Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When Will We Learn?

When Will We Learn?

Michael Horn

In light of the horrific, enormous magnitude of destruction in Asia, it is once again time to remind
those who still have eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to reason and the will to act, about the painfully
accurate warnings given to humankind (nearly 30 years ago) regarding the intimate connection
between humanity’s thoughtless actions and environmental disasters, a connection largely still ignored
by scientists, politicians, governments, religious leaders and most of the media.
These warnings were given to, and published by, Eduard “Billy” Meier, in Switzerland, by a group of
extraterrestrial human beings known as the Plejaren. While there is now abundant scientific proof of
the Meier case’s authenticity, including five categories of still irreproducible physical evidence, and
nearly 50 years of unprecedented, prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related
information, the know-it-alls and “experts” prefer to avoid any discussion of the case, primarily since it
threatens their egos, levels of expertise and belief systems, both secular and religious. Fortunately there
are some exceptions, such as can be found here:
However, as the Plejaren and Meier often state, the truth is harsh and the monumental illogic of our
self-deception, lying, greed and denial in no way alters the facts one iota. Quite simply, one of the
primary causes of events like the recent tragedy is the extraction of petroleum and natural gas from the
earth, as well as other accompanying factors. Certainly earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis
have occurred since time immemorial. But in the information below, taken from the English translation
of the German transcripts of Meier’s conversations with the Plejaren, known as the Contact Reports,
our ongoing, wholesale exploitation of the earth is directly linked to the unnaturally occurring,
excessively damaging events, with the clear warning that they are only going to intensify in frequency,
intensity and toll on human life, especially if we continue to ignore the facts of the situation…and our
individual and collective responsibility.
(Emphasis added.)
Contact 45 dated February 25, 1976
Billy: A while ago, you mentioned several possible ways, by which you obtain lead. With that I
noticed that you did not mention a word about mining of ore according to earthly habits. Is this
type of mining of the ore not customary with you?
56. A mining of ore or of other minerals on a planet or any other star, we only do in extreme cases
of emergency, because this process equates to a destruction of a planet.
57. A planet or other star is never allowed to be exploited in this manner, as this occurs on the Earth.
58. What Earth Man is doing in this regard equates to a destruction of the planet.
59. The first evil effects of this destruction on the Earth are already noticeable for several decades,
while the present time already prepares the labor pains for the destruction.
60. That is to be understood in this way, that Earth Man exploits his planet and robs it of the
fundamental life energy, in that he robs from it the underground oil and gas and the most
diverse ores.
61. This leads to the fact that the Earth suffers shifts within, which leads to enormous volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes, because slowly the Earth collapses from within.
62. But the same process is also created by the erection of dams and similar structures which,
due to the accumulation of masses of water, cause extremely dangerous Earth movements.
63. The most dangerous insanity, earthman commits with his underground and above the surface are
bomb experiments as well as with those horrible underground explosion-tests, which he declares
to be atom bomb tests, however, which in truth are much more dangerous.
64. This is an additional bomb, which is manufactured from natural ur*-products (*ancient and
original) of nature, but the effect of which is many thousand times stronger than from the largest
atom bomb.
65. Brought to the suitable place to explode, it unleashes an enormous chain reaction, buy which the
Earth within only seven to eight minutes is subject to a total firestorm and is atomized.
118. Your politicians and scientists are absolute irresponsible creatures, from whom their power
would have to be removed, in order to replace them by reasonable and responsibility conscious
119. But unfortunately, this can only be achieved by force, which should be carried out by the
people themselves.
120. Earth humanity would have to agree on several other points, which can be expressed in five
121. First: Lasting for several years, an absolute birth stop would have to be carried out, in order to
diminish the mass of Earth humanity to under one billion units.
122. Second: An immediate halting of all Earth exploitations is of life essential importance,
wherefore any exploitation has to be refrained from.
123. Third: The atom tests and the far greater insanity of the chain-reaction-bomb has to become
immediately effective and be stopped.
124. Fourth: Constructed water dams have to be destroyed.
125. Fifth: All established atomic power plants have to be destroyed and new plants of that types
have to be forbidden.
Billy: Dear girl, these are matters about which many people have thought about already themselves,
but the big-wigs in the upper and uppermost range do not give a hoot about any of this.
126. I am also aware of that.
127. For Earth Man, only the use of force remains.
128. For just too long, he has allowed himself to be fooled by the responsible ones,
therefore, he can achieve nothing any longer in a peaceful manner.
129. The power on the Earth is embodied by politics, the religions and the scientists.
130. And exactly this power must be broken, otherwise Earth Man suffers a very evil
end, not only through war and exploitation, but also by the atomizing of the
131. Due to this new bomb of insanity, however, great cosmic consequences have been
banished, so that other star systems and galaxies would not be drawn in and
would share the suffering.
132. However, the Earth would be annihilated in a firestorm.
133. But Earth Man still has some time to come to his senses and to tear form the great
ones, as you call them, their sword of power and to live according to the natural
rules of life.
134. Yet he will not be able to avoid having already to bear the consequences of his
insanity, because the Earth already is damaged within and without to the degree,
that from within she is heaving.
135. Powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climatic changes, storms, flooding and
accidents will mark the world picture from now on.
136. Entire nations will sink into the waters and uncountable human beings will
meet an evil end.
The following excerpt is from the Henoch Prophecies, given to Meier at the 215th
Contact, February 28, 1987. The Henoch Prophecies can be read in their entirety
in the new book, And Still They Fly! (available at:
“…Severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also belong to that time, and
these will cause much suffering and misery and deaths besides enormous
destruction and devastation, as all of nature and the planet itself will rise up
against the insanity of human beings on Earth. However, tornadoes, earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions will not only rage in America, but also in Europe and in
the rest of the world.
These activities have already begun at the present time, also during the past
decades—with the exception that they will become increasingly more devastating
in the future. And man of Earth is guilty for the most part today, as also in the
future it is man who will destroy the entire environment—all of nature, the
atmosphere, water and all the resources of the planet.
And through this, a shifting of weight inside the Earth takes place,
caused for example by the creation of gigantic lakes by damming and
by creating hollow caverns due to the exploitation of petroleum and
gas, etc. And thereby unnatural inner-Earth movements are created,
which also lead to unnatural tectonic effects and cause earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, which also in turn cause enormous climatic
changes, resulting in horrendous tornadoes of devastating
proportions which in the end will set their destructive energies free
on the entire world. All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods
and unusually massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries
and finally even to the equatorial regions, because through the insanity of human
beings the Earth has begun unnoticeably to spin [strangely] as a consequence of
atomic explosions inside and on the surface of the Earth. And this will be the
reason that the planet will slowly but surely enter an extraordinary spinning orbit
around the Sun, while the first phase is already occurring, which causes a change
in climate, leading to a new ice age.”
As indicated above, and throughout the information in the case, a major key to
our future survival is self-responsibility. Please feel free to share this information
with friends, media sources, scientists, etc.
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy
Meier Contacts. He can be reached through or at

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

We wish that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth and, in this regard, effective worldwide birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow men, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the utmost, as well as new diseases, epidemics and misery be avoided and contained.Source:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Bringing the joyful message of truth to those amongst you who are knowing or not-knowing and are connected to the truth or are not connected to it and who do good or bad deeds means love and joy, which should belong to all of you so that gardens of consonance (harmony) blossom in you and rivers of wisdom flow; and whenever you give from the fruits of your garden (knowledge) and from the waters of your rivers (wisdom) to people of your kind (human beings), you will say that you are passing on that what you have been taught by the wise ones and the prophets in accordance with the laws of the primal power (Creation), therefore you pass it on in the same way as it was given to you; and this leads to you finding yourselves as people of your kind (human beings) and becoming companions in order to care for your being yourself (being human) in purity and to dwell therein. Source:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

It must come to an end that umpteen thousand tons of food are criminally destroyed on a daily basis for reasons of profit or, due to low market prices, they are simply thrown into rivers, fed to livestock or left to rot away; food which would spare millions of people from a death by starvation, in particular women and children who are the ones bearing the most misery in this regard. Source:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chinese challenge to 'out of Africa' theory - life - 03 November 2009 - New Scientist

Chinese challenge to 'out of Africa' theory - life - 03 November 2009 - New Scientist

Billy Meier reported the above information in 1987!

The Dangers of Soy

Soya can be unhealthy if consumed in large amounts. Billy reported this in June of 1998. Earth scientists corroborated this fact the following year.

Corroboration 117
Contact Report 267, June 30, 1998

Ptaah: If pregnant women consume soy products it can lead to heavy and irreparable damages to the foetus' body, limbs, nerves, cerebrum and muscles as well as to body products of all kind, because of their toxic ingredients, in larger quantities are even capable of impairing the health of strong adults and to cause serious damage, which can lead to growth of tumours,respectively cancer and to the fostering of brain-, consciousness and behavioural disorders, personality changes and to infertility.


Soya beans linked to developmental damage - 1999

"Pregnant women who eat a diet high in soya beans may increase the risk of long-term developmental damage in their children, researchers have found."

Soya 'link' to male infertility - 2004

"The humble soya bean may play a role in the problem of male infertility, a team of researchers in Belfast has found."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Moreover, changes of any kind are not caused fundamentally by the large mass of a humanity but by the initiative of individual human beings, who lay the foundation stones for the changes. Source:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How did our universe and our world come into existence?

From Billy Meier

universe originated from an ancient, archetypal bang, produced by a minuscule but highly compressed, flea-sized ball of energy. Originally this energy consisted of purely spiritual energy which created itself from within, although even it can be traced back to an Ur-Universe's energy conception [Ur = is a German prefix which means archetypal, most ancient or original in English]. A universe is also called a "Creation" or a "Universal Consciousness" and so forth, of which exist 1049 variations. The least evolved Creational form is called a Creation-Universe and the next higher form is an Ur-Creation or Ur-Universe; the one following is called a Central Creation or Central Universe, etc. The ultimate of all Creational forms is the 1049, called the Absolute Absolutum. This Absolute Absolutum was the initial Creational form which created Itself from the Absolute Void by way of the Primary Big Bang, thereupon It embarked on Its path through 1049 different main Creational forms before becoming the Absolute Absolutum. Thereafter It wafts in non-space as the highest of the highest Creational forms and continues to endlessly expand and evolve through the wisdom of all Creations which unite with It once each individual Creation achieves a status of being an Absolute Absolutum as well.

Not one Creational form is absolutely perfect, not even the Absolute Absolutum. Creational forms, just as life itself, can only achieve a relative type of perfection over their evolutionary course through processes of constant waxing and waning and waxing again that characterize all life.

We live in a Creation-Universe, a material universe, unequivocally the lowest form of a Creation or universe. And our universe, our Creation, Universal Consciousness or whatever else people want to call It, must Itself strive to work Its way up the evolutionary ladder. It must evolve so as to become one with the Absolute Absolutum once It has passed through the 1049 Creational-form transformations. From a human perspective this process takes an unfathomably long time, for alone the period during which our Creation, our Universe, transforms into the next higher Creational form, that of an Ur-Creation or Ur-Universe, takes more than 85 quintillion years (85 x 1018 or 85,000,000,000,000,000,000 years). Once the Universal Consciousness, or Creation, reaches the stage of Ur-Universe, respectively Ur-Creation, this Ur-Universal-Consciousness self-generates an idea for a new, simple Creation, the type of material universe with which we are familiar. This "idea" or "concept" consists of the purest spirit energy and contains everything It needs to become self-creating for Itself from within Itself. From a tiny energy ball the mere size of a flea, It creates within Itself new, immense energies which become highly compressed until this process culminates in a monumental explosion - the Big Bang. The energies from this explosion initially shoot outward and then expanded for fractions of a second at 107000 times the speed of light, as they displace other universes in an effort to create Its own space among the uncounted other universes, or Creations, already in existence. The seven Creational belts, or Universe belts, form simultaneously, of which one is the coarse-matter belt, the visible-matter-universe. In this belt originate coarse matters and gases and dust particles from which derive meteors, suns, comets, planets, nebulae, galaxies and other things when coarse matter gathers and condenses. In this way our Earth was born. This means our universe's birth and that of our Earth, along with foreign worlds, stars and galaxies and so forth, is a Creational-physical energy process and has nothing to do with a Creator God. These happenings are the result of purely spiritual-physical and material-physical laws and processes based upon physics and chemistry in every way and are, indeed, explainable through them.

Interview with Billy (1998) (

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tanning Bed Addiction First Reported by Meier in 1998

I watched the ABC Evening News yesterday. There was a report about tanning bed addiction. I then remembered a contact report I read concerning this issue. Billy Meier and the Plejaren reported this years in advance of the Earth scientist discovery. It was first corrobarated in 2009.

260th Contact Tuesday, February 3, 1998, 10:27 PM

That should be fine for me because I’ve actually had such deep thoughts about everything and, thus, have also connected the various terms with certain effects and existences, which I can now pursue further, since I know that my acceptances correspond to reality. Here, however, I have to ask something else: solariums: a lot of advertising is constantly made about the solarium business, and it is maintained that the use of solariums is healthy and harmless. You and Quetzal, however, once said something else. What must one now actually think of solariums or of letting oneself be irradiated?

255. The assertion that the use of solariums and letting oneself be irradiated are healthy and safe is not only wrong but also life-threatening, even if this seems implausible to the Earth people on the first impression.
256. Solariums produce increased UV-A rays that, on the one hand, make one addicted and, therefore, dependent and, on the other hand, penetrate deep into the skin and into the body, making this and the organs damaged from within with a lasting effect and causing internal tumors, etc., such as, above all, cancer.
257. However, the likewise active UV-B rays, as these are also released by the Sun’s rays, work in another way and are limited in their effect to the outer layers of skin, on and in which they cause sunburn and skin cancer.

But unfortunately, all this is not yet understood by the earthlings.

258. At least a very large part of the Earth people is actually inconvincible in this respect, which is why very many must experience and get to know the effective evils of the solar radiation and solarium radiation on their own bodies and often pay for it with their own lives.


Can you become addicted to tanning beds?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – If you're someone who lies in a tanning bed too much, you may be likely to suffer from addictive behavior often seen with substance abuse, as well as anxiety, according to a new study.

Catherine Mosher and Sharon Danoff-Burg, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the State University of New York, Albany, respectively, asked 229 students at a large northeastern university about alcohol and substance abuse behaviors; all of the students reported using indoor tanning facilities in the previous year.

Fifty of the study participants, or just under 22 percent, met the criteria for addiction on both of the two questionnaires. Those who met the criteria for addiction had in fact used tanning facilities more frequently in the previous year than those who weren't addicted...

No doubt' sunbeds cause cancer - July 2009

There is no doubt using a sunbed or sunlamp will raise the risk of skin cancer, say international experts. Previously, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) assessed sunbeds and sunlamps as "probably carcinogenic to humans". But it now says their use is definitively "carcinogenic to humans".


Monday, August 15, 2011

How can you be sure of the authenticity of the Meier case?

From Billy Meier


For those who have very recently come across the information presented by “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, an interesting journey lies ahead from just gathering the information on all aspects of the case to finally coming to a conclusion about the authenticity of the case. The goal of this article is to make the journey simpler – by putting forward three questions to the readers, which when answered AFTER reading about all the aspects of the case, and answered honestly, should give a nearly fair evaluation of authenticity of the case.

So, those who have never ever met Billy Meier let alone any Plejaren – how it is possible to come to the eventual conclusion that the Billy Meier case is authentic?

Let us assume for a moment that Billy Meier is an expert hoaxer and like a professional fiction-writer he has built an entire fictional world for his story; and that Billy Meier’s fictional world is inhabited by the Plejaren and Baawi, Lyran and Vegan characters, and accompanied with cooked up historical tales, and spiritual teaching meant to sell books, just like J.R.Tolkien’s imaginary world for the Lord of the Rings trilogy, inhabited by hobbits and men, elves and dwarves and fascinating tales of imaginary Middle Earth. The difference between an author creating characters and making up stories and Billy Meier telling us about other civilisations is three-fold:

A. The circumstantial and physical evidences.
B. The prophetic information, or the prophecies and predictions.
C. The spiritual information.
Contents [hide]
1 The Evidences
1.1 Photographs
1.2 Videos
1.3 Sound Recordings
1.4 The Metal Samples
1.5 Eyewitness Testimonies
1.6 Prophecies
1.7 The Spiritual Information
2 Calculate the mathematical probability of hoax or truth
3 Conclusion
4 References
5 Further reading

The Evidences
1.Could the photographs[1] present in copyrighted books published before the age of personal computers be made in such a way, that even today, they cannot be duplicated (at least without computers), and then compared head to head?
2.What is the probability that favourable photo analysis by people like Jim Dilettoso, Neil Davies, Jun-Ichi Yaoi (Nippon TV) and Design Technology (contractor for NASA) was due to them been fooled by Billy Meier’s photo simultaneously?
3.What fraction of alleged UFO-contactees has provided pictures for similar scientific analysis?
1.Could the videos[2][3] made before the age of personal computers be faked in a manner such that there is not even 1 accomplice?
2.What is the probability that favorable video analyses by people like Jun-Ichi Yaoi (Nipon TV), Volker Engel and Marc Weigert (the latter two from Uncharted Territory, and won Academy Awards for special effects in “Independence Day”) was because Billy Meier was able to fool all of them?
3.What fraction of alleged UFO-contactees has provided videos for similar scientific analysis?
Most, if not all of those who investigated Billy Meier’s photos and videos were either made to sign their report, or have given their account in front of video camera, or have had their analysis published in copyrighted book(s).

Sound Recordings
1.Sound analyses[4] was done by sound engineers from Excalibur Studio, Peter Gimer and Rick Coupland of Micor, undersea sound technician Robin L. Shellman and at Naval Undersea Sound Center at Connecticut revealed that the sound samples were a) not synthesized and b) not matching any known source on earth. Is it possible for someone without access to either a) classified military technology, or, b) real extraterrestrial craft sound, to fool the above experts?
2.What fraction of alleged UFO-contactees has provided sounds for similar scientific analysis?
The Metal Samples
1.Marcel Vogel, an eminent, multi-patent holder scientist from IBM, famous for his work in the areas of crystals, electroluminescence and computer magnetic disks, examined the metal samples provided by Billy Meier and concluded that those could not be made by technologies available to earth[5]. He had gone on record in video, in radio interviews and in his report declaring the result of his analysis. Is it possible for someone without access to either a) classified military technology, or, b) real extraterrestrial source to fool someone like Marcel Vogel?
2.What fraction of alleged UFO-contactees has provided other-worldly samples for similar scientific analysis?
Eyewitness Testimonies
1.Between 1962 and 2010 there were over 120 known witnesses to various types of events that corroborate, verify, enforce and prove the authenticity of Billy Meier's experiences[6]. 15 of those witnesses were subjected to lie detector tests, and all of them passed. Was it possible for multiple witnesses to fool the lie detector test at the same time?
2.What chance did Billy Meier and Phobol Cheng (a retired U.N. diplomat from Cambodia) had in successfully fooling an expert from the U.S. Army, who has been trained to pick up lies by observing body language?
3.What fraction of alleged so-called UFO-contactees could muster eyewitness testimonies that were examined through a lie detector machine?
Even Billy Meier’s ex-wife, Kalliope Meier passed a lie detector test. Now, away from lie detector machines after a divorce she claims that Billy Meier has been a hoaxer! Which of her accounts is to be taken as truthful? There are other evidences presented by Meier, like the landing tacks and impression of a 6-fingered ET on a car bonnet: evidences that were seen and verified by investigators, but scientific analysis were not extensively documented.

Q1) Considering the above answers, are you convinced that Billy Meier is really having contact with beings from another planet, or at least beings from a technically advanced civilization?

Not re-winding back too far down the memory lane, just in the last 3 years, there have been at least 3 predictions/prophecies[7][8] previously made by Billy Meier or his alleged extraterrestrial friend(s) that have come true:

From 59th contact: talk of existence of water on Mars.
Date of contact: 8th July 1976
First translated in English: unknown
First published: 1993 in Message from Pleiades Vol. 3 (ISBN: 978-0934269285)
Confirmed: 31st July 2008 by NASA[9]
From 469th contact: talk of petroleum companies, including those of Saudi Arabia, concealing exceeding capacity (peak oil theory)
Date of contact: 11th August 2008
First translated in English: 8th February 2009
First published: 22nd February 2009 in The Future Of Mankind website.
Confirmed: Two of US Embassy cable sent on 7th May 2006 and 10th December 2007, published by Wikileaks on 8th February 2010, titled “US concern over Saudi Arabia oil production” and “Saudi oil company oversold ability to increase production, embassy told” respectively.
From 220th contact: talk of how earth’s gravitational pull distorted moon.
Date of contact: 2nd December 1987
First translated into English: 31st May 2010
First published: November 2004 in German (latest version of Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 5) and 31st May 2010 in English in The Future Of Mankind website.
Confirmed: 12th November 2010 by NASA[10]
In an ongoing development, scientists and researcher from Arizona State University concluded in March 2011, that chemicals from meteorite “seeded” earth with elements necessary for life. Until now, it has only been a theory. Watch out for further scientific support from other Universities and the scientific community in support of this theory being fact, i.e. meteors seeding planets with micro-organism as declared in Contact Report 224 and first published November 2004 in German in the latest version of Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 5 and in English in December 2005 in the now defunct site

1.What is the probability of picking up the above 3 random subjects and making random prophecies/predictions, only for those to come true?
2.If one considers the quantum of all the prophetic information published in copyrighted books which have fulfilled AFTER the publication of those books, then what is the probability of picking up a multitude of subjects and making random prophecies/predictions, only for those to come true?
Q2) Considering the above answers, are you convinced of the truthfulness of Billy Meier as a prophet?

The Spiritual Information
1.Billy Meier has not been in a position to benefit from the spirit teaching[11]. He has been repeatedly attacked for his stance on religion. An expert hoaxer would have simply fed public the comfort food and become acceptable to a large majority of the target audience. Billy Meier did the opposite – he published deeply controversial information. What could have been the motive of a person who spoke against the madness of religion since his early days of alleged contacts, and continue to do so?
2.He continues to be an outcast in the UFO community and his case is least heard. The UFO community fears Billy Meier because he and his extraterrestrial friends rubbish all other claims of contacts, ET-American Government joint bases, channeling, ascended masters, 5th dimension, light-shower, light-workers, Sananda, Maitrayee, 2012 end of the world, Reptilians, alien abduction and subsequent bizarre sexual experiments, Chakras, etc. Accepting Billy Meier would mean abandoning 99.99% of materials that lurch in a standard New Age/pseudo-spiritual/UFO website. What would a hoaxer looking to sell his material have done?
3.His stance on the overpopulation issue – a taboo subject, has brought him no fame or favor. It especially offends the off-the-shelve religious hardliner who consider reproducing a God-given right and a gift from God, and know-it-all human rights activists who consider reproducing a human right, a.k.a. no strings attached. What would a super intelligent hoaxer have done?
4.He published the deeply heretical Talmud Jmmanuel (ISBN 978-0971152335). Prof. James Deardorff, after 20 years of research came to the conclusion Talmud Jmmanuel was the source for the Gospel of Matthew and also published a book: “Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel (Jesus)” (ISBN 978-0926524118). He based his conclusion[12] after comparing passage to passage and provided compelling evidences. There is no available research done by any Biblical scholar to prove the contrary, but only baseless statements. How could Billy Meier have doctored such a document which could present over 100 instances where, in the words of Prof. Deardorff, “the arguments pointing to Matthean dependence upon the TJ are seen to be difficult to reverse”, and that too, without any conflicts and inconsistencies?
5.Last, but not the least, Billy Meier teaches about Creation. The below quotes about Creation are from Stimme der Wassermannzeit, No. 89 December 1993
"3. The Universe is Creation's internal and external body."
"5. Creation pervades everything and everything pervades Creation, therefore forming oneness within itself. Within this oneness occur all life and all of the evolution allotted to it."
In other words, everything that exists is a part of Creation and is encapsulated by it – for e.g. your body, people around you, your thoughts, thoughts of other people around you, things that you can perceive, things that you cannot perceive, the sun, the planets, other sun, other planets, the computer or the iPhone you are using to access this article, the building blocks of life, energy, radiation, the human spirit, spirit of other life forms, and so on. Is not Creation one big, fat, self-evident, on-the face truth that proves itself to us 24x7x365? Can Creation be a hoax?
Q3) Considering the above answers, are you convinced of the truthfulness of the spiritual teaching?

Calculate the mathematical probability of hoax or truth
Here is a little exercise for those inclined to mathematics and statistics[13]:

fQN = (fQ1*fQ2*…fQN ) / ((fQ1*fQ2*…fQN)+( (1-fQ1)+(1-fQ2)+… (1-fQN)) (1)
fhoax= (fQ1*fQ2*fQ3 ) / ((fQ1*fQ2*fQ3)+( (1-fQ1)+(1-fQ2)+ (1-fQ3)) (2)
fauthentic = 1 -fhoax (3)
Pauthentic% = fauthentic x 100% (4)

Against, each of the sub-questions, write down the approximate probability of an answer that would imply Billy Meier to be a hoaxer (in fraction…0 for 100% authentic, .5 for unsure, maximum value 1 for 100% hoax, etc.); put those values in formula (1) and calculate fQ1, fQ2, and fQ3 for the first, second and third question respectively. Again apply fQ1, fQ2, and fQ3 to formula (2) to get fhoax. Then subtract the resultant value from 1, as in formula (3) and multiply by 100, as in formula (4) to get the authenticity probability of the Billy Meier case …Presto!

It is important not to just blindly believe a theory or a story claimed to be real. A theory put forward by someone can be confirmed by virtue of its evidence - then it becomes knowledge[14]. Investigation, analysis, and subsequent putting of those evidences into perspective always help to graduate oneself from the shadow of belief to the light of knowledge. I urge the reader to do the same.

Peace in wisdom
Subhabrata Mukhuti

Further reading
Plus, books and DVD’s available from:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

Who or what is God?

From Billy Meier

...No Creator-God exists in this sense. The Big Bang did not come about through the strength or might of one god, but did so, simply and exclusively, through spiritual- and material-physical as well as chemical processes, that were triggered and directed by a young Universal Consciousness, respectively Creation. The term "God" has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the world or the universe, stars, galaxies and the like, for the expression "God" has existed in the vastness of the universe for billions of years, from ancient times to the present, and it represents nothing more than the title of a person. Initially this title was "Ishwish" which means "God" when translated into our languages. But Ishwish, respectively god, is nothing more than another term for "King of Wisdom." It is a purely human title assigned to humans who were particularly knowledgeable, wise, and who possessed great mastery in everything. This term's significance, however, was distorted and falsified by humans on Earth, particularly by the early religions and those experienced in profiting from using the word. The result was that God, as a King of Wisdom, was removed and the people turned him into a Creator-God who, allegedly, had created the Earth, the sun and outer space. Numerous individuals, such as Jehovah and many others, even claimed of themselves to be Creator-Gods with the consequence that they were also revered and worshiped. One thing led to another and soon the original meaning of the word "God" was forgotten and, consequently, the purported Creator-Gods were able to victoriously march into the realm of the people's religions, sects and faiths. Source:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

The human seeks; but for what does he seek? He seeks for the truth, for the true life and the meaning of life. However, he does it in an impetuous rush as well as in carelessness and is always eager, in each and every thing that he comes across, to indulge in a belief, be this political, religious, sectarian, philosophical or ideological in other ways. At the same time, the human does not concern himself with reality, the truth and true love, humaneness and all what pertains to the true life. The human's seeking is also like an enormous boom throughout the world even though the human does not know what he actually seeks as the true life and as the meaning of life and also can imagine nothing by that. And it is exactly this that leads to the appearance of countless false prophets, gurus, masters, enlightened ones and lofty ones as well as book authors and those who offer seminars, and with their horrendous nonsense, with their false teachings and deceitfulness, they have an easy job of binding their believers to themselves in order to financially exploit them, to abuse them and to make them dependent. Source:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Excerpt from a 1951 Billy Meier Publication

Through the guilt of the people, all storms will assume increasing and more violent forms, such as hail storms, blizzards and flooding rains, as however also the ozone-layer will become very dangerously damaged. Monstrous deluges will belong ever more to the order of the day, because through the overpopulation, the forest wetlands and swampy plains will become altered in function to become residential areas, whereby the wild waters of the flooding rain will find their way into the houses of the people because they can no longer escape into uninhabited wetland areas. Landslides and avalanches, as well as earthquakes and seaquakes as well as every kind of storms will prevail; gales and typhoons, hurricanes and tornados will increase ever more in their numbers and will become ever more violent and destructive. And also therewith overpopulation will bear the guilt, because overpopulation will become monstrously negative and will thereby give rise to an unnatural climate change that in only one decade from today will already begin to effect the world very detrimentally. The monstrous mass and weight of the cities and villages continuously stress the inner structures of the Earth more and more through which the tectonic plates will be adversely affected, inevitably leading to increasing tectonic displacements and faults, through which immense tremors will be evoked world-wide, whereby finally the deaths will go into the hundreds of thousands and into the millions. Source:

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Word To Mankind From Billy Meier

An article from "Stimme der Wassermannzeit Nr.107".

1.As never before in the long history of Earth and its people, wars and crimes, as well as manifold brutalities prevail, which constantly increase in step with the overpopulation.
2.The old venerable relationships between planet and man have changed drastically for the worse, especially since the middle of the nineteenth century and the trend is continuing noticeably.
3.Not only has mankind sunk into an abyss of boundless depravity, but it has also brought this decay to the planet and the entire animal world and nature as a whole.
4.All governments and those responsible and the majority of the population have become the keepers of evil.
5.While they talk of peace and better quality of life as well as of better interpersonal relationships, aid for the hungry, environmental protection and many other good things, the governments and responsible people secretly re-arm and prepare deadly weapons in order to destroy entire nations.
6.But the majority of the population is also busy increasing the decay, and as a consequence, hate, discontent, wastefulness, vices, addictions, murder and manslaughter, etc. will be committed.
7.All the new inventions are used ultimately to destroy as well as annihilating plants and animals.
8.The environmental pollution and destruction increase constantly and the degeneration of man produces ever more deadly excesses.
9.Therefore in reality, so-called progress is nothing else but a degeneration leading nowhere.
10.One cannot even speak about a retrogression, because never before has Earth humanity found itself on such a steep decline as in the present time.
11.If Earth humanity and its governments as well as other responsible people, as i.e. scientists do not wake up soon, then it will come to a worldwide catastrophe, which cannot prevent a general hostility from man to man.
12.All evils will increase to such an extent, that only brutal force can put a stop to it.
13.Greed for money and possessions, general lack of decency and respect, sick ambition and hunger for power, as well as robbery and murder and many other excesses will become the order of the day.
14.And if people do not become aware of it very soon, it will rapidly go downhill, until finally everything sinks into the abyss!
15.It seems, but perhaps it is also the reality, that mankind must first fall into the deepest abyss of its history before it wakes up and realizes that it is stuck in a dead end, where lurks the complete self-destruction, which may end in an atomic war or worse, despite all hypocritical disarmament efforts..
16.Maybe there will be enough survivors who can make a new beginning from the wreckage and can realize which deadly mistakes have been made in order not to repeat these again.
17.Perhaps the survivors will recognize that selfishness, vice, greed, arrogance, excessive ambition, and greed for possessions etc. cannot form a stable basis for a healthy human society.
18.But so far this recognition does not penetrate into the consciousness of most people, because selfishness is still strongly prevalent.
19.Man is still blinded by progress, technology, money and exterior prosperity, but at the same time impoverishes more and more in his consciousness, in his psyche and feelings.
20.Interpersonal relations become a farce because the more people that crowd the planet, the more the lonely and careworn the individual becomes, because the contacts between people will become more sparse and are only directed toward material gain and profit.
21.Many thousands of firms, large and small businesses, go bankrupt every year in every country, and all because “young, dynamic powers” take on the helm, wanting to rise quickly, not paying heed to advice from others.
22.In their megalomania and greed for profit they expand their businesses and get into debt, which they can never repay.
23.They act just like the governments, that get into debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of francs, marks or dollars, because they miscalculate in their conceit, and often don’t even know how much a million or billion actually is.
24.They are all power- and profit-hungry people, by whom all older workers were and will be pushed from their jobs and positions, even though their healthy caution had properly brought the businesses to bloom.
25.These young, ambitious, power- and profit-hungry workers no longer have this caution, and consequently they impetuously storm ahead, but only end up destroying everything.
26.They neither heard of pragmatism nor that only exactly calculable risks should be taken.
27.Governing people as well as entrepreneurs are no longer in control of their businesses because they are the wrong people in the wrong positions.
28.Therefore it is not surprising that all of mankind as well as the planet and all of its other life forms etc. are sliding more and more and irresistibly into the deepest abyss and rushing towards total destruction.
29.As a matter of fact, the people on Earth are up to the eyeballs in muck and don’t recognize or understand the truth anymore.
30.Actually, they do not want to see or know the truth, because they still think of themselves as the absolute crown of Creation, who can do as they please and never fail.
31.In fact it is not all people who are wandering on the path to destruction, because there are also those who recognize the scary situation and are trying with all means possible to wake up the majority of mankind who think and act wrong.
32.Unfortunately these people only belong to a minority, who go unheard and are even attacked because most people do not want to be told the truth nor are they willing to give it a thought.
33.In spite of all this, the minority must continue the fight for enlightenment, even though it is almost hopeless.
34.Only he who fights for life can win even when it seems useless.
35.In the end, and in spite of all the defeats, the winners will be those who held onto the truth tenaciously and fought for it, even though this victory will only be signified by a good conscience and an inner satisfaction that they have fulfilled their duty with respect to life, the world, mankind and all other life forms on Earth in accordance with the laws and directives of Creation.


Translated by Hugo and Renate S.

Proofread by Helga Friedrich (Feb.2001)


Saturday, August 6, 2011

20 Signs That A Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming

The following was taken from

Consider the "natural" disasters around the world in the past few years and what happened to grocery store shelves afterwards.

Saturday, 23 April 2011 21:06 Adam Izak-Sunna .0diggs
By Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
April 14, 2011 8:51 PM

In case you haven't noticed, the world is on the verge of a horrific global food crisis. At some point, this crisis will affect you and your family. It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow, but it is going to happen. Crazy weather and horrifying natural disasters have played havoc with agricultural production in many areas of the globe over the past couple of years. Meanwhile, the price of oil has begun to skyrocket. The entire global economy is predicated on the ability to use massive amounts of inexpensive oil to cheaply produce food and other goods and transport them over vast distances. Without cheap oil the whole game changes. Topsoil is being depleted at a staggering rate and key aquifers all over the world are being drained at an alarming pace. Global food prices are already at an all-time high and they continue to move up aggressively. So what is going to happen to our world when hundreds of millions more people cannot afford to feed themselves?

Most Americans are so accustomed to supermarkets that are absolutely packed to the gills with massive amounts of really inexpensive food that they cannot even imagine that life could be any other way. Unfortunately, that era is ending.

There are all kinds of indications that we are now entering a time when there will not be nearly enough food for everyone in the world. As competition for food supplies increases, food prices are going to go up. In fact, at some point they are going to go way up.

Let's look at some of the key reasons why an increasing number of people believe that a massive food crisis is on the horizon.

The following are 20 signs that a horrific global food crisis is coming....

#1 According to the World Bank, 44 million people around the globe have been pushed into extreme poverty since last June because of rising food prices.

#2 The world is losing topsoil at an astounding rate. In fact, according to Lester Brown, "one third of the world's cropland is losing topsoil faster than new soil is forming through natural processes".

#3 Due to U.S. ethanol subsidies, almost a third of all corn grown in the United States is now used for fuel. This is putting a lot of stress on the price of corn.

#4 Due to a lack of water, some countries in the Middle East find themselves forced to almost totally rely on other nations for basic food staples. For example, it is being projected that there will be no more wheat production in Saudi Arabia by the year 2012.

#5 Water tables all over the globe are being depleted at an alarming rate due to "overpumping". According to the World Bank, there are 130 million people in China and 175 million people in India that are being fed with grain with water that is being pumped out of aquifers faster than it can be replaced. So what happens once all of that water is gone?

#6 In the United States, the systematic depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer could eventually turn "America's Breadbasket" back into the "Dust Bowl".

#7 Diseases such as UG99 wheat rust are wiping out increasingly large segments of the world food supply.

#8 The tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan have rendered vast agricultural areas in that nation unusable. In fact, there are many that believe that eventually a significant portion of northern Japan will be considered to be uninhabitable. Not only that, many are now convinced that the Japanese economy, the third largest economy in the world, is likely to totally collapse as a result of all this.

#9 The price of oil may be the biggest factor on this list. The way that we produce our food is very heavily dependent on oil. The way that we transport our food is very heavily dependent on oil. When you have skyrocketing oil prices, our entire food production system becomes much more expensive. If the price of oil continues to stay high, we are going to see much higher food prices and some forms of food production will no longer make economic sense at all.

#10 At some point the world could experience a very serious fertilizer shortage. According to scientists with the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative, the world is not going to have enough phosphorous to meet agricultural demand in just 30 to 40 years.

#11 Food inflation is already devastating many economies around the globe. For example, India is dealing with an annual food inflation rate of 18 percent.

#12 According to the United Nations, the global price of food reached a new all-time high in February.

#13 According to the World Bank, the global price of food has risen 36% over the past 12 months.

#14 The commodity price of wheat has approximately doubled since last summer.

#15 The commodity price of corn has also about doubled since last summer.

#16 The commodity price of soybeans is up about 50% since last June.

#17 The commodity price of orange juice has doubled since 2009.

#18 There are about 3 billion people around the globe that live on the equivalent of 2 dollars a day or less and the world was already on the verge of economic disaster before this year even began.

#19 2011 has already been one of the craziest years since World War 2. Revolutions have swept across the Middle East, the United States has gotten involved in the civil war in Libya, Europe is on the verge of a financial meltdown and the U.S. dollar is dying. None of this is good news for global food production.

#20 There have been persistent rumors of shortages at some of the biggest suppliers of emergency food in the United States. The following is an excerpt from a recent "special alert" posted on Raiders News Network....

Look around you. Read the headlines. See the largest factories of food, potassium iodide, and other emergency product manufacturers literally closing their online stores and putting up signs like those on Mountain House's Official Website and Thyrosafe's Factory Webpage that explain, due to overwhelming demand, they are shutting down sales for the time being and hope to reopen someday.

So what does all of this mean?

It means that time is short.

For years, many "doom and gloomers" have been yelling and screaming that a food crisis is coming.

Well, up to this point there hasn't been much to get alarmed about. Food prices have started to rise, but the truth is that our stores are still packed to the rafters will gigantic amounts of relatively cheap food.

However, you would have to be an idiot not to see the warning signs. Just look at what happened in Japan after March 11th. Store shelves were cleared out almost instantly.

It isn't going to happen today, and it probably isn't going to happen tomorrow, but at some point a major league food crisis is going to strike.

So what are you and your family going to do then?

You might want to start thinking about that.

Read more:

The Michael Horn Show August 4, 2011

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quote of the day by Billy Meier

In a cruel world the following words of wisdom may be heeded:

Generally, attacks and problems of others must be ignored and warded off in a manner that they are the concern, the aggression and problems of antagonists and not of one's own person. Only through this reasonable insight as well as reasonable ways of thinking, feeling and acting can the human being protect himself against attacks, lies, incriminations, hate and slander, etc., of others because, in fact, the entire evil and problems of such things are not those of one's own person but those of the attackers and antagonists. The attacks and problems of others are not my concern but that of the attackers must be the constant motto for attacked people who are raked over with words, thoughts, feelings, lies, problems, slander and actions, etc. And if, in this form, the thoughts and feelings as well as ways of acting are cultivated, then the human being can free himself from the imitation of antagonists and truly be himself. Source: