The Michael Horn Show # 22: No Stress, Don’t Obsess, Wiki Mess
Posted by admin on October 28th, 2010
The intent of this blog is to share information about the current state of humanity and the Earth, what we can do to help, and to inform as many people as possible about the origins of man and our extraterrestrial brothers. There is still much we can do to change our course and ensure a brighter future if we only accept the facts.
The human already storms out into space, just as he pleases - with thundering and howling rockets. Exploding, they burst into the structure of the heavens and tear up the harmony of the spheres. At breakneck speed the Moon will be conquered, and then quickly the neighbouring planets, in order to prepare the way for the coming star travellers who want to steer through the primeval vastness in order to fathom the secrets of the enigmatic universe and stars. Often friendly and often cold, they shine down from the firmament when the night has descended over the Earth and has spread its dark, secretive veil out over the world. A world which already smoulders in high technology and further develops it at breakneck speed, always further and further, in order to achieve the best possible perfection. And this technology is created by humans - by humans who are indeed capable of perfecting the technology, controlling it and driving it towards its peak - but who, on the other hand, do not contain within them sufficient cognizance in order to generally guide the thoughts of the entire humanity along progressive paths by teaching that which is good and positive, in order to thereby create ultimate peace on the world and among the humans in accord with the sense of the laws of Creation. But they are not even in a position to create a peaceful co-existence among the peoples. And why not? Because they only know the way of mammon, of pleasure, of selfishness, of progress and, with that, technology, and for that reason they cast the laws of Creation out into the realm of fantasy. Self-evidently the taskmasters thereby function first and foremost because they embody the power and politics, as well as the religion, of their countries. And it is exactly these powers and politicians as well as bigwigs of religion who continually make wrong decisions and carry them out. Thus anybody who is manifestly in the right is continually oppressed and discriminated against. Source
haroldlynn 12:06 PM Oct 21, 2010
Israel should have launched the air and missile strikes while Chavez was in Iran. Mr. Netanyahu, how much longer must we wait before you do what obama should have done some time ago? We eagerly await, and need, B B B Benny & the Jets!
kingnus 12:03 PM Oct 21, 2010
What makes Chavez think the U.S. is Imperialist? Just because we invaded two countries in the last 10 years?
" ...It is not only the Arabs and Israelis who are behaving like this, but also the English and the Northern Irish, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Americans (who are interfering everywhere), and for quite some time NATO as well. Furthermore, it is also the Serbs, Albanians and Macedonians, in addition to the Iraqis and the Iranians and many, many others. All of the above-mentioned examples are only promoting war and terrorism, and not one iota of peace, love and freedom, because their inexcusable actions, utilized with naked and evil force, bring about new naked and evil forces, as well as hatred and vengeful-emotions, which then leads to new bloodshed, murder and manslaughter of all kinds. There is no excuse whatsoever for this, because all of it is totally scorning humanity and the reverence for life, and therefore everything lies beneath the dignity of humaneness, love, justice, freedom and peace..." Source
I would just like to mention to this that, unfortunately, it is still very strongly widespread among the human beings of Earth, to hold to old and unreal things in an egoistic manner and not to let themselves be taught, for through this, certain advantages can be obtained, and it seems much easier to live with these than without them. But this is a very serious self-deception and self-endangerment, which leads to personal demoralization and causes discord and destruction. Source | |
Human beings should have long ago learned that the seeds of decline are often sown in the process of ascent to power. The laws of cause and effect can’t be fooled. No matter how powerful a country may become, if it badly exploited others in the process, a ‘day of reckoning’ will inevitably arrive, no matter how inopportune or unfair it may seem when it does.
....Societies, or sectors of a society, that depend on population growth or growth in their rates of consumption of resources, are unsustainable.By Professor Emeritus Albert A. Bartlett, Chair of Physics, University of Colorado-Boulder.
Persons who advocate population growth and/or growth in the rates of consumption of resources are advocating unsustainability.
Persons who suggest that sustainability can be achieved without stopping population growth are misleading themselves and others.
Persons whose actions directly or indirectly cause increases in population or in the rates of consumption of resources are moving society away from sustainability.
The term Sustainable Growth is an oxymoron.
The higher the standard of living one wishes to sustain, the more urgent it is to stop population growth.
If, for whatever reason, humans fail to stop population growth and growth in the rates of consumption of resources, Nature will stop these growths.
By contemporary western standards, Nature's method of stopping growth is cruel and inhumane.
Glimpses of Nature's method of dealing with populations that have exceeded the carrying capacity of their lands can be seen each night on the television news reports from places where large populations are experiencing starvation and misery.
The television and the computer will become the most important information media, however also, as significant forms for the public advertising of prostitution. People, in the course of the next 50 years, will become cold in their thoughts and feelings, through which interpersonal relationships will produce ever stranger effects and will only be purposive. True love will become a rarity, and many marriages will only take place in order to indulge in a certain status associated with prestige and money. The result will be that many marriages will no longer hold together, families will be destroyed, and the descendants, as well as becoming sexually abused, will also become asocial and neglected. Source
Attacks of others, be it through thoughts and feelings, through words, hate, slander or actions, may never be made one's concern because they essentially are the concern of the creators, who must cope with them themselves. Through their aggression against fellow human beings, they inflict damage on themselves, because their machinations affect their own thoughts and feelings, whereby they are peaceless and joyless in themselves and decline to vicious frustration. Source
The Issue of Over-Population has become Critical.
Planet Earth and its inhabitants are suffering from diverse ills caused singularly and exclusively by man himself. These already existing ills, however, will continue to proliferate until finally everything completely deteriorates. Source