Sunday, October 30, 2011

Michael Horn
Regarding recent emails about so-called "Disclosure" petitions, This is a great waste your time and run around in endless circles. Not only doesn't the "government" have to reveal anything (if it even knew it), the premise of an "extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race" is in itself...A LIE AND UTTER DISINFORMATION.

And chief among those promoting this nonsense is "exopolitics"... and their huckster spokesman.

If you want to truly know about the ONLY verifiable, scientifically proven - still ONGOING - contact with extraterrestrials, here is a FREE documentary that will give you the truth:

...and you can learn more about how Stepehn Bassett chose his own, petty, egotistical self-interest over helping to get the truth out here:
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YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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Friday, October 28, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

The humans of today are already degenerated in such a way that they are no longer capable of making life-promoting culture, of opening an eye and the ear for the needy neighbors, let alone capable of entering into a marriage or a relationship outside marriage that is stable for life. This is completely apart from the fact that even the true virtues are only just recorded on paper and, like true and honest interpersonal relationships, are not fostered anymore by the humans. And together with the ones who govern are also the religions and sects, which are incapable of teaching the laws and recommendations of Creation and teaching the humans that education in every respect must be provided and the true rules, laws and recommendations of life must be learned and followed. And since this instruction is as lacking as all necessary education and the compliance with the Creational-natural laws, the humans in this manner are also no longer capable of creating new forms and rules of life that are in service of all of humanity and would remove all existing evil in the course of time. Already are the humans no longer capable of seeking for the true path of life and the comprehensive consciousness-expanding evolution, whereby they inevitably lose not only their nerves but also their joy, their freedom and harmony as well as their peace and their happiness. Source

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Moreover, changes of any kind are not caused fundamentally by the large mass of a humanity but by the initiative of individual human beings, who lay the foundation stones for the changes. Source

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Words of Billy Meier

Originally published by Billy Meier in 1958. Posted on Facebook by Waid Sainvill September 2011

1.My eyes and mind see things of the future which will take place from today, the year 1958, and therefore will be.
2.Therefore I see and comprehend things through the passage of time, up to the most distant future, that still remain hidden from the Earth people. Many years will pass before my prophecies and predictions have been fulfilled and a new and better time begins.
3.Until then however it is still far, very far, and much misery and need as well as evil, wars, terror, chaos and catastrophes will have broken over humanity and the world.
4.Until now, gigantic crowds of religious believers wandered over the Earth, and also, in the future, uncountable numbers of believers of unbelievably many lunatic sects will trample the surface of the Earth, whereby some sect gurus will drive their believers to mass suicide and murder.
5.They will spread over everything like poisonous mushrooms and their delusions will peal like a trumpet call over the entire world.
6.Sectarianism will bear bad fruit and will cost many lives through murder and suicide as, also through politics and power lust, in diverse countries, hundreds of thousands of people will be murdered as in the Soviet Union which will be dissolved no later than 1991, and in East Germany which will, however, only exist until the late 80's of this century, thereafter Germany will be reunified, whereby, in contrast, in Iraq a war will be led through the United States of America, through their country's president, however this will be without success, for which reason one of his sons, who will likewise be the U.S.A's head of power, will, in the third millennium, unleash a second war in Iraq which will ultimately lead to an unbelievable disaster and to torturing as well as to mass murder through U.S. armed forces and the rebellious.
7.Earth human, I see the great expanses of the Earth; the almost boundless oceans, the great continents, mighty mountains, the vast forests, bubbling springs, the flowing brooks, rivers and all the lakes, and I see how they will all, at the hand of man, be harmed and made sick, destroyed, and the majority will be annihilated.
8.Centuries or millennia will not have passed before all that happens, and all that which is yet to say in words of prophecy and prediction happens, because the beginning of all the evil had already begun with the development of modern technology and with the terrors of both World Wars.
9.In the future further evil wars will be spread over the world, which will become so numerous that the normal person will lose track.
10.Through war and rebellion, people will be exterminated and countries will collapse in on themselves and a new name will be given by every power to the land which is stolen under his command, whereby the traditional names cease to exist.
11.Many peoples, workers, beggars, service people, extremists, anarchists, and neo-Nazis will, as opponents against the people-hostile and corrupt authorities, provoke misery, need, murder and manslaughter as well as terror, rebellion and revolution as well as violent demonstrations and much destruction of much personal property and people's acquisitions.
12.Terrorists will spread murder and destruction world wide, thereafter they return again to their slippery cracks and hide in order to hatch new monstrosities and bring death and corruption over humanity.
13.The terrorists, warmongers, wrongdoers, prostitutes, and criminals will organize themselves worldwide and delude themselves that they are kings and emperors of the world, while the people and the organizations established for maintaining order watch powerlessly and have to creep away in order to protect their lives.
14.Even next year on September 13th, 1959, using rocket propulsion, the Earth human, respectively the Soviet Union, will make a hard landing of an unmanned object on the moon; and on April 12th, 1961 an Earth human will climb high in the sky with a rocket to orbit around in the Earth's outer space, then on February 3rd, 1966 an aerospace object will make a soft landing on the moon, then in 1968, the outer fringes of Earth's space will be left, and later the first trip to the moon will be undertaken, whereby up until the year 1972, five (5) manned moon landings will take place through the U.S.A., while a sixth moon landing* - supposedly the first - on August 20th, 1969 will rest only on a world-wide staged deceit as a result of the political armament race with the Soviet Union.
15.The time has just begun when the human conquers the depths of the oceans and slowly the power of the sun, in order to win diverse energies from them.
16.And the human is on the paths, in the next decades up to the new millennium, to unlocking the secret of life, in that he will unravel the gene.
17.Likewise in the eighties of this Twentieth Century it will happen that that the human can be bred through artificial fertilization, while already at the turn of the Third Millennium humans and animals will be able to be cloned out of single cells without any actual act of procreation.
18.At the close of the Second Millennium humans will already busy themselves with the first far-reaching steps in the genetic manipulation of flora and fauna, then, in the Third Millennium, genetic manipulation will begin on the human.
19.The end of the Second Millennium will, on one hand, be marked by very rapidly establishing computer technology, and on the other hand, rebellion and a great war which would be called the first gulf war, and a second gulf war would follow, coinciding with the start of the Third Millennium, released by the U.S.A. who has already deluded itself since the First World War that it is the world police and also wants to bring world control under its sword.
20.Towards the end of the Second and beginning of the Third Millennium the human will take himself for Creation and cause harm and bring destruction to the entire Earth, effective in the whole of nature.
21.And the time is already coming when the peoples will begin to mix, and when many people will flee from their homeland countries to find a hideout somewhere else in foreign countries, and there will be many refugees who have to fight to maintain their lives, while very many others creep into the structures of the better-positioned countries as economic refugees.
22.Prostitution is already on the way worldwide to becoming a public and officially sanctioned enterprise which cannot be curbed and which will be accountable to the state for taxes, as in this regard, ethics will no longer have a role to play, in the same way that neither will propriety and health.
23.Because of unrestricted prostitution, in about twenty-five years an already embryonic deadly epidemic will develop worldwide that will be named AIDS and will finally cost several hundred million human lives.
24.Also child prostitution is catching on increasingly in monstrous measure, as is the sexual murder of women and children.
25.Trade in humans with children and women regarding prostitution and for the purpose of human organ trade has now already become mundane, yet this evil will still increase until the turn of the millennium and into the Third Millennium, as organ transplantation from human to human will soon, already in a few years, become an everyday occurrence for the Earth people.
26.Already, in a few years, marriage between man and woman would only be formed for appearances without a binding love, rather they would be only joined together out of the personal interests of the individual partners, with the result that the marriage union is just lies and deception and would no longer be constant, consequently marriages end ever more in divorce.
27.Also the whole of nature will rise up, and indeed against the human and his irresponsible machinations with which he disturbs the course of the natural things as well as of the flora and fauna and of all life.
28.Storms, ranging from heavy to the heaviest will, from now on, until far into the Third Millennium, bring unspeakably much misery, need and suffering to the human as has never happened since time immemorial.
29.The most severe earth and seaquakes will take effect with primeval-like force and demand millions of human lives, as also will deluge-like masses of rain that evoke monstrous flooding and cause mighty destruction as the human has never before collectively experienced or seen.
30.And what results in the last 42 years of the Second Millennium, along with very many other evils, along with chaos, ghastliness and catastrophes that are not mentioned, carries everything on also into the Third Millennium and exacts its tribute all around.
31.And when the Second Millennium comes to an end, then the human stands in the darkness of his existence, in that he wanders around in an impenetrable labyrinth out of which he can no longer find his way, because it will be deep night in his consciousness, whereby however, the threatening red glowing and the fiery traps of religions and sects lie in wait.
32.And the religions and sects shake in rage because the believers who finally want to utilize the truth run away from them, yet the fiery traps of the religious power plays of the religions and sects grasp after the young people in order to burn them in the flames of religious fanaticism and make them incapable of escape.
33.So young people want to protect themselves from the lies and false teaching of the religions and sects, as their ghastly rage, with which they gather believers around themselves with lies and deceit, will know no bounds.
34.Already now, and first properly in the Third Millennium, the human knows deep within himself that he must not utilize religions and sects, rather the effective truth, the Creational truth, as well as the Creational Laws and Directives, yet although he hears the voice of truth in himself, he does not want to hear it, because he will be tormented by religious angst and cannot free himself from his religious or sectarian belief because he expects divine punishment for that, were he to do that.
35.And if the human seeks the effective truth he will be misled and deceived, because in the Third Millennium, even more than in the Second, there will be innumerable sectarians who ply a lucrative trade with their delusional false teachings and make horrendous profits from them.
36.Also the simple human himself, as well as the rich, will still only see his Mammon, count it, and strive for wealth, luxury, amusements and holidays, whereas the administration and the authorities will exploit the commoner with all kinds of new excises and taxes.
37.In the Third Millennium, the Moloch Mammon will bring forth much worse blooms than in the Twentieth Century, because the immoral and the wrong-doers as well as white-collar criminality and war mongery and so on, would no longer recognize boundaries when it comes to hoarding Mammon.
38.Criminal leaders of commerce will be amicable towards million dollar payments and million dollar golden handshakes and engage in maladministration and thereby drive even quite traditional companies to ruin, as also the commoners in private bankruptcies will walk away when they can no longer control their finances because they are driven away from reliable money and are equipped with plastic money in the form of plastic cards with which they subsist in the circumstances of their indebtedness, with sundries paid for on credit, and get into horrendous debt, whereby also special companies come into existence for the administration of plastic cards, while the banks will be in on that, with plastic cards they will name credit cards, in order to make their customers dependent, whereby they quite particularly have their eye set on the youth who thereby pile up immense mountains of debt which drive them into need and misery.
39.The fire of maladministration spreads itself constantly, also in the inept governments which, likewise driven by maladministration, manage their own countries into ruin when they accrue such immense debts that they rise in such a fashion that the country must be declared bankrupt.
40.And it will be that even before the time of the Third Millennium, and indeed in 1993, a political and commercial European dictator will arise that will be called the "European Union" and, in evil, will carry the number 666, as through this the citizens of all member countries will finally be brought under total control through biometric data in identification devices and in the form of small data chips in the head or body inserted in a "biometric identification system" that would be overseen and controlled through a "central data bank" whereby finally the whereabouts of every human can be exactly determined to the meter. First the USA and later the European Union will introduce this modern human enslavement, thereafter, then other countries will also follow, all preceding the Swiss, whereby, through this process, the personal and national citizens' human rights will be drastically trimmed, which fundamentally will be originally already planned at the construction of the European Union, whereby the citizen is finally deemed fully incapable of managing his own affairs, and should be governed only by the authorities, without having a right to a say regarding certain government things and decisions.
41.The morals of very many people will completely sink, whereby many villages and every city will be a Sodom and Gomorrah as the prostitution of adults and children takes on completely boundless forms.
42.Many young people will, in every form and manner, deteriorate to extremism in everyday life as well as in their professional life, whereby drug, medication, alcohol and narcotic addiction take the upper hand.
43.Many young people will flock to extreme radical skinhead and neo-Nazi fronts and wave their flags, and form corresponding organizations, that cause much damage and harm, indiscriminately attack innocent people on the streets and not seldom beat them until they are cripples.
44.In the coming time many blood banks will be contaminated by viruses and will make the people sick and will deliver death if the blood is transfunded [transfundiert] (correct = transfused [transfusioniert]; according to data from the Plejaren linguists for the German and Latin languages).
45.Towards the end of the Twentieth Century new planets will continuously be discovered at distant solar systems that however can bear no human life.
46.New solar satellites will also be discovered in our solar system that move far outside the orbit of Pluto, yet that will first be after the turn of the millennium.
47.Already in twenty years the time will come that newly serious plagues, deadly for the human, come about, especially in Africa as also however in other countries, and in part there would be no cure for them.
48.Furthermore great famines will rage in the Third World, whereas in the wealthy industrialized countries gigantic warehouses are stored with cans and miscellaneous groceries, while farmers senselessly destroy fruit and vegetables and so on because they don't want to sell their wares at opportune prices, because their greed for money and wealth will know no bounds, which is why they also will break up their land and their worldly possessions for jingling coins, to live from that instead of having to go to an honest job any more.
49.The human will be ever more unscrupulously addicted to greed for money and wealth, whereby he would secretly commit the murder of his parents, which would never be solved, in order to inherit from them.
50.It comes about ever more frequently that mothers murder their children at birth or abandon them, while step parents beat their children to death as well as leave them to die of thirst and starve.
51.In the future many families will be destroyed through this, because fathers or mothers live in endless strife which often also leads to the fathers or mothers murdering all the family members.
52.In thirty years the business prosperity which will be restrained until then will collapse and induce immeasurably high joblessness in all industrial countries whereby not only many millions of people will be without work and be benefiting from hand-outs, rather also families will be destroyed, criminality will spread out and murders will be committed.
53.An unimagined impending asylum seeker problem will break over the industrialized countries before the turn of the millennium and evoke asylum seeker tourism through which a great many asocial elements emigrate who release a crime wave, whereby the worldly possessions of many people will no longer be safe, nor will life and limb.
54.Through the madness of his overpopulation, the human has already detrimentally altered the world and the climate in such a way that a climbing climatic warming becomes apparent that will be carried far into the Third Millennium and release monstrous natural catastrophes, yet that will not be the end, because everything goes further in the same style and at the beginning of the Third Millennium more than seven billion people will be on the Earth, which will lead to even greater harm and to destruction worldwide because on one hand nature strikes back in vengeance and on the other hand, the human undertakes everything which will destroy the entire environment and life.
55.The constantly climbing mass of overpopulation leads to apathy and the softening of the people whereby the genuine interpersonal relationships grow cold and disappear while the masculine gender, however, still slowly, unstoppably becomes less potent.
56.Through atomic contamination of the environment - through atomic explosions, atomic power plants and radioactive waste from industry and hospitals, and so on - the entire life of fauna and flora as well as of humans will be ever more injured and disturbed in health, while also mutations of fauna and flora as well as of humans will appear in terrible ways.
57.Neither air, bodies of water, land, mountains nor seas will be safe from the human in the future, because, as he creates room everywhere for the growing overpopulation and for sporting purposes, he irrevocably destroys everything, through ski lifts, mass settlement, mountain climbing, racing with motor vehicles and motor boats as well as monstrous domestic buildings which tower high into the sky, as well as with street and tunnel construction, and so on.
58.The human will populate the Earth, the air and the seas more and more and take all the living space which is for the native wildlife, and thereby exterminate countless species and varieties.
59.The human elevates himself ever more to commander over the Earth and already in the coming 20 years he will make an effort to strive for the power of Creation whereby he will know no further barriers; yet everything will turn against him because he will stray like a drunk, blind ruler through the world, irritated and tormented in delusion - and at the end of his path he will fall into a deep abyss.
60.In the coming time entire cities will sprout out of the ground and the countryside will empty itself ever more of people.
61.The order of the people turns ever more towards instability and many would make their own laws and live by them.
62.The time will come in the Third Millennium when there will no longer be enough nourishment for all the people which will lead to ghastly scenes of starvation and murder and manslaughter.
63.Criminals and wrongdoers already spread themselves through the cities and organised gangs will ambush, beat up, or even kill, simply for fun, or to rob, because peaceful games and a normal life will no longer be sufficient for them.
64.Not only will many people suffer hunger, but they will also be set out in the cold, turn blue and freeze, and it would be, thereby, that many rather seek death than live an unworthy life in the bitterest poverty and begging in order to keep body and soul together.
65.In the future many people will catapult themselves out of life because they are addicted to drugs, have become sick or old, and feel lonely, helpless and abandoned, because feelings of neighborliness deteriorate ever more to pure expediency and addiction to profit; for a horrendous price, those stricken by age will be stuck in old people's homes, and financially completely shamelessly exploited to the last drop of blood.
66.Suicides will be ever more numerous, as will also euthanasia, because criminals addicted to business will draw monetary use out of it, whereby it will come to death tourism in countries in which help rendered the dying, in murder and suicide, will be allowed; the death-helper will be a dealer without illusions, and he will sell his suicide poison to everybody who wants to have it.
67.The drug problem will gain more and more ground, whereby internationally organized criminal gangs will maneuver even children into the vicious cycle of drug addiction.
68.The bodies of the people will be destroyed by drugs and addiction and towards the beginning of the Third Millennium a dangerous new drug with the name crystal will cause a furor amongst addicted people whose faces and bodies will be furrowed and ruined within a few months, and aged in such a way as if the addicted were monsters a hundred years old.
69.Through selfishness, hate, revenge, lovelessness, virtuelessness, and addiction to pleasures, and so forth, the humans' thoughts and feelings cool more and more, whereby the psyche and the consciousness and the morality are corrupted.
70.All those who are addicted to drugs of any kind that they drink, inhale, or inject into their blood will become like wild animals and lose control of themselves and many of them will rob, steal, break in and murder, rape and extort in order to get the poisons to which they are addicted - their lives will be a torment and become a real catastrophe.
71.The already near future would bring a situation where every human will try to attain as much pleasure, worldly possessions, delight, money and wealth as he possibly can and it will be that even the parents deceive their children, the children their parents, and the siblings will deceive each other if they can thereby gain a profit for themselves.
72.Marriages will no longer be formed out of love, rather out of addiction to profit, for the sake of appearances and as a consequence of erroneous and short term confusions of the feelings, and so it happens ever more frequently that husband and wife will be unfaithful, and divorce as often as they marry.
73.As it once was in Sodom and Gomorrah, in the future many women and men will go through the streets and into pleasure houses in order to take everybody and anybody as sexual partners just as everybody or anybody pleases.
74.Many married women and men would ever more frequently utilize other partners from outside the marriage, thus many men would sire children about whom they know nothing - and woman would bear children without knowing the names of the fathers -; and therefore it will be that every tenth birth is not of the legal father, which is foisted onto the husband, and it will be that children bear children and that mothers will not name the names of the fathers.
75.Many children will have no father or mother because they divorced or disappeared unrecognized, because they do not want to be a father or mother or live in a marriage, because the order and tradition of a good and functional family will be lost, as also the laws of marriage will have no more value, as if the human had become wild again.
76.And as already happens, it will also be that in the future and more and more, fathers will sexually abuse their daughters, young and old pedophiles sexually offend against children, women of every age are raped, shamed and murdered - not seldom in all openness and all over the world as a result of common and ever increasing sex-tourism.
77.Men will rape men, and women, women, and children go to the highest bidder through their own parents, relatives, or, through child abductors, rented or sold to the highest bidder.
78.Fathers sire children with their own daughters, children and mothers with their own sons' descendents, whereby a mixing of the blood comes about in the same family and, thereby, the evil spreads itself from bed to bed, which invokes psychic and consciousness-related damage and a state where the humans do not truly know people in true love, rather only acknowledge people by their sexual practices.
79.Through their way of life and through their thoughts and feelings and through their lack of virtues and all good values, the people will have aggrieved, tormented and haggard faces, because their entire falsely-lived lives will be mirrored in them.
80.The time is coming when nobody who speaks for law and order will be heard anymore, as it has already been for a long period of time that none are heard who speak against the religious and sectarian beliefs and painstakingly spread the truthful truth in regard to life, Creation and its laws and directives, which especially will be again, approaching this time, when, in the Third Millennium, a German religious fanatic Pope will assume the pontificate, who believes, through his fanatical belief in god, that he can save the world from its disintegration and downfall.
81.Around the world, the devastating machinations of the religions and sects will spread out again, and innumerable false messiahs and false prophets will infatuate the unstable and blind-to-the-truth masses of humanity, and newly lead them into madness, and many of these believers will carry weapons and build bombs, and in their fanaticism thereby spread murder by many thousand-fold as well as great destruction.
82.The murdering and destroying fanatics of religions and sects will, in their death-bringing fiery beliefs, speak of justice in the name of god, and thereby spread misery, need, death and corruption.
83.And it will be that the fanatical Islamist's bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for the earlier crucifixions by the Christians, will come into being when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.
84.Threatening thunder will crack over the Earth and deaths in their thousands will rage when the criminal national powers of the U.S.A. release war into the wide world and when Israel's national forces spread just the same terror, murder, death and corruption as the Palestinians themselves, from whom uncountable suicide bombers will go; all over the world all variety of military and rebellious forms of murderers will recruit, out of all levels of the population, and drill the recruits into being murder machines devoid of feelings and conscience, to whom also every kind of torture is a shining joy.
85.Organized murder and terror commandoes will live secretly in cities worldwide and plan and carry out deadly attacks in order to kill thousands of people and produce unimagined destruction.
86.There will be no more order and no effective rule to protect the lives of the people, because, through the fault of the warmongering national powerful ones, the rebellious, religious, sectarian and fanatic terrorism will flare up like a bright flash in the night in order to sow death and corruption.
87.Through inhumane terror attacks, torture and through war, very many people will degenerate and fall back into barbarism, whereby everybody will scream for the torture and death of their neighbor when they are of a different view or act counter to the law, thus hate and revenge will spread out and even the order-bringing organizations will be evilly attacked and their efforts to create order will be hindered, whereby human atrocities among the people can gain ground, and nobody more is going to hurry to help the other if she or he gets into need.
88.Already soon, humans will no longer align themselves with justice, but only with their belief and blood, while the judge thereafter only exploits his office so that the little man is hanged and the great scoundrel is let free, as true justice will no longer be asked for, rather everything will be judged only in terms of money, belief and appearances.
89.Children will, in the course of the next decades, be ever more surrendered to neglect because the parents hunt more and more for money and pleasures, whereby the children are abused in regard to love and upbringing and are left alone, as they are thrown out of the house and family life like young creatures and neglected because nobody will bother anymore about them and hold a protecting hand over them, whereby they slide into scenes of the asocial, narcotics, drugs, theft, robbery, criminality and prostitution.
90.World wide, hate will gain ground more and more and the greed for power of the nations' powerful ones will recognize no more boundaries, resulting in bad laws being passed to torment the citizen and from which nobody can remain spared, not the elderly, not the youth, nor the children.
91.Houses will be destroyed and plundered by criminal gangs, or the houses will be broken into in order to ambush the residents, rob them and even to kill them.
92.The people will become ever more indifferent to their neighbors, so they will also close their eyes when others are abused on public streets, women raped or children abducted; children will become merchandise and sex objects, their weakness will be forgotten and they will be trained like animals, to be thrown away after use or slaughtered and murdered, because humans no longer know love, rather still only ghastliness.
93.Ever since a long time ago every person has known through public media, such as radio and newspapers, what is happening at all ends of the Earth, yet that will only be the start, as the means of communications and news-spreading will spread rapidly, as through television, through which events can be directly followed pictorially in all corners of the world, as also, however, through various electronic telecommunications devices that, over satellites, transmit everything, up to the Earth's hindmost nook, in word and picture, while in only forty years even the simplest citizen will carry a pocket telephone around with him and would use it at every possible and impossible opportunity.
94.Because of the constantly rising standard of living of the people in the industrialized countries, they close their eyes to misery in the Third World; indeed they see the starving children on television, whose eyes and mouths as well as wounds are covered with innumerable flies, and those who are hunted like rabbits as target practice for the murderous military, or those who will be killed to get to their organs which will be sold dearly for transplantation.
95.Many people, as regards their neighbor, will not only be indifferent, rather also merciless, subsequently they turn their eyes away so they do not have to see the misery and the need of the neighbor and they will not worry that children or adults die of hunger because they will give them nothing, or only very inadequate alms that would suffice for neither life nor death.
96.The better positioned person of the prosperous countries sleeps on bags full of gold, and what he gives with one hand he takes away again with the other, whereby the needy neither live nor die, rather then can only vegetate in misery.
97.The human plies trade with everything that comes into his fingers and, as a result, everything has its price, even the water that is our common planetary possession, and everything will be sold and nothing more given, consequently every gift demands a gift in return.
98.As children will be hunted and killed for the price of their organs, grown people, for money, offer themselves for their organs for transplantation, or they bequeath them as a legacy so for them nothing more is sacred, not their body, nor their blood, their organs, their consciousness or psyche, and if they could sell their spirit-form and make a profit from it, they would do that too, and people will be murdered for their organs, treacherously, just as by execution, while irresponsible doctors, in greed for profit, will intentionally cut up the bodies of the dead for the sale of their organs.
99.Already the human has changed the face of the Earth so badly, that it can no longer be returned to its original form, and that will not be the end, as much worse changes will happen in the future when the forests are further cleared and the fields and mountains have been transformed into human residential settlements, concreted over and asphalted because the human continues to be deluded that he is ruler of Earth and life, although he can never name power over the planets as his own, because they set their nature to defend, and will show the human in his limits.
100.Also, when nature defends itself against the human madness of planetary destruction, the Earth becomes ever more naked and less fruitful, and through the fault of humans the air will burn, because the ozone shield will slowly be destroyed.
101.Through the people, the water of the Earth will increasingly turn into ill-smelling sloughs, and all life will slowly wither there while the Earth's riches will be completely exhausted, whereby all goods will become scarce and thereby the hate that the humans have for one another will climb because everybody wants to have that which the neighbor still has.
102.The consciousness as well as reason and understanding of humans will become his prisoners and he will be drunk from religious and sectarian beliefs, thereby he will not notice that he, through religions and sects, will be ever more deceived and kept distant from the effective truth of Creation and its laws and directives, and as a result, he chases after unreal religious and sectarian images and reflections which hold him back from the truth and make him a willing sheep of the wicked ones.
103.The religions and sects fall upon their believers like evil carnivorous animals, drive them together and hurl them into the deepest abyss of misguidance and ignorance, and, to drive it all sufficiently, they set one up against the other in order to be able to rip everyone in their claws and deprive them of the life of truth.
104.As it has been until now, the religions and sects will, for a long time yet, rule through their representatives and gurus in order to rule and command the human who is innocent and inactive in so far as knowledge is concerned, yet by and by in the more distant future they will slowly lose their cult places in which they preach nonsense and mislead and enslave the people, yet their time is coming that they will hide their faces and must keep their names secret, in order not to become the victims of the rage of the people as a result of their misleading them.
105.Yet it is so, however, that every believer, in truth, is a serf of religions and sects, even though each one erroneously believes that he is a free person, yet that will change because the time will come when nobody, or still almost nobody, takes part in the gatherings of the gurus, the masters, exalted ones, enlightened ones, the Pfaffenkäppchen [literally:" Pastors' little caps"], Popes and priests, and so on, because many of the people will raise themselves up and position themselves against the religions and sects in order to conquer their millennia old lies with the truth.
106.Overpopulation will climb incessantly because of the irrationality of the people, and soon they will be as numerous on the Earth as ants, and when they are bumped they will swarm around distraught and headless, so that they lose all control over themselves; and many will be crushed when they helplessly sink into the masses.
107.The religions and sects will, in the future, mix themselves as much as the people, who, through the mixing of peoples, make their own people become a multi-cultural nation.
108.Around the world more and more, peace will be hypocritically spoken of, while mendacious and sectarian national powerful ones furtively stir up wars and bring them to breaking out, and in every location families and neighbors who have become enemies prepare hell on Earth for each other or peoples and tribes who are enemies fight in bloody feuds.
109.Already for a long time the way of nature is lost for the human, and that will even continue to happen very much more, as the human believes, in his high-handedness, that he is the ruler over life and death.
110.In times to come people will be less and less satisfied with their own bodies, and so they will allow all kinds of operations on themselves in order to be better proportioned and more beautiful, as they themselves imagine, whereby however the entire business damages their health and not seldom leads to mutilations, or even death.
111.Their will no longer be cohesion in families and the family members will scatter themselves to the winds more and more.
112.Through beauty cures and beauty aids people will decline to an early externally old appearance and they will earlier have wrinkles and white hair like old people because the utilized means will also damage the skin in the same way as do the ever more dangerous and increasingly hotter rays of the sun.
113.In coming times many people will wander around in life without pause, and be without leadership or direction, because, due to inadequate love and warm-heartedness, as well as relationships from person to person, their consciousness, thoughts and feelings as well as psyche are stunted, whereby very many psychic illnesses and breakdowns result that not seldom will lead to suicide because no more help will be accessible to these people. the course of time, very many people will renounce religions and sects, yet in spite of that, not sort out the truth regarding Creation and also not its laws and directives because they want to steer their own lives like a mounted animal even though they lack the necessary knowledge and experience.
115.And already the Earth human stands before the door that will enable him to determine the masculinity or femininity of the progeny in the body of the woman, from which self-evidently results, that, at last, already from the ground up, the gender of the descendent will be determined because the female egg will be fertilized in vitreo with the corresponding sperm and then set into the womb, while all other undesired life will be killed off.
116.The human will take himself more and more for Creation, especially the powerful ones who snatch up everything from land and worldly possessions just exactly however it pleases them, while the normal citizen is too poor and weak and will be treated like the lowliest livestock, whereby the housing for the common people will become like prisons in which the people spend time in fear of the powerful ones and the hate in the people unfolds ungovernably.
117.The hate in humans will create a secret order of destruction, that rages darkly in people and engenders an evil poison that is aligned such that the authorities are to be fought against, and, at the same time, to achieve money and wealth for oneself, and control over the Earth, yet in the end the weak will listen to the rules of the powerful, whereby, however, it will be that laws will be passed in the dark whereby the poison of hate is aligned against the religions and sects and the thorn of hate spreads against them in order to clear appropriate space for the truthful truth.
118.It will come to pass that the humans will become inactive, going around with an empty look and not knowing where they should go because when the religions and sects disappear they will have no more cult places and no more cult preachers and no more sect leaders who can lead them in madness and confusion, which is why they will initially be without a goal, or like a germinating seed that cannot yet strike roots, so, as a result, the human wanders around without hope, destitute, humbled, and senselessly seeking everywhere for a foothold, which they first, however, find when they utilize the creational truth and the creational laws and directives; but first, they will hate and fight themselves and hate their lives before they find the path to truth.
119.When the Third Millennium comes many illnesses and plagues will rage and many waters will be dried out and will further dry out whereas other water will become brackish or poisonous or become a rarity, whereby many people will have their existences and their lives threatened which leads to them having to painstakingly reestablish much of what they destroyed and they expend means to defend that which remains because some farther-thinking people recognize that what they evilly wrenched from nature must be returned again.
120.However the Third Millennium will also be the time when people will be frightened of the future because the world political, military and environmental situation will be very precarious because the national powers of the USA and Israel in the same way threaten with war and destruction as, worldwide, will also the rebellious terrorists, and in addition, because humans have so terribly plundered, raped and desecrated nature, it will hit back with violent seaquakes and earthquakes and with monstrous rainstorms and primeval storms.
121.The Earth would, through the fault of mankind, through his overpopulation and the thereby connected monstrous demands, and through his hostile conduct towards nature and his destruction, as well as through the plundering of resources, raise itself against the people and quake around the globe with primeval force and tear people into death in their hundreds of thousands, whereby entire countries will be destroyed.
122.The Earth will avenge itself on mankind for his behavior, because he will not have listened to the prophecies and predictions of the wise that warned about all the evil, as a result, from then on he must take evil threats from nature and violent destruction into account because, from then on and until far into the Third Millennium, villages will be buried under mudslides as well as snow and ice slides, while in other places abysses will open in the ground and, destroying everything, will tear everything into themselves, never more to reach the surface.
123.But still the human will be obstinate and not listen to the words, advice and warnings of the prophets and the wise, yet that will be avenged, as violent fires will destroy great forests, villages and towns and demand many human lives, because the conflagrations will have primeval force and drive people from their native homelands which will be robbed by unscrupulous plundering, as it will also be in the villages and towns that will be abandoned because of seaquakes and earthquakes and because of storms.
124.And through the fault of humans, chlorofluorocarbons sluice through the atmosphere, the Earth will burn, and melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer will take hold and demand many deaths, and all that because, through human irrationality, the majority of the ozone shield, which protects against the rays of the sun, will be destroyed, whereby the atmosphere will be like a curtain full of holes and the strong and burning light of the sun will burn the skin, and the eyes of many people will be permanently blinded.
125.But the angst of humans will, however, be too late because too much will already be destroyed and annihilated by the turn of the millennium, resulting in ever more deserts overtaking the Earth and the crushing deluge-like water becoming ever more violent and deeper, ripping everything with it, flooding and destroying.
126.Through the clear-felling of rainforests, the oxygen level in the air will, already, before the Third Millennium, and until far along into it, sink unnoticeably, which will have effects on the health of humans and animals, while at the same time the pollution of the environment and pollution of the air will have taken on such forms that people will be made sick from it, and the weak among them will perish.
127.And in the Third Millennium the time comes when big parts of the continents disappear and the people will have to flee to the mountains, yet their sense of the catastrophes will only be of short duration, because they will forget everything again quickly and therefore make an effort to do much rebuilding, because they are already creating phantasmagoria, through movies and television, as well as later through a worldwide netting of computers and electronics, through which they deceive themselves and see things that do not exist, and are only visually determined for the eye, subsequently their sense for reality disappears and they can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction, whereby they lose themselves more and more in the labyrinth of life, while those who produce phantasms commercially as well as religious and sectarian phantasms, have an easy game with the people of faith, who they deceive in every possible manner and make them into humble beings, like cringing dogs.
128.Towards the end of the Second Millennium researches will clone animals and alter their genes any way they like, and in the Third Millennium researchers will have the audacity to create in vitro humans who are intended to serve as human spare parts stores for organs.
129.Even now it has already happened, and it will continue in the Third Millennium, that the Earth human irrevocably exterminates many animal species and their sub-species in the air or water or on the land, because for him profit is more important than the conservation of the fauna.
130.As it already is now, it will also be in the Third Millennium, and indeed extremely increased, that children no longer enjoy a genuine upbringing and their consciousnesses will no longer be educated in the context of evolution as they will no longer be taught the truth by their parents, so they will be more and more ignorant regarding the truth and of the lessons of life, so they - like their parents - are hopeless, ignorant and remonstrating and are dedicated only to pleasures.
131.Also in the Third Millennium the human will become more and more aggressive and deludes himself that he is the highest power, the result of which is that he will strike out everywhere in hate and wrath as well as in avarice and jealousy, just how and where it pleases him, and he will be strong in his evil thoughts and feelings and his degenerated behavior, as the acquired power makes him unpredictable and he will destroy, in a blind rage with howls of joy, much that is painstakingly acquired and constructed.
132.Well into the Third Millennium the human will remain faint hearted and a dwarf in the development of his knowledge and wisdom and love, and will be driven by power-behavior and domination over fellow humans, while his head will be stuffed full with unnecessary and false knowledge of mad religious, sectarian, philosophical, militaristic and combat-orientated teachings and of teachings of the thirst for blood, revenge and retribution.
133.As since time immemorial the Earth human still will not know for a long time into the Third Millennium why he lives and dies, what death means, and reincarnation and birth, because, as since time immemorial, he will wave his arms senselessly, futilely seeking the truth of Creation and its laws and directives, because, as since earliest times, he hangs onto religions and sects that bring him to whimpering like small children.
134.In the Third Millennium, as has been since the earliest times, the believers of the various religions and sects will fight each other, because every believer wants to have the only correct god, it is all the same if he is named Shiva, God or Allah, so, in some places, the Earth will become a battlefield when Islamists, Christians and Jews make war on one another, as in ancient times, and as it also happens today, as everybody insults the un-belief of those with other beliefs, and they all want to defend and spread the purity of their belief with their blood, even when great powers stand in opposition to them, who question the righteousness of their conduct.
135.As is already the case now in 1958, in the Third Millennium innumerable people will also be locked out of the life of the society and, furthermore, many must eke out their lives as poor, asocial, as beggars, as well as benefiting from hand-outs, because they are not accepted by society, rather thrown out or are unemployed, and are treated as if they were sub-human, against which no ruler and government undertakes anything, rather they even exploit the poor and beggars with all kinds of taxes and charges, whereby they cannot afford a roof over their heads, and have no citizens' rights any more because they are outcasts of those who live in excess, and they will be half naked because they cannot afford clothing, and when they have something to sell it will only be their bodies, for their organs, or the path of whoredom.
136.In the Third Millennium many people will listen to the old prophecies and predictions, to the proverbs of the prophets and the warnings of the wise, which have been handed down since ancient times, and they will thirst for retribution, and provoke the time in which the people stand up and call for the truth.
137.However, before the people call for the truth it will be lost in an impenetrable labyrinth in which great angst and suspicion exist, and the human is restlessly driven forward in order to find a way out of all the misery and the need.
138.The truth of Creation and its laws and directives, as well as the teachings of spirit and teachings of life, will be spread loud and strong and worldwide, yet the Earth human will not hear them, because only few, who pursue reason and understanding, will utilize the great teachings, while all the others want more and more possessions, and indulge in phantasms which they have arranged in their heads, spurred on through bad and false prophets in religious and sectarian matters.
139.And the time will be long before all this all comes to pass, a long time into the Third Millennium - long, 800 years long, because, first then, the seeds of the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of Creation and its laws and directives, as well as the teachings of life, will slowly begin to germinate in the mass of humankind, because they slowly open their eyes and ears, and honestly begin to seek the actual truth.
140.The humans of the Earth will listen and hear the prophets' teachings, then finally, they will open their eyes to see and learn to understand one another, and each would know that when one person is beaten or injured with words, that the other perceives the pain.
141.It will be the time when, out of humanity, people become one, and understand that each is a smaller part of the neighbor, and only unity gives strength, and neither skin color, nor belief, rather, only commonality and effective truth regarding Creation and its laws and directives are of significance.
142.And in distant times it will be that only one single and valuable language will be spoken worldwide, and the people will finally become real humans.
143.And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have conquered outer space and travel into the deep expanses of the universes, when they have constructed artificial stations outside the Earth's atmosphere, in which many people will reside, work and live.
144.And it would be in that distant time that the Earth human builds great cities in the seas and he will ordinarily move around in the depths of the water and nourish himself on all kinds of fruit from the sea.
145.And in distant times it will be that humans talk reasonably and respectfully with one another and they will accept the old messages of the true prophets because their thoughts and feelings will be open for one another, and the consciousness and the psyche will be balanced.
146.And in distant times it will be that the people will be many times older than they are in today's time in the year 1958, because their age will be hundreds of years.
147.And in distant times it will be that the people recognize the power of their consciousness and learn the things that the true prophets knew and which were kept hidden as a secret until now, so they will open one door after another and gain monstrous cognitions, knowledge and wisdom about the truth of Creation and its laws and directives, in order therewith to use and develop the powers of their consciousness.
148.And in distant times it will be that the people finally find their way out of their dark labyrinth and will find sublime life bubbling again like a clear spring.
149.And in distant times it will be that the people relearn and adopt the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of Creation and the extent of its directives and laws, and the teachings of life, and will be knowing, and parents will again raise their children and instruct them in the teachings of truth so that they understand life, dying, death, reincarnation and birth, as well as Earth and the heavens.
150.And in distant times it will be that the human will become greater in stature and more skillful, and the powers of his consciousness will encompass everything, and he also will possess everything that he wants to have.
151.And in distant times it will be that the man alone will no longer be the ruling power, because from then on the woman will steer the fate of the world and humanity as true mother of the Earth, because she will wield her scepter over the man and break his imperiousness, tyranny, power-lust and addiction to war, in order to end the times of ugly masculine barbarism, and nip in the bud man's devilish and murderous and high-handed acts, in order to finally allow peace on Earth.
152.And in distant times it will be that true love wakes in Earth humans and this will be shared with all, whereby the existence transmutes in an easy time, and long cherished dreams and wishes become reality, while the evolution of the consciousness grasps possession of all people, whereby enters the true end of barbarism.
153.And in distant times it will be that religious and sectarian belief will no longer be of validity, but rather only the pure truth of Creation and the extent of its laws, whereby the happy days of humankind begin, and the person will find people again, and recognize and honor them as equals.
154.And in distant times it will be, when the Fourth Millennium after Jmmanuel's (Christian) time reckoning comes, that the Earth and its humanity will have its creational order again, and there will be true love and unity, true freedom and harmony, as well as true worldwide peace.
155.And in distant times it will be that the people will hurry through the universe from one end to the other in great and powerful spaceships, and they will have no more boundaries.
156.And in distant times it will be that the forests, wetlands, meadows and fields bloom again, as also the deserts, which will be enlivened and planted, and in which many kinds of trees, bushes, grasses and flowers will reveal their glory, so the Earth will be a wonderful garden in which the human will respect and honor all that lives, creeps and flies.
157.And in distant times it will be that the human reconstructs and cleans everything that he destroyed or soiled because, from then on, he will honor and protect nature and life, as he will be knowing and wise and thereby think of the future of the planet and humanity, and bring respect and veneration to them all.
158.And in distant times it will be that every human goes in step with every other, and one no longer harms the other, and the people grant each other trust again to no longer be deceived, to have nothing more stolen, to no longer be robbed, and no longer be murdered.
159.And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans know everything about their own bodies and the bodies of all animals, as they will also will be knowledgeable about all the things of the world and life, as well as the creational-natural laws, whereby sickness and plagues will be healed before they can come into existence, because it will be that every human will be just as much his own knowing and capable healer as he will be for his fellow humans; collectively, the human will understand that he can only exist and live in the community, that one must help the other, that he must give and may not only take, and that he, as an individual, must see and understand himself to be as a custodian of the planet, humanity and human order.
160.And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have learned to give and share in honesty and love - and that stinginess is every bit as much a means to achieve discontentment as is being closed off from the neighbor - thereby no circumstances of loneliness can come; still the human must learn everything first, and utilize the powers of his consciousness and the teachings of the spirit as well as the teachings of Creation and the extent of its laws, as well as the teachings of life, yet for this, an iron fist is required for enforcement, with which order drives out chaos, and the human finds the correct path again.
161.And in distant times it will be, when the Forth Millennium after Jmmanuel comes, that the human is the carrier of the Creational truth, and that all living things are creations of the one and only Creation, of the universal consciousness, and that Creation alone is, and knows, the secret of all things, and that it stands immeasurably much higher than all the gods and idols who, without exception, are of human origin.
162.And in distant times it will be that the humans remember the proverbs of the true prophets and remember what was once in all the past, as they will also know what the future will be, because, through looking out ahead, they will grasp the events and the course and the change of the world, humanity and the universes, as well as the secret of life and dying, and will thereby have no more angst for their own death, because they will know that life eternally continues in alternation with death-life, and to new life on Earth, as Creation has determined through the unshakable extent of its laws which are unchangeable for all great times and are of eternal validity.

Eduard A. Meier

Schloss Uitikon/ZH/Schweiz

24.August 1958

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In The Coming Age

Originally published by Billy Meier. Posted on Facebook by Waid Sainvil July 2010

In the coming age, the woman will exude gentleness, love, harmony and peace of the true mother, and will be the perfect beauty and love after the ugliness of barbarity and the death-bringing wars. And the teaching of the prophet will contribute much to that end, whereby the new time in its evolutionary path transforms into a time of ease, in which human beings will sincerely and truly love and share, dream together and make dreams come true. And when this second birth becomes reality for the human being, thoughts and feelings and the head will get hold of the majority of human beings who, in loving their fellow-human being, are altogether one. That will be the end of barbarity, the end of wars and the end of evil. A time of knowledge and wisdom will dawn, and bring near to human beings the true meaning of life, which the prophet of the new time will unwaveringly teach and carry into the world, in spite of treacherous attacks on his life. Through his teachings happy days will begin for human beings from the new time onward, when human beings find the path of peace, freedom, and the teaching of the spirit, and walk on it. Then the earth will again have its standing rules and regulations. At the beginning only a few courageous ones will follow the words and the teaching of the prophet whereby their path will be quite tough and strenuous. So at first, only a few loyal ones will distinguish themselves and toil for their reward, yet the time will come when they quickly multiply, and will be in large numbers around the world.

Already at the time of the new prophet, many roads will lead from one city to another, and from one end of the world to the other, and soon roads will also wind endlessly through the sky. The withered green of meadows and forests will recover, waters will be clean and pure again, and water will be brought into the deserts, where everything will then sprout and bloom. And soon the earth will be like a new garden, where the human being will respect everything that grows, blooms, moves around, crawls and flies. He will put his heart into scrubbing, and keeping clean everything that he has soiled, and will look upon the earth with love and joy, and consider it to be his new home. Love, harmony, knowledge and wisdom will become his obligation, and he will think of knowledge and wisdom all of his life, all of his following lives, as well as every day and every morning. Each human being will think and act in the same manner and he will know more about his body and head, his thoughts and feelings, as well as about the laws of life and of the Creation than was the case ever before. And there will also come the time when diseases and sicknesses will be recognized and healed before they are able to manifest. And the human being will learn that he is able to prevent and to heal many of his own diseases and sicknesses. He will also learn, however, that he has to stand by and help the poor and the weak, not only out of necessity but for the sake of love toward the fellow-human being, and in order to sustain the entire nature of being a human being. Thus the human being will also open his heart and purse to the poor and the destitute, and leave behind the regrettable times of barbarity, greediness, and reticence.

And when finally the new time is dawning, the human being will finally understand to be in the correct way the true guardian of human conduct in accordance with statutes and regulations, and understand in the correct way to be the true guardian of life, of the earth and its nature, including all living things. For in this far and distant time to come, the human being will have learned to give and share, and to give up the taking for the purpose of satisfying his greed for profit. The human being will finally be a human being, and will no longer be alone among the many. His loneliness will be gone, and he will finally become cognizant of the real truth and the laws of the Creation and life, and of dying and death. All human beings will acknowledge each other, and will no longer make a difference between various races, god cults, and between the rich and the poor. But all this will only happen when the worldwide wars and firestorms, the evil cruelties of human beings, and all the apocalyptic catastrophes triggered through nature and the earth have ended. Then new buildings and towers will grow out of the charred rubble of cities and villages, but an iron fist (strong hand) will be necessary to bring back the standing rules and regulations into the chaos created by human beings. And it will be of utmost necessity that the prophet of the new time let his powerful word ring out and bring the teaching of the truth and the spirit, for this will be the power that enables the human being to find the right path again. And through the new prophet's teaching, the human being will become cognizant that not only he but also all living beings are bearers of the spirit and the light, and are creatures that must be respected. And when the human being knows that, then he will create new cities on earth, upon the waters, under the waters, and in the sky where he will travel with silvery gleaming, metallic ships. Thus, the human being will remember what once was, and he will also know how to probe into the days and times to come. He will learn to understand procreation and birth, as well as life, dying and death, and will lose all anxiety and fear of it, because he will turn toward the teaching of the prophet. And the human being's age will be that of several lives (thousands), because his lifespan will be extended, and he will become cognizant that light never extinguishes, and that life also continues in death and in living again - for his knowledge will become all-encompassing wisdom.



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Truth about the Pyramids and Stonehenge


Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Human of Earth, wake up and look about yourself and recognize that only you alone can open your path to yourself and make life joyful and successful for yourself. Pay no attention to the belief, but rather be uplifted by the truth; avoid the religions and sects, the false philosophies and ideologies, that preach untruths, because the fundamental truth of all things is alone contained in the Creational and natural laws, and you do not find these in false teachings but alone within yourself. You are yourself the great truth-bringer for you, which is why you must let reason and understanding prevail in order to find the truth within yourself. You yourself are the embodiment of love, freedom, harmony und peace - only you must yourself create it in yourself through your own power. Therefore, it is not the religions, sects and philosophies that bring you all the high values of life but solely and alone you yourself. Source

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Translation of Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth (5th July, 1951)-Excerpt

Through the guilt of the people, all storms will assume increasing and more violent forms, such as hail storms, blizzards and flooding rains, as however also the ozone-layer will become very dangerously damaged. Monstrous deluges will belong ever more to the order of the day, because through the overpopulation, the forest wetlands and swampy plains will become altered in function to become residential areas, whereby the wild waters of the flooding rain will find their way into the houses of the people because they can no longer escape into uninhabited wetland areas. Landslides and avalanches, as well as earthquakes and seaquakes as well as every kind of storms will prevail; gales and typhoons, hurricanes and tornados will increase ever more in their numbers and will become ever more violent and destructive. And also therewith overpopulation will bear the guilt, because overpopulation will become monstrously negative and will thereby give rise to an unnatural climate change that in only one decade from today will already begin to effect the world very detrimentally. The monstrous mass and weight of the cities and villages continuously stress the inner structures of the Earth more and more through which the tectonic plates will be adversely affected, inevitably leading to increasing tectonic displacements and faults, through which immense tremors will be evoked world-wide, whereby finally the deaths will go into the hundreds of thousands and into the millions.

Read the entire document here.

Monday, October 10, 2011

For many years I have believed the following to be true

Since we’re already at it, even if I get myself into trouble with the male world: throughout the time of my life, I’ve made the determination again and again that, generally speaking, the intelligence of the female gender is dominant to the male. I would like to describe the female achievements of intelligence as nearly extraordinary, when I combine everything in terms of the overall intelligence of Earth humanity, and particularly the male world. Of course, it should be noted that there are always great geniuses among men, while there is hardly any mention of this on the female side; however, I think that this must not obscure the fact that the truly great intelligence actually lies with the female gender, but this is suppressed and disparaged by the male world because it estimates itself to be better, greater, and more intelligent than it is in truth. This led me to the thought that the actual and true mass of intelligence must actually lie with the female gender, from where it becomes transferred to the male gender, wherewith I mean an inheritance, through which the intelligence of the mother becomes transferred to the child, so also to the male offspring. And since this has to be, the reason for the oppression of the woman, perhaps, lies with the man, as it is customary here on our Earth, in that the man, in his arrogance, cannot accept the fact that the female gender is now just once blessed with more intelligence. Perhaps it may be that through this, the male world has succumbed to a phobia and is just afraid of the fact that the female gender could take over the rule. But surely, there are still many other illogical reasons on the part of the male world for the oppression and unequal rights of women. Now, I don’t want to say with all this that the male world only consists of zeros and rivets, but I would like to bring into play that it would be very appropriate if men would muster up more tolerance, respect, and equality toward women, so that women can also expand their entitled freedom and develop in their appropriate framework. In fact, as I’ve realized, it is such that the female gender – in many aspects of life, humanity, and peacefulness, etc. – is remarkably more developed than the male gender; consequently, the women judge and approach many things more intelligently. Also, their logic seems to me to be more pronounced, as well as their sense of true freedom, love, and harmony. However, it is just these things that evidently do not fit into the clutter of the lords of Creation, which is why they continually try to disregard, oppress, and exploit women. But unfortunately, still many women lend a hand in this, for which the reasons are often inexplicable, especially when these women are unworthy of being female or unworthy of life, such as with prostitution or servitude to an evil man, etc. Unfortunately, there are also the emancipated women and the women-women, respectively the mistress-women, who appear to be powerful and who set themselves above others and bring them under their rule, as the man does this with the woman. Therefore, the fact still remains, however, that the intelligence of the woman, even of both kinds of sexes, has its black sheep, which are of a completely different type, since even women become overburdening, despotic, attacking, and illogical, etc., as this also happens with men. There are degeneracies everywhere, but these don’t cancel out what I said with regard to the woman.


Friday, October 7, 2011

The True History of Mankind on Earth.

by Waid Sainvil on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 12:02am.History of Mankind -

Humanity on Earth should understand that their forefathers have forced all of mankind to the point of ruin and had to evacuate part of the planet in wild flight. This should serve as a warning that the thirst for power and barbarism are harbingers of death.

Neanderthals, monkeys, Yeti and Adam -

The earliest earthly creatures were of different forms and character. They were savage creatures of human-like forms that had been expelled during earlier millenniums by Plejaren ancestors. The descendents of those who were expelled copulated with different sorts of animals and created new living creatures. One such creature that exists today is known as a monkey, which represents a human-animal mutation. So, monkeys are descended from humans and not the other way around. Researchers and scientists have already found the skeletons of intermediate mutations. They are known as Africanus, Peking-Human, and Neanderthals. Four different varieties of these beings exist today in isolated or very small groups. They are so wild and timid that humans will rarely ever see them. They have become known as Yeti.

Since the early races on Earth were savage descendants of outcast humans, they devolved into wild animals that lived together in large groups. When ancient Plejarens settled on Earth, they broke a strict law and forced their will on these creatures. They took the beautiful female beings into their control and copulated with them. From this, rose the first forefathers of the present human beings. The first one was called “Adam” in the old ancestor’s language, which meant, “Earth human beings”. Since the Plejaren forefathers were composed of mixed races of different colors and sizes, they also generated beings that accorded to their characteristics. The smallest was only 50 centimeters tall while the largest and most wicked ones were 12 meters tall. Their appearances were also different.

About 50,000 years ago, the Pleja System finally found peace and liberty. But, shortly before this time, 70,000 humans fled under the guidance of a scientist named Pelegon. With spaceships that they took possession of, they settled on Earth. Under Pelegon’s guidance, there were 200 sub-leaders who were scientists of special fields of knowledge. Pelegon was acknowledged as a king of knowledge, known as IHWH or god. In the course of millenniums, they constructed large cities and inhabited all continents on Earth.

This progressed for 10,000 years until seekers of power prevailed and began a deadly war over the Earth. Everything was destroyed and only a few thousand humans were able to survive, while others fled into the cosmos and settled on far-away worlds. For 7,000 years, everything remained wild and degenerated and no one else landed on Earth. Then, the descendants of those who had fled returned to Earth. They were also commanded by an IHWH and they built the two huge cities of Atlantis and Mu on different continents. For thousands of years, they lived in total friendship and peace until some scientists once again hungered for power and tried to seize control of the government. But, having become tired of continuous wars, the nations rose against them. So, they occupied spaceships and fled into space about 15,000 years ago.

For two millenniums, they and their descendants lived in a neighboring solar system. They became very evil through mutations and reached a long life span of thousands of years. Their leader was a scientist named Arus, “The Barbarian”. Arus also had 200 scientists as sub-leaders, just as Pelegon had. Possessed by a thirst for power, they returned to Earth, 13,000 years ago. They settled in the high North and the American region known as Florida. From there, they continuously attacked Atlantis and Mu and succeeded in destroying them completely within a few milleniums. Some great scientists were able to flee and return to their original home worlds in the Pleja system. But, the few survivors left behind, lived a life of servitude.

The sub-leaders of Arus assumed many things for themselves and became more independent. Within three decades, while under the threat of punishment by Arus, they created their own clean race of humans that were free of mutations. They did this by secretly catching earthly creatures that were far descendents of former humans from cosmic space. Beautiful female beings were tamed and copulated with by these leaders, who called themselves Heavenly Sons. They created completely new forms of life. Semjasa was the highest leader of the sub-leaders. She called the first male human being, Adam, which means “Earthly Human Being”. A similar type of breeding created a female being that was ordered, in later years, to mate with Adam. Many other similar beings were also created and caused great riots. From these beings, the present humanity developed on the different continents.

IHWH Arus became very angry over what had been created and wanted to either kill or exile his sub-leaders who were responsible for this. But then he changed his mind when he realized the new power he could exercise over the newly created human beings. With newly nominated guardian angels and sub-leaders, he controlled three human races. These were the ancestors of those who settled in India, the Black Sea, and the gypsies who traveled South of the Mediterranean Ocean, known as the Hebrews. With his guardian angels, IHWH Arus let these people worship and adore him as the Creation and his sub-leaders as creational assistants. He established hard and severe laws that always demanded the blood of violators.

His son, Jehav, was not much better when he took over domination of the three enslaved races 3,400 years later. He was also called an IHWH and always demanded the blood and death of all those who violated his laws. The later descendants of gods were more humane and developed themselves according to spiritual evolution. When this happened, they decided to leave the development of earthly humans to its natural run and retire to their original home worlds. So, they left the Earth 1,943 years later and returned as peaceful creatures to the Pleja system where development had become highly evolved. Today, they live together as a united and allied population in peace and liberty. This is important information for the people of Earth to know.

The origin of the beginning of sorrow and all evils on the Earth is described in the OM writing by the prophet Henoch, in which he speaks of Semjasa and his followers who, at that time, went with him among the Earth people and caused disaster.

Semjasa and some others originated from a planet in the LYRA system, but others were natives of other worlds that are listed as NAKAR planets in the old registers and which belonged to a remote system with the name USOL and which were completely destroyed by acts of war shortly after the flight away. The planet in the LYRA system was named NAGAL, and the other worlds: DEJMA, SENAS and TRJBOL.

Semjasa was the supreme leader of all, and Asasel was first secretly and then openly his adversary.

Through the incidents, as they are described in the Book of Henoch, they brought all evils to the Earth in their beginning, by what means the first two nuclear wars were released on Earth, as Semjasa and Asasel mutually annihilated themselves and their people.

After their rebirth, they were taken away by their former brothers and sisters on Earth, so in the course of time, they converted to the truth again and committed themselves to work on the Earth in the future, according to the strictest performance of duty, for so long until all damage and all errors were removed again, which they had caused in their incomprehensibility at the beginning of their time on Earth.

Throughout many lives, they slowly prepared for this task, which they then took over for the first time approximately fourteen thousand years ago, so at least some of them, while the rest of them were not yet ready.

But in order to be able to change everything, it was also necessary that everyone would change themselves into the thinking of the Earth people and, thus, forget their entire past, which has fully happened in the meantime.

A memory of this would not have been useful because as a result of any knowledge of the spectacular past, one might be inclined to take measures that would provoke renewed catastrophes.

Therefore, the advantage of the memory that they all possessed slowly had to sink into ignorance.

Many of today's Earth people, in the early days of the beginning of evils on the Earth, belonged to the group of Semjasa, who was their supreme leader, as was already explained.

The fact of today’s FIGU group members and of those who were culpable at that time, in reference to the same spirit form, is:

1) Asasel (= The Obstinate)

2) Batraala (= One the Muses Love)

3) Temela (= Guardian of Honor)

4) Semjasa (= The Demigod) 61.

5)barakala (= One who Looses Shyness)

6) Satana (= The Lovely)

7) Asaela (= The Pliant)

8) Armera (= The Cozy)

9) Urakibarameel (= The Strong Leader)

10) Ramuela (= One who isn’t Self-adorning)

11) Luneera (= One who Shines in the Light)

12) Arjjsa (= The Builder)

13) Turelan (= The Miraculous)

14) Tamiela (= The Exalted)

15) Arazjal (= The Lovingly Gentle)

16) Uralan (= One like a Suit of Armor)

17) Larjjsa (= One who Looks after the Stars)

18) Jomael (= The Flower-lover)

19) Ubrala (= The Carefree)

20) Samsafel (= The Loyal Companion)

It is still to be said now that in this life, some of our group members belong to the group for the first time, but in former times, others were already here, in firmer or very loose forms, as other personalities. Also, it should also be respected that yet others, who belong to this Ur-group, currently live on Earth, but who became missing from our group or who have not yet bumped into me. Waid Sainvil on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 12:02am.History of Mankind -

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Special Evidence, Part II

While We're at It...Jupiter!

Here is dated, copyrighted information published by Wendelle Stevens regarding Contact 115, from October 19, 1978. In that contact Meier not only foretold the then forthcoming discovery of the two satellites beyond Pluto (and the dozen startling predictions that caught Stevens' attention) but also the most important discovery of the Voyager mission, i.e. that its moon Io was the most volcanically active body in the solar system.

More of this kind of ironclad proof in the Meier case is contained in the prophetic and predictive information. Such information as Meier's preemptively published information about Jupiter, its rings and Io, irrefutably authenticate Meier and point to only one possiblity, i.e. that he gets his information from "very knowledgeable scientists", as astrophysicist David Froning said.

This article thoroughly rebuts and destroys the completely inaccurate and untrue claims by skeptics who claimed that Meier falsified that information. And it also leads us to the inescapable conclusion that those scientists who provided Meier with the information do not come from, nor live on, this planet.

Of course there are volumes of additional Corroborated Information to substantiate these claims. This compilation has an abundance of them, for example. Anyone who truly pursues the task of thoroughly examining all the available information and evidence will probably arrive at this inescapable conclusion:

There are no other actual UFO contact cases ongoing on planet Earth.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What we're in store for should the republicans sieze the whitehouse in 2012.


Presented by Quetzal
215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987, 2.09 am
© Billy Meier/FIGU 2002–2004

Quetzal: …Before I give you a clear account of the prophecies of Henoch, I would like to point out that prophecies are always changeable and can be changed for the better if man makes positive changes in his thoughts, feelings and actions, leading to that which is better and positively progressive. Prophecies always rest upon specific causes; these again result in certain effects, whereby these effects can be changed at any time if only the preceding causes are changed in their form. Therefore, it is possible that negative or evil prophecies do not have to be fulfilled if the preceding causes will be purposely changed in a manner that positivity and good develop instead of negativity and evil.
However, this does not apply to predictions, as these rest upon events that cannot be changed, are inevitable and surely and definitely will occur in the future. Predictions rest upon a preview and thus on a direct viewing of the future, and have to do with neither prophecy nor with calculation of probability. So when I make a portion of Henoch's prophecies for the third millennium known to you, it does not mean that they have to be fulfilled, because the prerequisite of fulfilment in each case would be that the already existing causes continue to exist as also continue to be created in the future so that a fulfilment of the prophecies can come to pass.
Thus, provided that human beings of Earth will become reasonable, the possibility exists that by a reasonable change in the way of thinking as well as a reasonable development in feeling and an equally reasonable way of acting, everything changes for the better and positive, whereby prophecies do not have to be fulfilled. However, if this transformation does not occur, a very evil, wicked and negative time lies ahead for the Earth and its entire population in the coming new millennium.

Billy Meier: Since the Second World War, the thoughts, feelings and actions of the human being of Earth have changed much towards the positive and good, but all that achieved is not enough in my opinion, as the great transformation towards the better has not been achieved yet, neither by the mighty of this world nor all of mankind of Earth itself. In the years gone by, you have made many predictions and calculations of probability as well as mentioned prophetic facts concerning the economic, military and political situation on Earth, whereby I was requested to spread this information—which I indeed have done. Governments and newspapers, radio stations as well as TV stations and many private persons worldwide were informed by me. But the entire effort did not achieve anything, because up to now mankind has carried on in the old manner and has paid no attention whatsoever to prophecies, predictions and calculations of probability.
And the same will most likely be the case in the future, when I receive permission from you in the coming time to spread the prophecies of Henoch for the third millennium. But, nevertheless, I feel that Henoch's message for the future must be made known and distributed, because somehow it may bear fruit yet.

Quetzal: You apparently never give up hope. Your optimism is honourable and deserves to be heard by human beings, but the way things have developed throughout this century there is not too much hope that human beings of Earth will come to their senses and heed your words. This will then be the case only when the prophecies prove to be true or, even worse, have already come to pass. Probably only then will the time come when the defamations against you will end in regard to your contacts with us, although they will long continue to be vehemently disputed by your enemies as well as by pathological know-it-alls and critics who dismiss them as swindle, lies and fraud. The full truth about our contacts with you will be proven in the distant future, and then mankind will accept our help we offer through you—even when they erroneously assume we come from the seven-star system known to human beings of Earth as the Pleiades. [The Plejaren claim to live in the Plejares, an altered time-space configuration about 80 light-years beyond the Pleiades. MH]

Billy: Semjase and Ptaah already explained this to me. But tell us now what the new millennium will bring to human beings of Earth and the planet Earth according to the prophecies of Henoch.

Quetzal: I will do that in a moment, but I would like to explain before beginning that I am not authorised to give exact indication of years in an official manner.
If the human being of Earth continues to live in the same way as he has done up to now—forming his thoughts and feelings in the same manner, indulging in the same actions as he has hitherto—then the words of the prophecies of Henoch could not be any clearer.
The point in time at which these prophecies will begin to be fulfilled will be when a Pope will no longer reside in Rome. All of Europe will then fall victim to a terrible punishment by evil powers. The Christian religion will collapse and the churches and monasteries will end up in ruins and ashes.
Monstrous forces will be created by science and will be released by the military forces and armies as well as by terrorists, causing great destruction. Millions and even billions of people will be killed by acts of terrorism, by wars and civil wars; and finally, in some parts of the world, every third human being, and, in other places, every fourth human being, will lose his or her life. The nations of the East will rise against the nations of the West, the West against the East. Many deaths will be inflicted upon the people by fighter and bomber aircraft, and bombs and rockets will destroy and annihilate smaller and larger villages and cities.
The people will be completely powerless against all this and will live through 888 days of Hell on Earth, suffering hunger and plagues which will claim even more lives than the war itself. The time will be severe as never before experienced on Earth. Ultimately, nothing can be bought or sold any longer. All provisions will be rationed; and if a human being steals even a small piece of bread, he/she will have to pay for it with his/her life. Many waters will mix with human blood and turn red, as once in the past the Nile in Egypt turned red with blood.
And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver. Everything in the West will be destroyed; England will be conquered and thrown down to the lowest level of misery. And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will retain their power for a long time. However, not only Europe will be affected but ultimately all the countries and peoples of the Earth, as the great horror expands to a war that will encompass the entire world.
After the turn of the millennium, the papacy will exist only a short period. Pope John Paul II is the third from last in this position. After him, only one additional pontificate will follow. Then a Pontifex Maximus follows who will be known as Petrus Romanus. Under his religious rule, the end of the Catholic Church will come, a total collapse becoming inevitable. That will be the beginning of the worst catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth. Many Catholic clerics, priests, bishops, cardinals and many others will be killed and their blood will flow in streams. But also the reformed version of Christianity will become just as infinitely small, as does Catholicism.

Horrifying weapons and a possible world war
Due to the fault of scientists, enormous power will be seized by the power-hungry and their military, their warriors and terrorists, and power will be seized as well through laser weapons of many types, but also via atomic, chemical and biological weapons. Also concerning genetic technology, enormous misuse will occur, because this will be unrestrainedly exploited for the purposes of war, not lastly due to the cloning of human beings for warring purposes, as this was practised in ancient times with the descendants of Henoch in the regions of Sirius.
However, this will not be all of the horrors; as besides the genetic technology and the chemical weapons, far worse and more dangerous and more deadly weapons of mass destruction will be produced and will be used. The irresponsible politicians will unscrupulously exercise their power, assisted by scientists and obedient military forces serving them, who together hold a deadly sceptre and will create clone-like beings which will be bred in a total lack of conscience and will be scientifically manipulated to become killer machines. Division by division and devoid of any feelings, they will destroy, murder and annihilate everything.
The USA will set out against the Eastern countries ahead of all other financial states and simultaneously she will have to defend herself against the Eastern intruders. In all, America will play the most decisive role, when in the guise to strive for peace and to fight against terrorism she invades many countries of the Earth, bombs and destroys everything and brings thousandfold deaths to the populations. The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time [sic]. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in economy.
And this will point towards the possibility that a Third World War could develop from it, if human beings as a whole will not finally reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the necessary steps against the insane machinations of their governments and military powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power of the irresponsible who have forsaken their responsibility in all areas.
If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under her rule. At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda.
Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war, conquest and exploitation. In this way, many countries will become puppet states of America before reason and realisation will emerge in the responsible ones of governments and in many of the population, resulting in a turning away from the USA.
However, the great war will hardly be avoidable because the human beings of Earth will probably not accept the directions towards the better, therewith towards true love, true freedom and real peace, striving instead only towards wealth, pleasure and riches and for all manner of material values and unrestricted power. Thus, huge and deadly formations of tanks will roll across the countries while fighter planes and rockets sweep through the air and bring death, ruin, destruction and annihilation to countries and people.
If the Third World War will actually happen—as calculations and observations appear to indicate to be probable now and also during the approaching few decades—then, as now, the civilian population will above all have to bear the brunt of the enormous suffering in tremendous numbers in this entire catastrophe and, last but not least, the fault of the irresponsible scientists who by cloning will create human machines for military purposes, devoid of conscience and feelings, and will create immensely deadly and all-annihilating computer-like weapons. At the same time, the danger could become reality that the human combat machines, the military clones, will gain their independence and under their own management will bring death, devastation, destruction and annihilation to the human beings of Earth and to the planet.
The entire planet will become an arena of unparalleled suffering, which will never have existed before on Earth up to that time. The cruel happenings will last about 888 days and cause civilisation to collapse. Yet, the terrible scenario will continue, and epidemics and various diseases as well as enormous famine will be spread among the people, while the economy of the world will totally collapse and there will be no possibility to produce any goods. All foods and medications will be rationed.
The insanity of war will extend not only across the land, but the disaster will equally be spread to the oceans, into the atmosphere, even into outer space. But there will also be settlements under the ocean that will be developed in the course of the future and these will be attacked and destroyed, claiming the lives of many thousands of people. However, a certain maelstrom of destruction will also originate from the undersea facilities; because in the cities at the bottom of the ocean, groups of submarine pirates will be formed which will burst upwards from the depths of the ocean and will become involved in destructive actions of combat with naval units on the surface.
And at this time, the possibility could become reality that extraterrestrial forces intervene against the Western industrialised countries, because these will be responsible for the extreme and enormous disaster of the coming evil times. These extraterrestrial forces will give up their anonymity and their state of secrecy and will assist those who are being terrorised by the irresponsibly acting Western countries, should this possibility become reality.
In addition, apocalyptic natural catastrophes will occur which will cause all of Europe to shake and tremble; but Europe will continue to exist, even after having suffered enormous destruction.

Destruction in North America
Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The cause for this will be manifold. With her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in many countries. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning.
Yet all the apocalyptic events will not only be brought about due to the use of unbelievably deadly and destructive weapons—such as chemical, laser and others—and by cloned murder machines; but in addition to this, the Earth and nature, maltreated to the deepest depths by the irresponsible human beings of Earth, will rise up and cause destruction and bring death onto the Earth. Enormous firestorms and gigantic hurricanes will sweep over the USA and bring devastation, destruction and annihilation, as this from time immemorial never before will have happened [sic].
Not only will America, but also all other Western industrial countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in the delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations, i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over these but must defend themselves against them.
According to the prophecies of Henoch, the truth about industrialised countries is that they only seem to appear to be true civilisations, but in fact they are not; because more and more, at the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the third millennium, they will disregard all true love, true freedom and true wisdom as well as true peace along with all values of humaneness and all values of men's and women's true being.
But not even all the terrible happenings will hinder the USA in continuing to proceed with her actions against all countries. Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings. Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies.

Epidemics, conflicts and disasters
Billy: There is still more to it; at least that is what you told me.

Quetzal: You are untiring; so I will point out a few more important facts of the prophecies. As of now, new epidemics have spread among the people of Earth; however, as Henoch prophesied, quite a number of further epidemics will follow. Not only AIDS will occur worldwide in the 1990s, but also epidemics such as the so-called "mad cow disease", i.e., BSE, out of which different strains of Creutzfeldt–Jakob syndrome will develop, lasting well into the new millennium. Also, an epidemic known as Ebola will cause many deaths, as well as other unknown epidemics and diseases which will sporadically arise in epidemic proportions and will be new to the human being, causing great concern.
However, most of the evil will be brought about by politics. France and Spain become involved with each other in armed conflicts, and even before World War Three will have broken out. Yet France will not only engage in armed conflicts with Spain, for within her great unrests will arise, leading to upheavals and civil war, as [will be] the case in Russia and Sweden. Especially in France and Sweden, machinations as well as dictatorial regulations of the European Union will cause much unrest and many uprisings; but also crimes committed by gangs and organised criminal elements in these countries will cause unavoidable civil wars.
In addition, significant tensions will arise between the native citizens and immigrants from foreign countries, who as a rule also observe religious beliefs different from those of the native populace. And in the end, this will lead to severe conflicts. Hatred against strangers, foreigners and people of different religious beliefs will be the order of the day, as well as the rise of neo-Nazism, terrorism and right-extremism. Conditions similar to civil war will be in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and claim many lives.
The Soviet Union will be dissolved in this decade or at the latest by the beginning of the next. The man decisive for this action will be Mikhail Gorbachev. But this will not lead to rest, because the new Russia will continue its longstanding conflict with China over Inner Mongolia, with the result that Russia will lose a portion of this territory to China. And China becomes dangerous, especially to India, as also at this time China maintains uneasy relations with her. China will attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone. However, this will not be the end yet—because the effect of biological bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will spread quickly to many areas. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic weapons.

Wars and devastation in Europe and North America
Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.
In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths.
This will be at the time that tremendous natural disasters will hit Italy and its people, causing severe hardship. But this will also be at the time when Vesuvius could become active again and could spread tremendous havoc. At the same time, a war will shake Italy and claim many human lives as well as cause great destruction.
Destruction of war will descend on the northern countries as strong military forces will invade them from the East and will pillage and murder as well as use bombs and missiles, like hail coming down, and hitherto unknown weapons of laser- and computer-controlled types which will destroy and annihilate everything, whereby the first target will be Hungary and after that will follow Austria and northern Italy. Switzerland will also be severely affected, but will not be the actual target; this will be France and Spain. However, the main objective of the aggressors will be to bring all of Europe under their military control, and for that purpose France will be selected to be the headquarters.
France will not only be invaded by the aggressors from the outside, but will also be conquered from within as a result of collaborative forces and other forces. This can be envisioned as being the many foreigners of a different religion living in France at that time, and specifically Islam, which will be this force working from within. Once France has fallen, a war to conquer Spain and England will take place. Subsequently, an alliance with the forces of the aggressors will be formed, which will invade Scandinavia.
For all these French-based military operations, the weapons of mass destruction stored in the arsenals of France will be used and cause evil devastation, destruction and annihilation. The aggressors from the East will force the French Army to join their military forces and lead a war of conquest against the northern countries of Europe, invading and conquering Sweden and Norway. Subsequently, these northern countries will be annexed by Russia. Military forces will also attack Finland, whereby many will be killed and an enormous destruction will be caused.
At the same time, as a civil war rages in Germany, an enormously bloody revolution will break out in England which will claim more lives than will be claimed by the civil war in Germany. And because England and Ireland have been at war for a long time already, due to the IRA and the police and military forces of England, the result will be (because this feud will continue up to that time) that this revolution will spread out to all of Ireland, especially affecting Northern Ireland. Many lives will be lost during a civil war in Wales, where differences between various parties will arise before the Third World War. Welsh and English forces will clash especially near Cymru, and claim many lives and cause great destruction.
But death, destruction and annihilation will not only rage in Europe but also in America, where much suffering will have to be endured and many deaths as well as destruction and annihilation will be. America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposal—a fact which is already the case to a certain extent today—and will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.
This conflict will result in mass killings of human beings as well as devastating destruction, annihilation and epidemics, etc., which mankind of Earth will never have seen and experienced up to that time. Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse, but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be invented and constructed during the third millennium.

Worldwide natural catastrophes
As already mentioned, enormous natural catastrophes and rolling walls of fire and violent hurricanes will rage all across America, while, in addition, all the terrible effects of war will bring thousandfold deaths, destruction and annihilation. America's largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause great disaster and misery.
Severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also belong to that time, and these will cause much suffering and misery and deaths besides enormous destruction and devastation, as all of nature and the planet itself will rise up against the insanity of human beings on Earth. However, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will not only rage in America, but also in Europe and in the rest of the world.
These activities have already begun at the present time, also during the past decades—with the exception that they will become increasingly more devastating in the future. And man of Earth is guilty for the most part today, as also in the future it is man who will destroy the entire environment—all of nature, the atmosphere, water and all the resources of the planet.
And through this, a shifting of weight inside the Earth takes place, caused for example by the creation of gigantic lakes by damming and by creating hollow caverns due to the exploitation of petroleum and gas, etc. And thereby unnatural inner-Earth movements are created, which also lead to unnatural tectonic effects and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which also in turn cause enormous climatic changes, resulting in horrendous tornadoes of devastating proportions which in the end will set their destructive energies free on the entire world. All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods and unusually massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries and finally even to the equatorial regions, because through the insanity of human beings the Earth has begun unnoticeably to spin [strangely] as a consequence of atomic explosions inside and on the surface of the Earth. And this will be the reason that the planet will slowly but surely enter an extraordinary spinning orbit around the Sun, while the first phase is already occurring, which causes a change in climate, leading to a new ice age.

Civil wars and anarchy in America
Yet the misery on Earth will continue, as two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will follow the other. Afterwards, the United States of America will break apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to the division into five different territories; and it cannot be prevented that sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role.
Anarchy will be the worldwide condition that will prevail and torment human beings over a long period of time, as human beings will also be tormented by the many epidemics and diseases, many of them new and unknown to human beings and for this reason incurable. Due to this fact, the bodies of many human beings will slowly and miserably decay, while unbearable pain will also occur as well as blindness and terrible respiratory problems that lead to suffocation. The consciousness of many human beings will become impaired and succumb to feeblemindedness and insanity. And all these gruesome occurrences will be traceable to biological and chemical weapons, which are the cause of not fast, but gruesome and slow deaths; and this will also occur due to the use of ray and frequency weapons which are already being developed today.
Finally, the words of Henoch may be specifically mentioned, which include that mankind of Earth, in pursuit of technology for mass destruction and greed for power, hatred, vengeance and riches, will ignore all values of Creation and will trample upon all values of love, wisdom, freedom and peace, as ancestors of the Henoch lineage have done before, to plunge the world into screaming misery, death, destruction and annihilation and into the most severe catastrophes mankind of Earth will ever have experienced. ∞

About the Author:
Michael Horn is the authorised American media representative for the Billy Meier Contacts and has researched the case for over 25 years. He is a lecturer, writer and frequent guest on radio and TV. Michael is scheduled to speak at the Bay Area UFO Expo in San Francisco in August and at the Unconventional Convention in Las Vegas in November.

Editor's Note:
The information here is just a fraction of that given to Billy Meier. For more details, and for the complete text of the Henoch prophecies, visit the website
The Henoch Prophecies are copyright © 2002–2004 Billy Meier/FIGU (Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien [Free Community of Interests in Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies), Semjase Silver Star Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH, Switzerland. For more information, go to website
The complete Henoch Prophecies, as well as more predictions from the 251st Contact, can be found in Guido Moosbrugger's 2004 book, And Still They Fly! (the second edition of And Yet They Fly!, 2001). Both the book and the new DVD, The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival (see review, NEXUS 11/03), are available directly from, or contact Michael Horn, PO Box 5163, Playa del Rey, California 90296, USA, email Also see Michael Hesemann's interview, "Billy Meier's ET Contacts Are Real, Says His Son", in Twilight Zone, NEXUS 7/02.

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