and privation and fighting and strife and slavery and erroneous cults and exploitation leading to bloodshed and death.
So the human being shall be aware and awaken, for the laws of Creation state: Only that which is timeless and everlasting is of permanence, of truth and of wisdom, and so it is."

The Talmud of Jmmanuel - The Human Being and Creation

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thoughts about Worries of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Thoughts about Worries of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Thoughts about Worries of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
From Billy Meier

Every Earth year has 365 days in which we are subjected to both joyful and painful events, which make us walk at one time with our head lifted high and at another time with it dropped dejectedly to the chest, because humans are denied the right to freedom from timidness, apprehension, sorrow, pain and doubt. And yet, as more days pass, equally as many days come into being only to also disappear into the past and recede from our dominion. With every passing day our mistakes and fears, our sorrows and deficiencies along with our grief, pain, and suffering retreat from the present, as do joy and sadness for nothing remains eternal before the law of transience.
Everything in the past recedes eternally beyond our dominion, and nothing, be it will, promise, money, possession or property, can ever bring it back again. Nothing that has ever happened can be undone by humans, and neither our power nor that of the universe can reverse anything we have experienced and suffered nor can it be turned into something that was not experienced or not endured. Not one spoken word can be erased nor can any deed be undone, for things of the past are permanently gone and can never be brought back, made anew into an event or turned back into the actual moment of the experience. What is past is gone for good, and this holds true for yesterday, the day before, and all other days and years of the past, along with any occurrences we have experienced, fears, apprehensions, joys, sufferings, sorrows, pains, faults, gains, losses, and anything else that took place.
To worry about the past is futile for to do so hampers our progress and success. Only unwise people wallow in the sadness, worry, pain, fear and doubts of past events. Furthermore, it is also unintelligent and demoralizing to worry about tomorrow and other future matters, since by worrying about things we repress and overlook truly important matters. This precipitates fidgetiness and incompetence in our manner of thinking, our feelings and actions and leads, in turn, to faulty actions, thoughts, and failures which are encumbered with insurmountable hardships. Worrying about tomorrow, the following day or other future days and times results in pessimistic promises, poor performances, as well as destructive thoughts, feelings and actions, against which the individual is defenseless.
On every single day that exists in a future of tomorrows or the days-after-tomorrow or in days and times even beyond, we must influence and cope with all those matters we cannot act against, change, influence or guide in such a way whereby we become the winners of the daily battles, so we gain the greatest benefit of each day. We must continually conquer and assimilate fears, apprehensions, grief, worry, pain, doubt, and so forth to gain their benefit and the best they offer us. We must not gather and amass yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's burdens into one package nor should we wallow in them, for this can produce our collapse. Should any negative matters appear, regardless of how trying and shattering they may be, they are but a mere episode in our lives, and within seconds they will irretrievably elude into the past. Hence, such negative matters should be conquered and assimilated rationally and logically as swiftly as possible, so they do not become chronic burdens whereby grief, worry, fears, pain, doubt, apprehension, and other things turn into headlocks for us and become a daily horror.
As a rule, rarely do the experiences and events of only the current day plunge us into fear, despair and the like. On the contrary. The experiences and events of one day do not bring us to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Instead, we usually have on one hand the fears, apprehensions, worries, grief and doubts for tomorrow, the day after that, and the future in general with the consequence that people often experience last-minute-panic attacks. On the other hand we experience guilt for things that occurred yesterday, the day before or some other past time. Our memory seizes things of the past at any cost which then create fear and the dread of what tomorrow and the near future may bring.
Our lives are very rich in substance. They are entwined and interwoven with countless negative and positive things. Still, it is within our power to form our experiences into things with a neutral-positive balance, to cope with them and to live. May we all, therefore, make the most of each day without fears, apprehensions, pain, grief, doubt, worry or the like. Instead, may we learn to conquer and master these things so we may be cheerful and free and able to state with dignity in the last minute of our lives: "I have lived my life honorably and in evolutionary fulfillment, and to a good measure I have satisfied the duties of the [Creational] laws."

'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier
July 4, 1998; 1:05 am

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Religions, sects and false philosophies bind and damage the human's consciousness, subject this to an enslavement, torment it with utterly evil dogmas, which are solely and alone the work of false prophets, saviors and all kinds of human-subjugating riffraff, who, through the faith, have greedily exploited their followers for profit and led them astray since time immemorial. Their machinations are no work of Creation but forms alone constrained by human sense, which means a debasement and disparagement of the Creational and its laws and its systematic undermining. Every human who honestly and earnestly seeks the truth repels these slimy machinations because he instinctively recognizes and understands their untruthfulness, that he therewith can never experience the great truth and reality. Only those humans who rashly endorse, simply beliefwise, these rotten machinations and are consequently also not honest seekers of the fundamental truth give way to the nonsense because they are still not so learned and able, within themselves, to question everything and to discover the real truth within themselves through their own power. Therefore, their yearning for the truth becomes ever more hopeless, whereby they get ever deeper into the clutches of the false prophets and saviors, etc., which ultimately has not seldom the consequence that these humans despair of themselves and the world and possibly put an end to their lives.  Source