The intent of this blog is to share information about the current state of humanity and the Earth, what we can do to help, and to inform as many people as possible about the origins of man and our extraterrestrial brothers. There is still much we can do to change our course and ensure a brighter future if we only accept the facts.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
Attacks of others, be it through thoughts and feelings, through words, hate, slander or actions, may never be made one's concern because they essentially are the concern of the creators, who must cope with them themselves. Through their aggression against fellow human beings, they inflict damage on themselves, because their machinations affect their own thoughts and feelings, whereby they are peaceless and joyless in themselves and decline to vicious Source
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The frequently heard question is, "If this is really true, why haven't I heard about it before?"
The simple answer is that those whose duty it is to research, investigate and report the truth abdicated their responsibility to do so.
And those whose egos felt threatened because their knowledge and importance was revealed to be infinitesimally small in comparison tried to ridicule - or avoid - the matter entirely.
Thank you very much for your interest in this enormously important - and very suppressed - story. Since Billy Meier's contacts have been ongoing for almost 70 years, the fact that it's still unknown to most of the world shows that this is the story that the UFO cover-up is really all about.
Meet “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, a real-life combination of Indiana Jones, Lawrence of Arabia and Luke Skywalker, as he reveals his fascinating adventures in over 40 countries, including his discovery of what may be the most important and heretical document of all times – and his life long contacts with extraterrestrial (alien) human beings.
See many of the UFO photographs, a movie clip and startling video, for which Meier has become famous worldwide, listen to the UFO sounds themselves and even see and hear Meier speak about it.
But extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not beliefs, so you’ll find scientific analysis of both the UFO photographs and sound recordings, never before seen seven-fingered hand prints from extraterrestrials (aliens), plus the opinions of scientific experts who examined much of the evidence.
In addition to the stunning, still irreproducible physical evidence, Meier has single-handedly transcribed more than 24,000 pages of information, most of it still in German, which includes a true history of human beings in the universe going back tens of millions of years.
But it’s the startlingly accurate prophetic information that has caught the attention of millions of people worldwide, even high-ranking government officials, especially now with the fulfillment of Meier’s prescient foretelling of the disastrous U.S. war with Iraq, global warming and other events – that he published in 1958!
You’ll learn how the laws of cause and effect (upon which prophecies and predictions, and all life tiself, are based) unfailingly operate and how we bring upon ourselves many of our own worst problems through ignorance and violation of them.
And – since no one is coming to save us from ourselves – you’ll learn why the only lasting solution is for us to take back our self-responsibility on every level from all outside sources, including false leaders, politicians, religions, cults, sects, imaginary gods, angels, saints, gurus, etc.
In addition to extremely controversial information about the true extent of CIA power, the origin of the UFO cover-up, what's coming in 2012 and many more things you’re not supposed to know there are also international discussion forums, a Q & A section and a topical listing of Meier’s incredibly extensive information.
Please also note that former UN diplomat, Phobol Cheng, is a personal eyewitness to the UFOs and to the extraterrestrials, one of dozens of credible witnesses, who have corroborated Mr. Meier's story. In addition to 17 witnesses taking and completely passing lie detector tests, including Mr. Meier, both he and Ms. Cheng were evaluated by an expert consultant to the U.S. Army Special Forces as being honest and truthful. And there are numerous other experts, including Dr.Michael Malin, who have commented on Meier's evidence.
The Billy Meier contacts are really more about helping us to assure our own future survival than about UFOs. You may also want to read the additional information about the case and new information from the Plejaren about the real scope of the BP Gulf disaster.
So, while this is really only the tip of the iceberg, it should be enough to help you to decide if the Billy Meier UFO contacts are the biggest, most impenetrable hoax or – the most important story in all of human history.
Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts
The Silent Revolution of Truth
The Silent Revolution of Truth
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Feedback and Dis-Equilibrium In Human Overpopulation
The following article was taken from It provieds details, answers and solutions to the issue of human overpopulation. Human overpopulation is by far the number one culprit in the problems facing Earth.
Adam Izak-Sunna
by Steven B. Kurtz
Council on Global Issues
142 Balsam Avenue, Toronto, ON M4E 3C1 Canada
Overwhelming evidence has engendered a consensus among global scientists that the human population level and trend are unsustainable. Although we are part of nature, we may have some choice in the ongoing process of which our numbers are but one variable. Individual, social, and institutional factors are examined, and policy options are considered. Evidence is given debunking the claim that the rich attempt to coerce poor nations to reduce fertility. Carrying capacity and optimum population concepts are discussed, particularly as to equilibrium potential. Prospects for pro-active success are entertained. Read the full article here.
142 Balsam Avenue, Toronto, ON M4E 3C1 Canada
Overwhelming evidence has engendered a consensus among global scientists that the human population level and trend are unsustainable. Although we are part of nature, we may have some choice in the ongoing process of which our numbers are but one variable. Individual, social, and institutional factors are examined, and policy options are considered. Evidence is given debunking the claim that the rich attempt to coerce poor nations to reduce fertility. Carrying capacity and optimum population concepts are discussed, particularly as to equilibrium potential. Prospects for pro-active success are entertained. Read the full article here.
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
The earth human must change toward the good and positive through his own reason and grasp of responsibility, and thereby rehabilitate himself. Thus he must establish his own dimension and free himself from his self-demeaning service toward all his shortcomings and his false hopes and desires. The earth human considers that he will live new lives over and over again in striving for that which is higher in accordance with the Creational laws and commandments through many new personalities in reincarnation of the spirit form and the comprehensive consciousness block, namely in the obligation of a Creational path that he consciously develops in every logical, good and positive form. But this means that every person must strive for his advancement through every personal responsibility, and society must also make that possible for him. It is correct that everybody takes the trouble to perform the required work for which he will be paid and which will enable him to afford housing in one form or the other, as well as, in self-responsibility, to bear the cost of his food and clothing and also for his training and education and for all arising needs. Source
Sunday, January 23, 2011
There Is Nothing Supernatural
“The term ‘supernatural’ is an incorrect word which is utilised to describe something perceptible, which, for the human being, lies beyond that which is normal, material – that is to say – beyond that which pertains to the material senses, and thereby beyond the capabilities of material perception, therefore, rather, in the realm of the feinstofflich. To designate that which is feinstofflich – the fluidal – as supernatural, is fundamentally wrong because, truly, there is nothing which lies beyond the perception of the human’s senses, rather only something which belongs beyond material sensitivity, in the realm of the feinstoffsinnlich. I am talking, in particular, about the effect of feinstofflich thought-vibrations which, in their feinstofflichkeit form, are designated as fluidal energies and fluidal forces, and which, created by the thoughts and feelings, also yield, outside of the brain, the most varied effects which can also be perceived by other human beings. These fluidal energies and their powers are not only the energies relating to telepathy, levitation and teleportation, rather also those of clairvoyance and remote viewing, whereby, for every single factor, manifestations occur which are individually different for each human being.”
Please click here for the entire article. Source
Please click here for the entire article. Source
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Michael Horn Show #34
The Michael Horn Show # 34: Does Reality Really Matter…and What’s the Matter with Matter Anyway?
Posted by admin on January 20th, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
An ancient prediction speaks of women who, in the third millennium, will come into power and will create peace, freedom, love and harmony; subsequently men will be forced to relinquish their despotic rule they have kept for thousands of years. Truly a very pleasant prediction but it will bring disadvantages in the beginning because at first, women will come into powerful positions who are just as overbearing and idiotic as those "gentlemen" who bask in their power and create wars, terrorize the people and look for humble and submissive idiots who will be in bondage to them. At first, only a few women in the world will take the rudder as "mothers of the new millennium" and later, little by little, the real true mothers will step forward and will lead the world toward peace, freedom, love, order and harmony. Unfortunately it is true in this respect too, that all the beginnings are difficult and "false mothers" will at first take the rudder, until the "true mothers of the millennium" will take the destiny of mankind into their hands and create a world in which fear of misery, suffering and wars will be gone as well as greed for power and injustice which the mighty power of men had forced upon mankind of earth for thousands of years with their greed for power and control and in their overbearing behaviour. Source
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The coming liquid fuel crisis
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 12:11 Adam Izak-Sunna
We face a liquid fuel crisis in two to five years. That was the stark message from an international conference on peak oil in Washington DC that I attended last month.
It will be far worse than the 1973 and 1979 oil shocks that induced panic, disorientation and insecurity. Back then stock market declines followed big hikes in fuel prices. This time we can expect ever-rising fuel prices accompanied by annually deepening recession, increasing inflation and unemployment, and a decline in world trade.
Last time, the crises resolved themselves as oil production and trade were resumed. This time, there will not be enough oil to resume business as usual. Despite a decrease in demand from OECD countries, overall demand continues to rise as global population climbs inexorably from 6.8 towards 9.2 billion and newly emerging economies expect their share of the global resource pie. Come 2015, however, we can anticipate a significant increase in the price of oil as global production starts its inevitable decline. Production of regular or conventional oil has already peaked while supplies of unconventional oil - heavy, deepwater and Arctic oil - will peak within a few years.
"We're drillin' three miles down in the Gulf of Mexico because of peak oil," drawled Jim Baldauf, former Texan oilman and organiser of the conference. "We're scrapin' the bottom of the barrel, so to speak. We have to drill twice as deep at twice the cost to get half what we're used to."
The recent Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf was a rude awakening to those who thought drilling for unconventional oil was going to be easy. And it's not cheap to produce oil from unconventional sources - the price needs to be $100 a barrel to make it worthwhile. But as Chris Skrebowski , a leading expert on global oil supply, asked: "Can we afford this price? Where is the price that allows everyone to be employed? Europe already has 10 per cent unemployment."
Like it or not, $100 a barrel is what we can expect, or worse. Another leading oil analyst Jeff Rubin laid it on the line: "We can expect triple-digit oil next year."
A peak in oil production does not mean the end of oil, nor indeed of energy supplies. But oil is the energy source that all others are measured against. The coming oil crisis is largely a crisis in transportation since oil products power 95 per cent of land transport. Skrebowski felt that only when we take oil out of transport could we hope to see a solution. Otherwise, as Rubin notes: "We have to get off the road".
Anthony Perl, author of Transport Revolutions, said we will see a major redesign of our transport within 10 years. In order to survive this "mother of all energy crises", we need to fast track mobility systems that can perform without oil. The most promising developments are electric motors replacing the internal combustion engine; greater use of rail and water replacing road and air; and greater use of collectively managed travel.
A lot of solutions are already out there, according to Perl, for example, high speed rail (HSR) for up to 500 miles (800 kms) though this will soon increase to 1000 miles (1600kms). China is currently building 12,000 miles of HSR that will double the world's capacity and in turn reduce the price by 50per cent. "Sky sail" technology can reduce a ship's oil use by 50-80 per cent. Electric railways are already a proven technology - the Trans-Siberian is a case in point.
Planes and trucks, however, which cannot run at scale without oil will see the most radical changes. New priorities, new skills and new priorities are needed. We need a Transportation Redevelopment Agency, according to Perl, that will anticipate future technologies and modes of transport; develop strategies for deploying those modes; and determine how to fund them.
What then is the future of air transport? Charles Schlumberger, principal air transport specialist at the World Bank, noted that oil is already the biggest cost for airlines. Nevertheless, the air industry is looking at significant fleet replacement, especially in the Asia-Pacific. Air transport has been a catalyst for world economic development and is a crucial part of trade, globalization and foreign investment. Thus if air transport shrinks because of oil prices, it will have a significant impact and accelerate recession.
Australia imports 40 per cent of its oil. We are not immune from the coming oil crunch. Perhaps it was apocryphal, but the story goes that Opposition leader Tony Abbott was overheard saying to an adviser at the beginning of the year: "Peak Oil? Do we know about Peak Oil?"
Let's hope our new Prime Minister does know and acts accordingly.
It will be far worse than the 1973 and 1979 oil shocks that induced panic, disorientation and insecurity. Back then stock market declines followed big hikes in fuel prices. This time we can expect ever-rising fuel prices accompanied by annually deepening recession, increasing inflation and unemployment, and a decline in world trade.
Last time, the crises resolved themselves as oil production and trade were resumed. This time, there will not be enough oil to resume business as usual. Despite a decrease in demand from OECD countries, overall demand continues to rise as global population climbs inexorably from 6.8 towards 9.2 billion and newly emerging economies expect their share of the global resource pie. Come 2015, however, we can anticipate a significant increase in the price of oil as global production starts its inevitable decline. Production of regular or conventional oil has already peaked while supplies of unconventional oil - heavy, deepwater and Arctic oil - will peak within a few years.
"We're drillin' three miles down in the Gulf of Mexico because of peak oil," drawled Jim Baldauf, former Texan oilman and organiser of the conference. "We're scrapin' the bottom of the barrel, so to speak. We have to drill twice as deep at twice the cost to get half what we're used to."
The recent Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf was a rude awakening to those who thought drilling for unconventional oil was going to be easy. And it's not cheap to produce oil from unconventional sources - the price needs to be $100 a barrel to make it worthwhile. But as Chris Skrebowski , a leading expert on global oil supply, asked: "Can we afford this price? Where is the price that allows everyone to be employed? Europe already has 10 per cent unemployment."
Like it or not, $100 a barrel is what we can expect, or worse. Another leading oil analyst Jeff Rubin laid it on the line: "We can expect triple-digit oil next year."
A peak in oil production does not mean the end of oil, nor indeed of energy supplies. But oil is the energy source that all others are measured against. The coming oil crisis is largely a crisis in transportation since oil products power 95 per cent of land transport. Skrebowski felt that only when we take oil out of transport could we hope to see a solution. Otherwise, as Rubin notes: "We have to get off the road".
Anthony Perl, author of Transport Revolutions, said we will see a major redesign of our transport within 10 years. In order to survive this "mother of all energy crises", we need to fast track mobility systems that can perform without oil. The most promising developments are electric motors replacing the internal combustion engine; greater use of rail and water replacing road and air; and greater use of collectively managed travel.
A lot of solutions are already out there, according to Perl, for example, high speed rail (HSR) for up to 500 miles (800 kms) though this will soon increase to 1000 miles (1600kms). China is currently building 12,000 miles of HSR that will double the world's capacity and in turn reduce the price by 50per cent. "Sky sail" technology can reduce a ship's oil use by 50-80 per cent. Electric railways are already a proven technology - the Trans-Siberian is a case in point.
Planes and trucks, however, which cannot run at scale without oil will see the most radical changes. New priorities, new skills and new priorities are needed. We need a Transportation Redevelopment Agency, according to Perl, that will anticipate future technologies and modes of transport; develop strategies for deploying those modes; and determine how to fund them.
What then is the future of air transport? Charles Schlumberger, principal air transport specialist at the World Bank, noted that oil is already the biggest cost for airlines. Nevertheless, the air industry is looking at significant fleet replacement, especially in the Asia-Pacific. Air transport has been a catalyst for world economic development and is a crucial part of trade, globalization and foreign investment. Thus if air transport shrinks because of oil prices, it will have a significant impact and accelerate recession.
Australia imports 40 per cent of its oil. We are not immune from the coming oil crunch. Perhaps it was apocryphal, but the story goes that Opposition leader Tony Abbott was overheard saying to an adviser at the beginning of the year: "Peak Oil? Do we know about Peak Oil?"
Let's hope our new Prime Minister does know and acts accordingly.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Is it too late?
It is much too late to avoid some of the inevitable destruction which humanity has brought upon itself. Climate change is well upon us. There is little we can do to change that fact. Despite all the signs which include both environmental and economic disasters there are many among us who remain intent on denying the evidence. There are many among us who even perpetuate falsehoods which have been proven wrong. Most often the reason for this type of denial is to maintain the status quo in order to maintain lifestyles which are destroying life on this planet. Even to the least astute observer it is overwhelmingly apparent that mankind is committing acts against the nature of life which will ultimately lead to unimaginable suffering for all forms of life. It is conceivable that those nay Sayers will continue to deny and defy reality until the bitter end. They will continue to put false hope in institutions which perpetuate falsehoods and destructive behavior. No, these are not the "End Times". No such end will occur. These are times which were fortold of but to which little head was paid. The current time is the beginning of suffering never experienced before in human history. Yet there is hope. This hope lies within those humans who are willing to discern the truth from falsehood. There is hope found in knowing that centuries from now humanity will fall from the darkness and come to the realization of the truth about the universe and what it means to be a human.
The following was taken from the theyfly blog.
The following was taken from the theyfly blog.
UFOs, Extraterrestrials and…the Weather
While the fascination with both the UFOs and the Plejaren extraterrestrials is certainly understandable, it’s the messages contained in the more than 26,000 pages of information that Meier has published that are the most important aspect of the case.
For instance, back in 1951, Billy Meier first warned about the unnatural climate change and the kind of weather, intense storms, etc., that we’re just beginning to see.
So I guess I could have titled this “Stupid Human Beings, Wake the Hell Up!” However, just like watching a horror movie you’ve seen many times before, where you’re yelling because you want to warn the guy that there’s a monster coming to get him, after a certain number of times you finally accept that you can’t change the outcome of that movie. Let me tell you, I’ve yelled more than a few times and for quite a long time, each time. For the most part, the people who “got it” about the Meier material weren’t the ones who needed to be yelled at.
So what follows are some excerpts from various articles by Meier pertaining to the weather, especially storms and other intense manifestations of the great imbalance largely caused by…human beings.
You can read the full article here.
UFOs, Extraterrestrials and…the Weather
While the fascination with both the UFOs and the Plejaren extraterrestrials is certainly understandable, it’s the messages contained in the more than 26,000 pages of information that Meier has published that are the most important aspect of the case.For instance, back in 1951, Billy Meier first warned about the unnatural climate change and the kind of weather, intense storms, etc., that we’re just beginning to see.
So I guess I could have titled this “Stupid Human Beings, Wake the Hell Up!” However, just like watching a horror movie you’ve seen many times before, where you’re yelling because you want to warn the guy that there’s a monster coming to get him, after a certain number of times you finally accept that you can’t change the outcome of that movie. Let me tell you, I’ve yelled more than a few times and for quite a long time, each time. For the most part, the people who “got it” about the Meier material weren’t the ones who needed to be yelled at.
So what follows are some excerpts from various articles by Meier pertaining to the weather, especially storms and other intense manifestations of the great imbalance largely caused by…human beings.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The world and how crazy it really is…
Look around you my fellow human beings… Until the moment of penning down this personal plea, there are countless natural disasters damaging our beautiful home planet that we call earth. From earthquakes, tsunamis, thypoons, heavy rains, floodings, mudslides as well as landslides, even the snow seasons come earlier than usual to some parts of the worlds this year to name a few. Yet why are we so seriously affected by these occurances? If we would only open our eyes maybe we can truly see. I’ll tell you what I see and maybe you will understand why I am writing this plea to all of you who will come to read this.
The world is going crazy and we really don’t have any clue. If there is war that we really have to execute it would only be a war against overpopulation, a war to battle our wrongdoings, a war to pave the way to a better future for all of Humanity, to life, to Earth, to the plants and animals. We bring children into this world for too many reasons. Whatever it is and however it is, most of us failed to consider if we can provide our children a secure future for their growth, a future for their children, and to their children’s children. In other words, to the future of Earth humans.
Presently the population of our world is multiplying at a very alarming rate. The eternal and unchanging laws of nature (Creation) are being altered in so many ways. We shed mountains of their trees to give way to homes that are not necessary in the first place, and only for the reasons of overpopulation. For these reasons we are very much affected by natural disasters in many ways. If only we could learn and understand that we need to balance the space of lands and the resources that we have in a responsible way. There exists enough information already mentioned by other persons in this group so as the many who share the same endeavour. We as human being has the responsibility to Earth and it’s surrounding as well as to all living beings, what has taken Billions if not Millions of year’s of evolution, we the humans of Earth are eradicating in less than a fraction of second in comparison. Have we really utilized all of humanities progress in all fields of science for the benefits of humankind?
The damaged is evidence of what humanity have become, a group of human’s divided by too many things that we need to overcome for us to live under the same sky which is the common roof that we truly share as well as the air that we breathe. And the earth below that we ravage, poison, mistreat and strip-off everything we can right to the bone. All progress and achievements of humanity in all terms are being applied and executed without proper consideration and for only one reason, and that reason is to have plenty. Plenty of material possessions that we all know we could never bring along when we exhaled our last breath.
But not all is lost if we could only learn to listen and look around, it will soon be too late and we have a lot of work to be done. All we need to do is open our eyes and learn to really look and we can answer this question. The damage is done and we have been warned. When are we really going to start to listen and act righteously, is the only question that remains…
Elizalde Roa (Zaldy)
The world is going crazy and we really don’t have any clue. If there is war that we really have to execute it would only be a war against overpopulation, a war to battle our wrongdoings, a war to pave the way to a better future for all of Humanity, to life, to Earth, to the plants and animals. We bring children into this world for too many reasons. Whatever it is and however it is, most of us failed to consider if we can provide our children a secure future for their growth, a future for their children, and to their children’s children. In other words, to the future of Earth humans.
Presently the population of our world is multiplying at a very alarming rate. The eternal and unchanging laws of nature (Creation) are being altered in so many ways. We shed mountains of their trees to give way to homes that are not necessary in the first place, and only for the reasons of overpopulation. For these reasons we are very much affected by natural disasters in many ways. If only we could learn and understand that we need to balance the space of lands and the resources that we have in a responsible way. There exists enough information already mentioned by other persons in this group so as the many who share the same endeavour. We as human being has the responsibility to Earth and it’s surrounding as well as to all living beings, what has taken Billions if not Millions of year’s of evolution, we the humans of Earth are eradicating in less than a fraction of second in comparison. Have we really utilized all of humanities progress in all fields of science for the benefits of humankind?
The damaged is evidence of what humanity have become, a group of human’s divided by too many things that we need to overcome for us to live under the same sky which is the common roof that we truly share as well as the air that we breathe. And the earth below that we ravage, poison, mistreat and strip-off everything we can right to the bone. All progress and achievements of humanity in all terms are being applied and executed without proper consideration and for only one reason, and that reason is to have plenty. Plenty of material possessions that we all know we could never bring along when we exhaled our last breath.
But not all is lost if we could only learn to listen and look around, it will soon be too late and we have a lot of work to be done. All we need to do is open our eyes and learn to really look and we can answer this question. The damage is done and we have been warned. When are we really going to start to listen and act righteously, is the only question that remains…
Elizalde Roa (Zaldy)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Michael Horn Show # 33
There’s No Breaking Point When You Can Bend and Flex with the Times!
Posted by admin on January 13th, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
It must finally come to an end on Earth that human beings with other forms of conviction as well as different faith, skin colour and race are hated, pursued, tortured and killed. Source
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Adventures of Billy Meier!
"The Adventures of Billy Meier!" is a comic strip type presentation of certain information in the Meier case that is especially important for humanity to know about. It is hoped that many people who may not otherwise see, or read, this information will find it more accessible in this highly visual format, leading them to a deeper level of discovery.
Episode One concerns the Red Meteor, also known as the Apophis asteroid, and the extreme danger it poses to the planet and humanity in the coming decades. And, since it is the next generation that will have to certainly face the consequences of the impact of Apophis with the Earth, should an international effort not be successfully enacted, it's hoped that this will give them the needed impetus to help assure their future survival.
We are starting with the English language version of the specific portion of the text that pertains to the situation. Other language versions will follow. Click here for the full transcript of the translation and here for more information about the entire matter.
Also, in all the contacts from 1975 on, Meier was required to sequentially number each of the sentences spoken by each of the extraterrestrials. The main reason for this was to assure that all copies of the transcripts, in any and all languages into which they would ultimately be translated, would have the same exact information, thereby also assuring that Meier hadn't gone back and inserted accurate information after the fact, as he was certain to be accused of doing. Indeed, this mechanism has helped to show just how impeccably prophetically accurate the information is.
With that in mind, we are also hoping that by publishing some of these prophetic warnings in this illustrated form that enough people will become aware of, and motivated by, it and take action to prevent those negative events that can still be prevented, or at least somewhat changed for the better.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Quote of the Day by Billy Meier
If the individual person feels the need to actively do something to change the world, its human beings in particular, this actually is within his power, but only in such a manner that he be an example to his fellow man and fellow men. Thus every person has it within him/herself to begin a change for the better, toward peace, love, freedom, progress, as well as toward knowledge and wisdom. Everyone must make a start by himself and also discover the way to a free and happy life on his own. Each person must first acquire an optimistic attitude solely for himself, and from this will initially result the progress of expansion through which his fellow men will be prompted and will join in. And if people think consciously in this direction, then they will make the amazing discovery that all means and all hopes for a true progress exist only when they start everything by themselves. Source
Friday, January 7, 2011
An old newspaper article from India, 1964 that provides further evidence of Billy's interaction with UFO's and star people (one of whom was a woman named Asket from the DAL Universe) while in his 20's. In this newspaper article we can also read that he went on interstellar travels even back then, just like he did so again later on with the Plejaren.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Catastrophe Takes Its Unimpeded Course!
Here is some sobering news for those who actually understand the catastrophic implications of the ever-increasing, unbridled growth in human population, i.e. overpopulation.
It’s certain to be misunderstood by conspiracy theorists who see any rational attempts to reduce the population through a cessation of births as some diabolical plot by the so-called ”planetary elite”. Well, they may have greater access to food, water, clothing and shelter than those with lesser resources but they too will eventually suffer the inevitable consequences of human irresponsibility.
So here is the latest information from the Plejaren:
On New Year’s Day 2011, we received from the Plejaren (Ptaah and Quetzal) the actual population number by December 31, 2010 (midnight): 8,102,716,701 human beings!
When compared with the 7,684,489,285 human beings on December 11, 2007, this means an increase of 375,325 human beings per day, respectively 4.34 human beings per second!
When compared with the 7,503,846,002 human beings on December 31, 2005 (midnight), there results an increase of 328,148 human beings per day, respectively 3.8 human beings per second.
This means that the increase rate has accelerated!
Human insanity, and the height of irresponsibility! – Especially in light of the fact that the terrestrial bureaus of census and demography statistics are estimating the number of the actual human population on Earth more than one billion/milliard too low!
And what is done against this catastrophe by those in charge, the responsible persons in governments and the heads of religions and sects? NOTHING AT ALL!!!
Christian Frehner
(January 2, 2011) Source
It’s certain to be misunderstood by conspiracy theorists who see any rational attempts to reduce the population through a cessation of births as some diabolical plot by the so-called ”planetary elite”. Well, they may have greater access to food, water, clothing and shelter than those with lesser resources but they too will eventually suffer the inevitable consequences of human irresponsibility.
So here is the latest information from the Plejaren:
On New Year’s Day 2011, we received from the Plejaren (Ptaah and Quetzal) the actual population number by December 31, 2010 (midnight): 8,102,716,701 human beings!
When compared with the 7,684,489,285 human beings on December 11, 2007, this means an increase of 375,325 human beings per day, respectively 4.34 human beings per second!
When compared with the 7,503,846,002 human beings on December 31, 2005 (midnight), there results an increase of 328,148 human beings per day, respectively 3.8 human beings per second.
This means that the increase rate has accelerated!
Human insanity, and the height of irresponsibility! – Especially in light of the fact that the terrestrial bureaus of census and demography statistics are estimating the number of the actual human population on Earth more than one billion/milliard too low!
And what is done against this catastrophe by those in charge, the responsible persons in governments and the heads of religions and sects? NOTHING AT ALL!!!
Christian Frehner
(January 2, 2011) Source
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The Michael Horn Show #30
The Michael Horn Show # 30 : Thumb Things Up at Hamstericity, See what It’s All About!
Posted by admin on December 23rd, 2010
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