Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Michael Horn Show #22

The Michael Horn Show # 22: No Stress, Don’t Obsess, Wiki Mess

Michael Horn Thumb Zig Zag2 Michael jumps right into the mindfulness mode, waxing philosophically on how we tend to have unconsciously held associations about people and things. He speaks more about the lengths to which Wendelle Stevens and his investigative team went to use state-of-the-art technologies in analyzing Meier’s photographs and why the groups like MUFON and APRO

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Overpopulation and Climate Change

By ARTHUR H. WESTING, I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor
Published: February 17, 2010
PUTNEY, VERMONT - With the continuing failure of governments to reach agreements on combating climate change, the outlook for both humans and nature remains bleak. And nowhere is the failure more conspicuous than in the avoidance of the subject of population growth. Population is a double-barreled environmental problem - not only is population increasing; so are emissions per capita.
In 1970, when worldwide greenhouse gas emissions had just begun to transgress the sustainable capacity of the atmosphere, the world population was about 3.7 billion; today it's about 6.9 billion - an increase of 86 percent.
In other words, in 1970, such emissions were about 3.8 tons per capita; today, despite the growing awareness of climate change, they have actually risen to about 4.2 tons per capita.
The growing fraction of energy produced by low-emission means (solar, nuclear, wind, etc.) seems merely to be slowing down the rapidly growing dependence on fossil fuels in response to ever increasing energy demand.
Yet inexplicably and inexcusably, recommendations by the United States, the United Nations and independent research groups essentially never include - and certainly never stress - population as a contribution to global warming.
No rapid solution to the population problem is in sight, so we must continue to promote emission-control measures ever more vigorously. And nothing is more important than persistent education and publicity. In the matter of global warming, no idea is more critical than the notion that the atmosphere must come to be regarded as a global commons, a common heritage of mankind.
A principle of fairness follows from this. The time has come to

Friday, October 29, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

The human already storms out into space, just as he pleases - with thundering and howling rockets. Exploding, they burst into the structure of the heavens and tear up the harmony of the spheres. At breakneck speed the Moon will be conquered, and then quickly the neighbouring planets, in order to prepare the way for the coming star travellers who want to steer through the primeval vastness in order to fathom the secrets of the enigmatic universe and stars. Often friendly and often cold, they shine down from the firmament when the night has descended over the Earth and has spread its dark, secretive veil out over the world. A world which already smoulders in high technology and further develops it at breakneck speed, always further and further, in order to achieve the best possible perfection. And this technology is created by humans - by humans who are indeed capable of perfecting the technology, controlling it and driving it towards its peak - but who, on the other hand, do not contain within them sufficient cognizance in order to generally guide the thoughts of the entire humanity along progressive paths by teaching that which is good and positive, in order to thereby create ultimate peace on the world and among the humans in accord with the sense of the laws of Creation. But they are not even in a position to create a peaceful co-existence among the peoples. And why not? Because they only know the way of mammon, of pleasure, of selfishness, of progress and, with that, technology, and for that reason they cast the laws of Creation out into the realm of fantasy. Self-evidently the taskmasters thereby function first and foremost because they embody the power and politics, as well as the religion, of their countries. And it is exactly these powers and politicians as well as bigwigs of religion who continually make wrong decisions and carry them out. Thus anybody who is manifestly in the right is continually oppressed and discriminated against. Source

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

The cognition, knowledge, experience, as well as wisdom should grow within earth humans that they are not the only human life forms in the entire universe and are, furthermore, but a fraction of the whole within the universe. Source

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Unexpected Development:

MUFON Maverick Breaks Ranks, Supports Billy Meier UFO Case!

MUFON's freethinking Eastern Region Director, George A. Filer, bucks the tide of organization's decades long ban on Meier case

 Quote startThe whole UFO phenomenon has been, often deservedly, viewed as a fringe topic. But suddenly even the major networks are now covering sightings of UFOs, though most are really only secret military craft. The one taboo, of course has been the Meier case...Quote end

Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) October 25, 2010
In an unexpected development pertaining to the evidence rich, but widely censored, Billy Meier UFO contact case in Switzerland, a prominent long time director for MUFON, the most well known international UFO investigation organization, broke ranks with official policy and expressed his support for the Meier case. Read entire article here.

Monday, October 25, 2010

YouTube Video on Isreali Occupation

After posting this video, it occured to me that some people may be offended or assume that I am anti-semitic.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  I am pro-humanity and welcome cultural and ethnic and racial diversity...Any type of diversity for that matter.  This video was posted to give a different perspective from a Hebrew point of view.  It is your decision how you intrepret this video.

Mar 1, 2010 9:58am

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Most urgently, the earth human must learn to bear his own responsibility and consciously act in a progressive manner in accordance with this. It can no longer persist that the responsibility is simply shifted onto someone or something else, because the individual is responsible for all of his own thinking, feelings and actions. The individual must recognize and adhere to his responsibility, because only when the individual begins recognition of his responsibility and adheres to his responsibility will the next person be prompted to do the same, whereby others, in turn, will join in, and finally the whole of Earth’s mankind will be taken up by it. Source

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Michael Horn Show #21

The Michael Horn Show # 21:Meltdown at MUFON, Major Manmade Madness and More about Mohammed

Michael Horn Thumb Zig Zag2
Michael recounts his recent interactions with MUFON, which opened of a big can of worms for the supposed UFO investigation organization. He also shares information on Richard Greene’s environmentally focused political action group, the ever present dangers and underlying reasons connected to offshore drilling and some interesting and powerful information about the truth about Mohammed and his mission.

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

An ancient prediction speaks of women who, in the third millennium, will come into power and will create peace, freedom, love and harmony; subsequently men will be forced to relinquish their despotic rule they have kept for thousands of years. Truly a very pleasant prediction but it will bring disadvantages in the beginning because at first, women will come into powerful positions who are just as overbearing and idiotic as those "gentlemen" who bask in their power and create wars, terrorize the people and look for humble and submissive idiots who will be in bondage to them. At first, only a few women in the world will take the rudder as "mothers of the new millennium" and later, little by little, the real true mothers will step forward and will lead the world toward peace, freedom, love, order and harmony. Unfortunately it is true in this respect too, that all the beginnings are difficult and "false mothers" will at first take the rudder, until the "true mothers of the millennium" will take the destiny of mankind into their hands and create a world in which fear of misery, suffering and wars will be gone as well as greed for power and injustice which the mighty power of men had forced upon mankind of earth for thousands of years with their greed for power and control and in their overbearing behaviour. Source

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Chavez's Anti-US Imperialism Tour Rolls On Source

Updated: 2 hours 39 minutes ago
(Oct. 21) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has arrived in Syria for talks with his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, the latest stop on a foreign tour intended to counter what he calls U.S. "imperialism."

Chavez flew to Damascus on Wednesday

Here are a few comments on the article:

haroldlynn 12:06 PM Oct 21, 2010
Israel should have launched the air and missile strikes while Chavez was in Iran. Mr. Netanyahu, how much longer must we wait before you do what obama should have done some time ago? We eagerly await, and need, B B B Benny & the Jets!

kingnus 12:03 PM Oct 21, 2010
What makes Chavez think the U.S. is Imperialist? Just because we invaded two countries in the last 10 years?

Many world leaders promote war and strife. Those who support war are against the entirety of humanity no matter who they are. A comparative few world leaders throughout history have caused and promoted unthinkable human suffering for many thousands of years. Does anyone actually believe that innocent men women and children want to suffer at the whims of a few power hungry, war-mongers? This includes George Bush, Adolph Hitler, the Korean leader, IL, Stalin, Sadame and the list goes on. It includes leaders of all types of governments in all countries. The U.S. itself has perpetuated over two hundred unprovoked, documented acts of aggression against other countries over the last sixty years.  Just one of these acts was the unjustified attack against Iraq. Whereas I do not agree with Chavez or any other leaders perpetuation of war and hate, I understand the reason behind his action. America is not the world police. America and American companies have exploited other countries, including Venezuela throughout its history. In fact, America was stolen from its rightful owners. People who believe that America is correct in its actions as an imperialist power are the same as the Islamic terrorists. The Universe works by cause and effect. The pendulum will swing back towards America in this respect. Not because of people who promote civility, peace, justice and cooperation such as Obama et al, but because of those who have promoted imperialism and exploitation, just as England, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany etc, over many hundreds of years.
" ...It is not only the Arabs and Israelis who are behaving like this, but also the English and the Northern Irish, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Americans (who are interfering everywhere), and for quite some time NATO as well. Furthermore, it is also the Serbs, Albanians and Macedonians, in addition to the Iraqis and the Iranians and many, many others. All of the above-mentioned examples are only promoting war and terrorism, and not one iota of peace, love and freedom, because their inexcusable actions, utilized with naked and evil force, bring about new naked and evil forces, as well as hatred and vengeful-emotions, which then leads to new bloodshed, murder and manslaughter of all kinds. There is no excuse whatsoever for this, because all of it is totally scorning humanity and the reverence for life, and therefore everything lies beneath the dignity of humaneness, love, justice, freedom and peace..." Source
Though not all of us agree with these actions, all will suffer the consequences. This is not to blame any one race or continent or people. People from all corners of the world have practiced war, imperialism and exploitation at some point in their histories. This entire belief that America is somehow immune or that it is a chosen country with chosen people is absolutely false.  This applies to any group of people who believe that they are the chosen ones and have to the right to do as they please.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

UFO Research Group Refuses to Investigate... Only Real UFO Contact Case

UFO Research Group Refuses to Investigate... Only Real UFO Contact Case

International MUFON group, invited to discuss UFO case still ongoing since 1964, reveal they never investigated it for reasons unknown, and decline opportunity to discuss on air. 

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 19, 2010
International MUFON group, invited to discuss UFO case still ongoing since 1964, reveal they never investigated it for reasons unknown, and decline opportunity to discuss on air.
Since its inception in 1969, the international UFO investigation organization, MUFON, has established protocols for conducting UFO investigations. But according to Michael Horn, U.S. media rep for the Billy Meier UFO contact case, not only has MUFON never investigated the case, the organization revealed today that it has never had any plans to do so. Horn says that they also declined to discuss it on his radio show, which focuses on the topic.
"I am unaware of any uniquely significant information from MUFON about UFOs, mainly just a lot of anecdotal 'lights-in-the-sky' stories. It might be understandable - if there was no such thing as the Meier case. But Meier's ironclad UFO evidence was authenticated by top international scientists ironically scooping MUFON and all the other UFO groups," states Michael Horn.
"While there is no doubt that the mainstream media and governmental interests suppress information about Meier's nearly 70 years of authenticated extraterrestrial contacts, for unknown, inexplicable reasons MUFON also appears to be preventing public knowledge of the case. The question is, why has an organization supposedly dedicated to researching claims such as Meier's failed to do so... for the past 41 years? Obviously, if it's true, it's the most important story in human history," according to Horn.
"The UFO aspect of the Meier case is very attention grabbing. But far more important are the unheeded warnings of very specific threats to our future survival that are now coming down upon us. The only possible source of such disturbingly accurate information is from far more advanced beings, who verifiably provided it to Meier decades before the events occurred. Considering how long it's been known to them, it's quite puzzling why the Meier case hasn't been priority number one with UFO organizations such as MUFON. Perhaps our future would be looking very different had they been willing to investigate and broadly publish their findings," said Horn. Source
The Michael Horn Show

Quote of the day by Semjase

I would just like to mention to this that, unfortunately, it is still very strongly widespread among the human beings of Earth, to hold to old and unreal things in an egoistic manner and not to let themselves be taught, for through this, certain advantages can be obtained, and it seems much easier to live with these than without them. But this is a very serious self-deception and self-endangerment, which leads to personal demoralization and causes discord and destruction. Source

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This may be helpful for you

I just recieved the following DVD in the mail.  I found it helpful in my own life.

Michael Horn Workshop - Standing in Spirit - new 90-minute, DVD-R!
In 1990, Michael Horn created Standing In Spirit, a self-observation, self-awareness technique that he has taught to individuals, groups and professional therapists.
"The work I've done as a therapist and a client seems one-dimensional
and limited compared to the experience I've had with Standing In Spirit.
I believe it is a leap forward from traditional insight oriented psychotherapy
in that it recognizes, supports and utilizes the mind, body and spirit in the
goal of growth and healing."

Louise Sevilla-Barr, MSW

This is the same process that Michael was invited to teach to corporate and government leaders in Europe by a consultant to Princess Diana because of its stress-relieving and clarity-enhancing benefits.

"I am privileged to be asked by governments, corporations and institutions
in 16 countries to conduct seminars and workshops on the general theme
of communication with specific coverage of conflict resolution...I brought
someone along with me who tremendously augmented my services and
allowed me to go deeper and accomplish significantly more in a very short
time. His name is Michael Horn. After several years of very diligent practice
and integration, Michael is stress management."

Richard Greene, Author, international consultant
In light of the often ominous, prophetic information in the Meier case, many people ask what they can do to make a positive difference in the world, individually and collectively.
While many specific global remedies have been recommended by the Plejaren, the real answer is that it still all boils down to the individual. From now on, true leadership will only flow from the bottom up, as people take back their individual power from all forms of failed external authority. And it is only through conscious self-awareness and self-responsibility that we can become effective individuals.

Billy Meier and FIGU have specifically recommended that Michael provide a workshop in Standing In Spirit at the end of his lectures, so that the audience can consciously experience their thoughts, beliefs, fears and inner processes, and regain conscious control over them.
This DVD contains just such an experience. Michael first presents an overview of some of the spiritual information from the Plejaren in the Meier case, including introductory information on the soon to be published Talmud Jmmanuel, or TJ, ( The TJ is said to contain the true teachings of Jmmanuel (the man known to us by the falsely attributed name of "Jesus Christ").
Michael then teaches the Standing In Spirit process to the attendees and facilitates a group application of the process. Their unedited but anonymous responses are included. The process can also be followed on screen as Michael is teaching it. This easy to learn format allows for clarification of the steps in the process, as well as for repeated guidance until one has assimilated, and made the systematic approach their own.
At this time, this 90-minute DVD is available in a special limited edition, DVD-R format. Please be sure that your DVD player can play this format before ordering.
Your Price! $20.00, plus shipping and handling ( see shipping rates )
(International orders click here for shipping costs)  or order by mail or phone


Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Earth humans should no longer be destructive in all areas of science and in the cultivation of land and forests, as well as water utilization, etc., but rather be constructive and progressive. This also refers to the preservation of a healthy atmosphere and ever more threatening climatic change, with reference to that which originates through human fault. Source

Monday, October 18, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

The earth human must learn to recognise and understand his true, innermost Creational being, because solely through will it be possible for him to get involved with his body and, above all, his material consciousness and its awakening and development. Thus he learns his own self-appreciation for his innermost being as well as his body and consciousness and come to this realisation by himself. So the recognition and conscious arousal of one’s own innermost being occurs through the awakening of the material consciousness as well as true awareness of the body.Source

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Improved Birth Control OR Starvation...

Improved Birth Control OR Starvation From Dwindling Food Stocks: The Coming Era

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By Dr. Reimert T. Ravenholt
World signs grow alarmingly clear of a coming era of increasing starvation in those lands that have not yet curbed their fertility and are greatly dependent upon food grants to feed their outsize families.
Even if determined to try to meet rapidly increasing demands for concessional foods, the U.N. World Food Programme and grantor nations will soon be unable to do so because of the growing scarcities of requisite foods and rapidly escalating prices. It has been but a stop-gap program, which has unfortunately delayed the realization of many poor countries that they must actually from their own resources feed their populations. Many African countries are now worse off with respect to food and self-sufficiency than they would have been had there never been a World Food Programme. Unrealistically, they have failed to curb their excess fertility while leaning on the food-grants-crutch of the WFP.
But, finally, there is no escape from the fundamental Human Condition Equation:


The amount of food

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A World Too Full of People.

A World Too Full of People.
August 30, 2010   Statesman Politicians of western countries avoid talking about population control, but if we invest in family planning we might just save our planet.
A 60-year-old Bolivian woman, mother of eight, was born and raised in a mountain community in Bolivia. High above her home, a glacier is retreating three times as fast as predicted ten years ago. All but one of her children have already migrated to other parts of the country. Because of the dwindling water supply, she must spend hours hauling water and the fodder for her llamas and sheep is more difficult to find, with some of her llamas have starving to death.
She and women like her are on the front line of the struggle against climate change. But her plight as a mother dramatizes an issue that was largely ignored at the UN summit last December and is missing from the agenda of the UN summit in Mexico (COP16), scheduled for late this year. It is the problem of human numbers.    rw doclink

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Consider: Every person of your kind (human being) will feel the dying, but even during the time of your life you will receive the full reward for your thoughts and feelings, as well as for your deeds and your actions in their time, which becomes noticeable in your inner world (consciousness) and in your psyche as also in your thoughts and feelings; only whoever fulfils their life appropriately, as laid down in the teaching of truth of the wellspring of all life (Creation) by laws and recommendations, will be far from the fire of inner misery, woe and pain, and will verily achieve the true joys of existence without deceptive pleasure. Goblet of Truth (Chapter 3) Source

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prophecies by Billy Meier being fulfilled

The following was taken from an article published by PRWEB on October 11, 2010.  You may read the full article here.

The French Watch Helplessly as Ancient Prophecies are Fulfilled…at Their Extreme Expense

The Henoch Prophecies, given to UFO contactee Billy Meier by extraterrestrials, in 1981 and 1987, accurately foretell current threat to France and all of Europe by radical Islam; also forewarn of two coming U.S. civil wars

Quote startHuman beings should have long ago learned that the seeds of decline are often sown in the process of ascent to power. The laws of cause and effect can’t be fooled. No matter how powerful a country may become, if it badly exploited others in the process, a ‘day of reckoning’ will inevitably arrive, no matter how inopportune or unfair it may seem when it does.Quote end

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

The following excerpt was published and copy righted in 1951

The irresponsible ones will use the time in order to become rich through their faithful supporters, especially when they spread fear and terror concerning the change of the millennium, because they will claim that the world will go under in the year 2000. Then there will not even be a shying away from spreading lies that extraterrestrials will rescue the select - however naturally only then, if this large sum of money is delivered to the sect-leader. Much more will be brought about with the growing overpopulation, which is fundamentally the actual source of all evil things of the future, because the greater the overpopulation becomes, the greater the problems originating from it will become. So new epidemics will appear, and indeed already in the coming eighties, that will demand millions of human lives, and indeed epidemics which will be transferred from animals to people, as in the more distant future times where also epidemics will be brought to Earth from outer space. Source

Monday, October 11, 2010

Earth 'entering new age of geological time'

Jose Barreto Silva

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Earth 'entering new age of geological time'
The Earth has entered a new age of geological time – the epoch of new man, scientists claim.
By Murray Wardrop
Published: 8:30AM GMT 27 Mar 2010
Posted here at CFH by: J.Barreto Silva, on  July 8th, 2010
Humans have wrought such vast and unprecedented changes on the planet that we may be ushering in a new period of geological history.
Through pollution, population growth, urbanisation, travel, mining and use of fossil fuels we have altered the planet in ways which will be felt for millions of years, experts believe.
It is feared that the damage mankind has inflicted will lead to the sixth largest mass extinction in Earth’s history with thousands of plants and animals being wiped out.
The new epoch, called the Anthropocene – meaning new man – would be the first period of geological time shaped by the action of a single species.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Earth humans must learn not to solely pursue materialism and money from birth until death, and hence they should not listen just to those who have amassed political or military power or an immense fortune. And so they should neither aspire after them nor try to be like them, and devote neither their time, their work and efforts nor their initiative and lives to them, as well. If people nevertheless do this, then they forfeit their evolution and thus the meaning of their existence. And if they do not lose their life in a direct manner, then they make themselves dependent on the rulers of a political, dictatorial, military or materially wealthy form, shouting approval and support for them and becoming those who live an appearance instead of those who truly live/exist.Source

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Cafferty File: Overpopulation & the Earth's Limited Natural Resources

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

It must come to an end that umpteen thousand tons of food are criminally destroyed on a daily basis for reasons of profit or, due to low market prices, they are simply thrown into rivers, fed to livestock or left to rot away; food which would spare millions of people from a death by starvation, in particular women and children who are the ones bearing the most misery in this regard.Source

Friday, October 8, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Generally, attacks and problems of others must be ignored and warded off in a manner that they are the concern, the aggression and problems of antagonists and not of one's own person. Only through this reasonable insight as well as reasonable ways of thinking, feeling and acting can the human being protect himself against attacks, lies, incriminations, hate and slander, etc., of others because, in fact, the entire evil and problems of such things are not those of one's own person but those of the attackers and antagonists. The attacks and problems of others are not my concern but that of the attackers must be the constant motto for attacked people who are raked over with words, thoughts, feelings, lies, problems, slander and actions, etc. And if, in this form, the thoughts and feelings as well as ways of acting are cultivated, then the human being can free himself from the imitation of antagonists and truly be himself. Source

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

The human being must recognize, discover and experience, in detail through his own cognition, what his true, innermost being is and how it relates to the external personality.Source

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

An ancient prediction speaks of women who, in the third millennium, will come into power and will create peace, freedom, love and harmony; subsequently men will be forced to relinquish their despotic rule they have kept for thousands of years. Truly a very pleasant prediction but it will bring disadvantages in the beginning because at first, women will come into powerful positions who are just as overbearing and idiotic as those "gentlemen" who bask in their power and create wars, terrorize the people and look for humble and submissive idiots who will be in bondage to them. At first, only a few women in the world will take the rudder as "mothers of the new millennium" and later, little by little, the real true mothers will step forward and will lead the world toward peace, freedom, love, order and harmony. Unfortunately it is true in this respect too, that all the beginnings are difficult and "false mothers" will at first take the rudder, until the "true mothers of the millennium" will take the destiny of mankind into their hands and create a world in which fear of misery, suffering and wars will be gone as well as greed for power and injustice which the mighty power of men had forced upon mankind of earth for thousands of years with their greed for power and control and in their overbearing behaviour. Source

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Laws of Sustainability .....

....Societies, or sectors of a society, that depend on population growth or growth in their rates of consumption of resources, are unsustainable.

Persons who advocate population growth and/or growth in the rates of consumption of resources are advocating unsustainability.

Persons who suggest that sustainability can be achieved without stopping population growth are misleading themselves and others.

Persons whose actions directly or indirectly cause increases in population or in the rates of consumption of resources are moving society away from sustainability.

The term Sustainable Growth is an oxymoron. 

The higher the standard of living one wishes to sustain, the more urgent it is to stop population growth.

If, for whatever reason, humans fail to stop population growth and growth in the rates of consumption of resources, Nature will stop these growths.

By contemporary western standards, Nature's method of stopping growth is cruel and inhumane.  

Glimpses of Nature's method of dealing with populations that have exceeded the carrying capacity of their lands can be seen each night on the television news reports from places where large populations are experiencing starvation and misery.
By Professor Emeritus Albert A. Bartlett, Chair of Physics, University of Colorado-Boulder.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier (Predicted in 1951)

 The television and the computer will become the most important information media, however also, as significant forms for the public advertising of prostitution. People, in the course of the next 50 years, will become cold in their thoughts and feelings, through which interpersonal relationships will produce ever stranger effects and will only be purposive. True love will become a rarity, and many marriages will only take place in order to indulge in a certain status associated with prestige and money. The result will be that many marriages will no longer hold together, families will be destroyed, and the descendants, as well as becoming sexually abused, will also become asocial and neglected. Source

Sunday, October 3, 2010

An Overview of the Billy Meier UFO contacts

Please click the link to go to the introductory page of, and the Billy Meier material.  This will give you a broad overview of the information provided by Billy.

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Attacks of others, be it through thoughts and feelings, through words, hate, slander or actions, may never be made one's concern because they essentially are the concern of the creators, who must cope with them themselves. Through their aggression against fellow human beings, they inflict damage on themselves, because their machinations affect their own thoughts and feelings, whereby they are peaceless and joyless in themselves and decline to vicious frustration. Source

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Inhumanity of It All

The Issue of Over-Population has become Critical.
Planet Earth and its inhabitants are suffering from diverse ills caused singularly and exclusively by man himself. These already existing ills, however, will continue to proliferate until finally everything completely deteriorates. Source

I read a post today from a friend on Facebook that featured a PETA article on organic egg production.  It only took a momentary glimpse of one of the pictures for me to be reminded of what I already knew about the unspeakably, inhumane treatment of animals in the farming industry.  I was made quite aware of this kind of wickedness nearly a decade ago when I read "Slaughterhouse" by Eisnitz.  Eisnitz worked under cover in slaughterhouses to document their conditions. I was horrified to discover that sometimes, the butchering process begins even before the death of some animals.  The book further detailed how some pigs were often, literally, frozen stuck to the sides of trucks while in transit to slaughter during the winters in North Dakota. I became vegan for some years after reading the book and also became a PETA member. I later realized that animal protein is a necessary component of the human diet, despite what PETA would have us to believe.  I also discovered that the often used meat substitute, soy, that PETA promotes is not the panacea that it's made out to be.  In fact, soy can become a health hazard when consumed in quantities above twenty grams per week. Whereas I agree with PETA's efforts to educate people about and prevent animal cruelty, I don't always agree with their militant approach.  Unfortunately, a militant approach is often the only means of educating some people, especially when it comes down to the bottom line of profit.

People use any number of excuses to justify the mal-treatment of farm animals.  Some say we have Dominion over the Earth and animals and can act as we please. Others claim that animal's pain is limited and that they lack the same kinds of emotions as humans.  Both of these points can easily be proved wrong.  Animals of prey even appear to follow rules of compassion in their kills. But, even putting the animal abuse issue aside, the overwhelming fact is that no matter what, we cannot sustain these criminal farming practices and expect to survive as a species. We cannot continue to bite the hand that feeds us.  We already see some of the repercussions of factory farming with world-wide epidemics, food contamination and diseases such as Mad Cow.  We are experiencing the toxic effects of farm run-off, soil depletion and erosion. The shear numbers of livestock are adding significant levels of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere simply as a byproduct of living. These facts alone indicate that there is something inherently wrong. And, the underlying cause of all these issues is human overpopulation. Human population levels are beyond rational means of management. There are simply too many people in the world to feed sustainably. There is one positive prospect upon us which scientists are working on, the growing of meat as opposed to farming livestock.  However, this technology may take many years to perfect. Nonetheless, until population growth is contained and the overall human population levels are decreased, these crimes against the flora and fauna will increase to even more unspeakable levels. We must regain our humanity.  There is no other choice in this matter. Either we make the conscious effort to address this issue or Mother Nature will address this issue for us.  You can read more about the effects of human overpopulation and what we must do to ensure our survival as a species here.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Quote of the Day by Billy Meier

Bringing the joyful message of truth to those amongst you who are knowing or not-knowing and are connected to the truth or are not connected to it and who do good or bad deeds means love and joy, which should belong to all of you so that gardens of consonance (harmony) blossom in you and rivers of wisdom flow; and whenever you give from the fruits of your garden (knowledge) and from the waters of your rivers (wisdom) to people of your kind (human beings), you will say that you are passing on that what you have been taught by the wise ones and the prophets in accordance with the laws of the primal power (Creation), therefore you pass it on in the same way as it was given to you; and this leads to you finding yourselves as people of your kind (human beings) and becoming companions in order to care for your being yourself (being human) in purity and to dwell therein. Source