I just recieved the following DVD in the mail. I found it helpful in my own life.
Michael Horn Workshop - Standing in Spirit - new 90-minute, DVD-R! In 1990, Michael Horn created Standing In Spirit, a self-observation, self-awareness technique that he has taught to individuals, groups and professional therapists.
"The work I've done as a therapist and a client seems one-dimensional
and limited compared to the experience I've had with Standing In Spirit.
I believe it is a leap forward from traditional insight oriented psychotherapy
in that it recognizes, supports and utilizes the mind, body and spirit in the
goal of growth and healing."
Louise Sevilla-Barr, MSW
This is the same process that Michael was invited to teach to corporate and government leaders in Europe by a consultant to Princess Diana because of its stress-relieving and clarity-enhancing benefits.
"I am privileged to be asked by governments, corporations and institutions
in 16 countries to conduct seminars and workshops on the general theme
of communication with specific coverage of conflict resolution...I brought
someone along with me who tremendously augmented my services and
allowed me to go deeper and accomplish significantly more in a very short
time. His name is Michael Horn. After several years of very diligent practice
and integration, Michael is stress management."
Richard Greene, Author, international consultant
In light of the often ominous, prophetic information in the Meier case, many people ask what they can do to make a positive difference in the world, individually and collectively.
While many specific global remedies have been recommended by the Plejaren, the real answer is that it still all boils down to the individual. From now on, true leadership will only flow from the bottom up, as people take back their individual power from all forms of failed external authority. And it is only through conscious self-awareness and self-responsibility that we can become effective individuals.
Billy Meier and FIGU have specifically recommended that Michael provide a workshop in Standing In Spirit at the end of his lectures, so that the audience can consciously experience their thoughts, beliefs, fears and inner processes, and regain conscious control over them.
This DVD contains just such an experience. Michael first presents an overview of some of the spiritual information from the Plejaren in the Meier case, including introductory information on the soon to be published Talmud Jmmanuel, or TJ, (
http://theyfly.com/products/www.tjresearch.info). The TJ is said to contain the true teachings of Jmmanuel (the man known to us by the falsely attributed name of "Jesus Christ").
Michael then teaches the Standing In Spirit process to the attendees and facilitates a group application of the process. Their unedited but anonymous responses are included. The process can also be followed on screen as Michael is teaching it. This easy to learn format allows for clarification of the steps in the process, as well as for repeated guidance until one has assimilated, and made the systematic approach their own.
At this time, this 90-minute DVD is available in a special limited edition, DVD-R format. Please be sure that your DVD player can play this format before ordering.
Your Price! $20.00, plus shipping and handling ( see shipping rates )
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