Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An interesting perspective on Obama

President Obama has many critics. Following Obama's speech this evening I think it's appropriate to reveal an opinion of Obama from the perspective of a non-American. Please click on the link to read the excerpt: http://www.figu.org/ch/book/export/html/2432/

Unavoidable Truth

Over a decade ago I realized that there are simply too many people on the planet. This is a touchy subject for many of us, but it is a reality. Regardless of who you are, where you come from or what you believe this is a reality that cannot be mistaken.  The following link will connect you to the Growthbusters web site. There you will find a film preview which puts it all in perspective: http://growthbusters.org/

Monday, August 30, 2010


Attached is a link to an article just published. I think it's exciting news about the progress being made in revealing what I believe to be the most important information man has been privy to in many centuries. With all that we know today, one would be hard pressed not to believe that there is life beyond our planet.  The universe is vast beyond comprehension. It is even difficult to imagine the true size of the sun for many of us. I have believed in UFO's since my early adulthood. Unfortunately, the majority of information available on this subject turns out not to be true.

About five years ago, I was informed about http://www.theyfly.com/. Though there is much information about UFO's, what kept me intrigued was the accuracy of the prophetic information I found at this site.  Some of the predictions were made as far back as the early fifties and came to fruition decades later. Later, the Spiritual teachings became significant to me. I noticed that the teachings mirrored my own.  Some of the teachings were difficult to accept as I had been ingrained with different information for so many years. But as I continued to study and research I came to a more clear understanding.

At any rate I think the information in the following link should spark some interest:  http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/08/prweb4436884.htm

Quote of the Day

How the human being thinks, thus he lives, and how the human being lives, thus he thinks; and what the human being thinks, that he is. This ancient wisdom is confirmed in the world of thoughts and feelings and in the actions of the human being. And if he truly and consciously tries to regard self-proclaimed enemies and antagonists, etc., only as human beings and not as enemies and antagonists and not to adopt their attacks and problems as his own but to turn these away to the creators, to simultaneously cultivate loving and peaceful thoughts for them, then all hostility fades, then only loving fellow human beings and friends, but never enemies, remain at the end of his life. Source http://futureofmankind.co.uk/

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Human Overpopulation

Most of us are used to hearing about animal overpopulation.  We rarely hear about the problem of human overpopulaton and its effect on the planet. We are are taught to be fruitful and multiply. There are those among us who believe that children are an asset or a source of security in our old age. Many among us have children for the sake of having children without even the means to care for them. These beliefs may have been appropriate thousands of years ago but are no longer. The Earth has limited resources and therefore can only sustaine a certain number of people without causing negative consequences. Humans have far surpassed this limit. We are continuously developing new land for human occupation. In doing so we are destroying the planets ability to sustain us. Already many of the species of fish we eat as food are becoming more difficult to find. With the Gulf Oil Disaster this problem will become even more severe. Despite what has been reported, most of the oil is still in the Gulf.

There is a website which I have been studying for a number of years which offers an abundance of facts and information related to this issue as well as many other issues we are facing: http://www.theyfly.com/. I encourage everyone to keep an open mind and visit this site.   

Current Events

In view of the recent flooding in Pakistan, I think it's time more of us were informed about origin and cause of the events which are unfolding globally. Global warming is an undeniable fact. It is a natural phonemenon which is being exasperated by human activity. Though there are many who deny that glogal warming even exists, for those of us who realize the truth there is much work to be done. At the core of this problem is human overpopulation.  I encourage those who want to diminish the effects of global warming to take positive action now, not just for our sakes but for the sake of our decendents.  Here is a link to http://www.overpopulation.org/ for further information and how you can help.